Security Tips- $RBULL SCAM

Hello tronics, it’s been a while we talked about scams. It does not mean they are no more. They keep increasing and this morning I found a tweet and I want us all to check.

There is a new scam on tron, REDBULL $RBULL These scammers send free tokens to your wallet and direct you to their website to unlock these tokens. The least mistake you do, your wallet will be wiped. Please do not interact with this token. Stay safe


Everyone should be extra careful out there, most freebies will choke your neck, slow and steady :facepunch:

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D Boss thanks a million for such amazing info, as for me I no scammers will always come up with new tricks.
Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
I will also add that we should never click on links or download anything from unknown sources, if one must do kindly and always verify the authenticity before interacting with it.
Let’s stay vigilant and keep our communities safe from these digital crooks.


What are some of the most promising real-world use cases of decentralized identity (DID) within the Web3 ecosystem, and how might they address current issues with data privacy and security on the web?

Also how can one bypass scam

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For your 1st question, I would have to more research on it but for the 2nd one, you just have to pay attention to details. And
also as @Okorie said, avoid clicking on unknown links and downloading anything from the web


DBossman please :pray: do your research so I can tap little knowledge from U.

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hahaha time is not on my side but I will try

More reason why i don’t make use of my moon bag wallets to connect to websites…

them scammers always finding new ways to rob

that’s one of the ways to limit the risk of losing more funds to scams

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yes they are always learning new ways
stay safe

Thank you soo much Big Man for creating awareness for us

Let’s all be extra vigilant out here please


Only click links or download files from trusted sources. Always check first to stay safe from online threats.