RevoluTRON - An interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3 (by Irruption Lab)

Thanks a lot for your feedback!
It’s really appreciated and give extra motivation to bring it further!


Thanks @Nana66419 ! It’s so great to hear positive feedback!

We’re still working on implementing several user feedback to improve the experience, and try to make it as accessible as we can for the majority of users.

All the best!


@Claw seems to continue to build on his successes in season 3. Give him a random topic and enough time, it always works wonders. This project has proven that. Love ya claw, love your creativity <33

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Hello @claw glad to have you back this season. I don’t even need to read thru you have a record for building quality projects

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Hahaha love your enthousiasm @ShankarAshok !! Thanks a lot!
Actually this project idea and story come from my teammate @Perrin ! Then we developed it together :raised_hands:

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Haha thanks a lot for your support @Virex !! It’s really appreciated!

Hello there :slight_smile:

You’ve shown some interest in our RevoluTRON project, thanks a lot for that!
If you wanna support us during this voting phase that would be amazing! :raised_hands:

#G3 RevoluTRON - An interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3

@kanit @H_P @elvolution @Oregon @im_31 @Andreaxino @j.montfort @danwizzy @SanRam12 @Emmanuelx @Candycane26072002 @Jaycenajaere @HODL @Sunday104 @Stounag8 @Eric @P2302 @masonawe @Paven @ShankarAshok


You’re welcome buddy. You deserve it

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Keep it up, I voted for you… Wishing you all the best :handshake:

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:pray: Thanks for your support

Thanks a lot! Your support is really appreciated! :pray:

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i’m impressed
good luck!

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You are highly welcome :handshake:


Thanks a lot @taisiia :pray:


Tu proyecto representa una ayuda para las personas interesadas en la Web3 pero que aún desconocen como manejarse, y también para despejar dudas a otros que se encuentran en este entorno, un proyecto educativo bien enfocado.
Has sabido crear unos capítulos en los cuales se encuentran buenos gráficos y una trama, te felicito.
Espero ver pronto lo que sigue a estos.


Man great project nothing more to that I amazed. I must say that I am impressed. You have my vote for the community pool. I really love the UI UX design maybe you could give me a hand :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks a lot @antonio !
We’re are still wroking on the next episodes and also improving what’s already made as per user feedback.


Perfecto es bueno tener en cuenta las opiniones del público.


Hello there :slight_smile:

You’ve shown some interest in our RevoluTRON project, thanks a lot for that!
If you wanna support us during this voting phase that would be amazing! :raised_hands:

#G3 RevoluTRON - An interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3

@manfred_jr @Hirangi @TrinaJTS @kaarasamuel9 @xcitydev @Jlomotey93


You got my vote :ballot_box:. Thanks for building on TRON.