Proposal to Utilize TX from USDD's TRX Burning Contract and Reserve for STRX Depositing and TRON Governance

Lol I will take the last question, that 10b were not burnt but locked. Our daily burns make it deflationary.

Read something from @fabsltsa this morning and I loved it. On point as always. Can’t be posted here unless he gives us the permission or do that himself

I have read that post by fabs.

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People should know, some of us are not just a community members. We promote too so such devoid affect our work especially when we do not have more knowledge about it

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Yes very important

If not we’ll informed about the proposal and purpose.
We will be confused

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Thank you for this, with this I don’t think it’s a bad proposal

Cómo indique a @Youngyuppie, te paso el enlace todo lleva su tiempo, todos queremos saber en lo que estamos e invertimos.

El tiempo deja todo en su lugar, para tener una buena información antes se debe investigar, preguntar, y más tarde cuestionarte si lo que has descubierto te convence y se presenta tal como se explica en el plano físico.

Lol, what they want to use it for is not the purpose. And also few people will be able to vote because most people have trx staked and can’t vote.

One more question if these trx were not burnt why should they be removed from the supply

So now what is your point, good or bad

Thanks for sharing your opinion bro.
So you are “For” right

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We should also know that, if this proposal is passed it will have impact on energy market and governance

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I haven’t chosen a side yet but at first I thought it was an unreasonable excuse to scam now I see the maths and sense in it but am yet to decide if I support it or not still doing some research

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sure, they have reasons just that the word they have been using is misleading and not only the word but some actions too

Mi punto de vista tendrías que saberlo, no se ha actuado claramente, por ese motivo dije lo de dejar un tiempo prudencial, para ver que explicación daban.
Tengo mis pensamientos los cuales no los voy a citar aquí, si quieres ya mantendremos una conversación tranquilamente.

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En mi opinión las matemáticas siempre se pueden mostrar del lado que uno quiere que vea, para darles sentido a los que esperan.

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Hahaha I know brother, let’s wait
I heard they will soon come out with some explanations and I will share it here.

Big thanks to the community for going through this and making known their concerns.

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Oh yeah! We all are waiting for the explanation. And for the community’s action?
There is little to nothing we can do to stop this proposal from being approved because our TRX are all locked for 14 days while the voting has less than 24 hours to end unless big exchanges move in to support the community, or the proposal failed to reach the minimum votes it need to achieve before it can be approved.

Update From USSD team on this Proposal
Dear community,

Thank you for providing valuable feedback regarding the recent USDD proposal to utilize TRX from USDD’s TRX Burning Contract. We highly appreciate your active participation and engagement in shaping the future of USDD. We understand that you may have some concerns, and we would like to take this opportunity to address them in order to ensure transparency and clarity.


The TRX Burning Contract: The TRX Burning Contract, also known as the MultiSigTRXBurn contract, was deployed prior to the collapse of Terra UST. In response to community concerns following the Terra Death Spiral, USDD promptly shifted from an algorithmic approach to an overcollateralization model. This transition aligns with the community’s familiarity with USDD since its early inception.

Naming of the Contract: Although the contract’s name includes “burn,” it no longer functions as a contract that sends TRX to a blackhole address. Instead, the current MultiSigTRXBurn contract operates as a locked TRX collateral contract. Its mechanism closely resembles the MakerDAO system, ensuring the backing of USDD with overcollateralization of crypto assets. It is important to note that the contract’s name, “MultiSigTRXBurn,” cannot be changed or undone as it has already been deployed on the blockchain.

Utilization of TRX: Contrary to common assumptions, the TRX sent to the MultiSigTRXBurn contract was not permanently lost in a blackhole address. Therefore, it can be utilized for other purposes. The proposal suggests utilizing the TRX to deposit into sTRX, thereby enhancing the liquidity of sTRX. Additionally, it can be used for TRON governance through stake 2.0 mechanisms. This approach is similar to how MakerDAO utilizes its collateral for other purposes, such as investing in US Government Bonds.

Restricted Utilization of TRX: Importantly, any TRX utilized from the contract will be exclusively used for the purposes outlined in the proposal and will not be circulated back into the open market.

Earnings and Sustainability: If the proposal passed, the earnings generated from these initiatives will have multiple uses. They can be used to subsidize mining activities, replenish the USDD reserve, and support the implementation of innovative strategies and initiatives. These measures are essential to ensure the long-term sustainability of USDD.

MultiSigTRXBurn Contract Updates: The MultiSigTRXBurn contract will remain a multisignature contract, requiring multiple parties to mutually agree on utilizing the TRX held within the contract. No single party can withdraw and use the TRX independently.

Proposal and Voting: The USDD proposal is not an enforceable plan imposed by the USDD team. It originated from the USDD community and is currently published as an open proposal open to voting by the community. The TRON DAO Reserve (TDR) and the USDD entity will respect the outcome of the open vote and act accordingly.

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@antonio @Youngyuppie @Gordian @Darkness

Explanations from team here


Seen, let me read with understanding

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Lo analizo detenidamente y pongo mi opinión.

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