Seen everything is fine now, congrats and wish you all the best
Hola, no te preocupes todo está correcto, espero que pronto te den paso.
We are very near to the end of Project submission period, new projects are dropping little by little.
Do you think we can get up to 100 projects?
Oh quick reminder
About 3 days left.
More than 107 project
Registered at dorahacks
Tron Hackathon session 4
More expected to rush in.
Let see how it goes
seen a reminder from @tronbot today, this shows we are near.
I hate to see last hours rush. This will put pressure on the admins
I still stands in my words, we might not see upto 100 projects here in the Forum there will still be massive turn out reaching to that amount
The last minute rush pressure
Will be well distributed
To us,
To admin,
To project owners
well let’s see how it goes
Todo va bien, siempre ocurre esto en los último días, está superado.
Yes the countdown is running out.
All the best to all
Yeah, we’re likely to get more than what we received in season 3
not possible brother lol
Let get to see What happen this few hours remaining.
But the numbers will not exceed session 3
Project submissions end tomorrow.
We currently have 62 projects now
I guess by tomorrow we will have 65-70 projects.
Wishing all project all the best
All the best to the already Registered project.
All the best to the rush hour incoming project by tomorrow.
It’s not easy at all
Kudos to all
One day left for submissions and still about half the projects are missing from the forum: 125 BUIDLs on DH, 62 threads on TronDAO forum.
Why people always waits to last minute to do things? The admins were clear on this point: do it in advance, the post and DH buidl can be changed up to the deadline.
Let’s see how it goes
Let expect massive turn up tomorrow?
Its a problem, but i dont think this time around the project owners are entirely to be blame. Most of them struggled to even have the permission to post here on the forum.
So this time around the admins are also part of all this delay.
Oh that means half of the projects registered on Dorahacks are yet to submit, hmmm
let’s see