Project submission… Grace periods end Today

I have seen a lot of new people coming on board
Kindly go through all submissions. Our very good friend @antonio is also making it easy for us all.
He has created a topic where projects give out some vital points. You can assess projects from there also and take your decisions.

Currently @fabsltsa did justice to @JustMoney submissions. Your trading needs have been soughted by #Justmoney… With #Justmoney your hold your keys and crypto whiles trading :heart_eyes:

@akash too explain his submissions
Classic chords. Music lovers and investors are welcome. You love it when you visit their submissions and learn more.

There are a lot, click on @antonio links above to learn more about these projects :heart:

Not forgotten @wescosmic @gamerhack @Claw @Sirluke all giving us some great explanations of their project.

I have seen one of the best Hackatron this season, although we did not see more projects as compare to last season and last two seasons but I have a feeling this Hackatron will produce some great products for #Tron and/or #Bttc ecosystem.

Together we #BUIDL

Thanks to all the admins too @admin.hackathon @StevenTRON @WindsOfChange92 @HunterTRON @EMerchant and all the community members :pray: