Hey all I’ve noticed that there’s a proto-narrative being mentioned on Twitter etc by some, that Tron is the world’s largest DAO due to its millions of TRX holders. What’s missing from this is that none of these holders incl myself can use our TRX to vote for/on any community proposals to be done/-co-facilitated with TronDAO funding, support.
Outside of the SRs and large holders, Tron isn’t taken that seriously even though the technology is solid. Folks will rather spend gas on other chains than look at Tron to see that’s its much more cost effective and can even be txn fee free if one freezes enough TRX for energy+bandwidth.
Currently, only 27 SRs can make proposals directly affecting the network and its configurations and everybody else can vote for those SRs. This approach while necessary, also restricts some layers for overall community governance engagement, empowerment, inclusivity, progress and possibilities of/from the “millions” of DAO members/TRX holders.
So I’m presenting 2 proposals to aid in bridging this gap, one step at a time:
1- Primary
A new “Community Proposals” Tab section be created+added on the page- tronscan[dot]io/#/proposals
Anyone with eg. holding minimum 10,000 TRX (or similar) could then raise proposals there, for ideas, things that can be done to approve adoption. Any Tron holder can vote any amount of Tron towards these proposals which freezes til X hours after a vote is completed.
A vote can be determined as “Effective”/“Passed” by some reasonable initial parameters determined by the current SRs… the SRs can vote to change these parameters in the future under their existing “Committee Proposals” tab section.
2- Secondary
The first proto-proposal for this Community Proposals tab could be for the allocation of some funding from the Tron treasury to be split up into different segments every quarter:
- Community Marketing and Adoption
- Education and Development
- something else you all can think of
Based on the “Passed” proposals that are within the budget of the allocation funds within a segment, the funds could then be released to achieve the objectives of the proposal.
Future pre-proposals can be created by the community in this forum for feedback before they raise an official proposal via Tronscan.
An SR could propose 1- Primary, to have hopefully have it passed to be established.
Then 2- Secondary, as the base proposal with which to grow from.
Hope this makes sense to you all, that you see its feasibility and that you’ll support doing this to help better establish TronDAO while fostering better community inclusion in this dimension of space.
Bonus: This community governance approach could also be used for voting the winners of the future hackathons as well.
I’m in TronDAO discord as CosmicAnon#5642 as well.