RAIDSHIFT marketplace - P2P token exchange

Project Name: RAIDSHIFT marketplace
Project Track: DeFi
Team Name: raidshift
Team Member(s): @raidshift

Dorahacks Project Link:

Project Goal:
user friendliness, no exchange fees, ownerless and immutable smart contracts, smart contracts have small footprint, project runs entirely on client-side (no server code required to run the project / can be deployed anywhere)

Project Info:
RaidshiftMarketplace_1.0.pdf (829.7 KB)

Project Website:

Project Test Instructions:

  • Get free test tokens (TRX, BTT, USDT) for Tron NILE Testnet @
  • Connect to Tron NILE Testnet via TronLink
  • Navigate to to trade BTT against USDT on TRON NILE Testnet
  • Or naviagte to to trade TRX against USDT on TRON NILE Testnet
  • Click on “Create Offer” to place a buy or sell offer for the selected token pair. Fill out the form and submit the transaction.
  • Accepting an offer (whole or a fraction) from peers can be performed via click on “Buy” or “Sell” next to the corresponding offer.
  • A previously placed offer can be canceled at any time via click on “Cancel” next to the corresponding offer as long it was not entirely accepted by peers before. Your locked-in tokens will be refunded.

Project Details:
RAIDSHIFT marketplace is an order book based decentralized and easy to use Peer-to-Peer token exchange on TRON Blockchain.

Its ownerless immutable Smart Contracts have a small footprint to keep transaction fees low.

Exchanging tokens with peers is free of charge.

The project also offers a governance token “RSF” which can be acquired on RAIDSHIFT Marketplace by selecting trading pair RSF/USDT (Connect TronLink to TRON Mainnet)

You can vote with RSF for future token/USDT trading pairs to be added to the platform.

Smart Contract links:

TRON Mainnet


Project Milestones:

  • The project is already fully functional.
  • New trading pairs will be added on a monthly basis (you can vote with RSF for trading pairs)
  • Fix of performance/stability issues if neccessary
  • Elaboration of community feedback

Interesting! I look forward to seeing more from this project

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Very nice :+1:, welcome to Grand hackathon season 4,… Is your governance token RSF already trading live?

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RSF is currently only available on RAIDSHIFT marketplace via selecting RSF/USDT trading pair (

Total supply of RSF is limited to 1000000 tokens. All of them can be obtained by the community.

At present it is not listed on any exchange. Though as soon as an opportunity arises it will.

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Hello RaidShift
Welcome to Tron Hackathon session 4
Welcome to Tron Dao forum

All the best to your project

I got this question just to clear my doubts.

According to Project Goal :
user friendliness, no exchange fees,

How do plan to keep the project going without exchange fees?


This is what I get while trying to use your website

Hi @Gordian,

i plan to cover (at least some of) the expenses with the initial offer of the RSF token to the community.
RSF can be traded in exchange for USDT on

Thanks for the clarification wish you all the best :handshake:


this is really strange. seems to be an issue with the ssl crtificate. i`ll check that.

(i tried with brave browser on my mobile phone and pc. no issues so far…)

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I trust it will be fixed soon

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i guess the issue was a wrong link i have placed in the project description next to “Project Website:”
(link included the string “www.” which was wrong)

i corrected that

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Welcome to Hackathon 4, I wish you luck and look forward to updates.

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Bienvenido a este S4, suerte con su proyecto.


Thanks and welcome. Had same question as @Gordian about no exchange fees.
And you have answered it.
So what about listing fees, do you have anything like that


Hi @Prince-Onscolo,

You can vote with the RSF governance token
(RSF spent for voting will be burned !) for a Token/USDT trading pair to be listed on the platform.

At the end of a “voting round” (current interval is one month per round ) the trading pair with the most votes will be enlisted.

Votes will never expire (they will be carried over to the next voting round).

1 RSF is equivalent to 1000000 votes.

Voting is already implemented and can be accessed via the “Governance” link on the bottom on (please assure TronLink to be connected to TRON Mainnet)

I hope I could help with answering your question :slight_smile:


Yeah thank you. This also gives a utility to your token :handshake:. Governance token


wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing the progress of your project.

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Welcome to Season 4

How does the project’s token (RSF) derive its value, and what are the incentives for users to hold and use it?

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Hi @manfred_jr,

the main purpose of RSF is to utilize it for voting.

as voting requires RSF to be burned (by automatically transferring the amount of spent RSF for voting to the black hole address T9yD14Nj9j7xAB4dbGeiX9h8unkKLxmGkn) the total supply will diminish over time.

hence that could be a driver for “upvaluation” of the token.

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Greetings @raidshift ! Thank you for your post!