Smart Disperse by Team Lampros Labs DAO - Cross-chain Transfers with a Single Transaction to Multiple Wallets

Thank you so much! :smiley:

Yes, we will release a document to guide users on getting TRX USDT and USDC tokens on the Nile testnet. also, we have our demo video ready which will soon be released. It has all the necessary information which will guide the user in depth about the platform.


Yes. We have planned many things post-hackathon.

We will be dedicated to this project and will have a dedicated team to guide the users about smart disperse.

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The one hurdle or challenging part of UI was creating a component for Swapping. There are so many validations that need to be taken care of. We also felt it challenging to integrate sun swap contracts because we had to understand the flow of sun swap while also keeping security as the most concerning part of the smart contract. We are glad that we were able to achieve this milestone.

Overall it was a great experience and as developers, It has allowed us to explore more things in DeFi and acquire new skills.


Thank you so much @ines_valerie! :smiley:

It means a lot to us!

Congratulations on reaching this milestone… Seems you are going to be the first project to complete the milestones in this hackathon because of the building spirit in you :star_struck: :see_no_evil:


Thank you so much @Chukseucharia! :smiley:


Hello everyone,

We are extremely grateful for the immense support and valuable feedback we have received from this incredible community throughout our journey.

We are delighted to announce that we have successfully submitted our project on Devpost and updated the relevant links on the main post. For your convenience, please find the Platform, Devpost Submission and Demo Video link below -

Smart Disperse Platform

Smart Disperse Devpost Submission

Smart Disperse Platform Demo

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the community members who have supported us and provided insightful feedback along the way. Your contributions have been invaluable in shaping our project.

Rest assured, we remain committed to continuously improving our platform, making it more responsive to user needs and iterating based on your valuable feedback. Our goal is to deliver an exceptional user experience and contribute to the growth of the TRON ecosystem.

If you have any questions or additional feedback regarding our platform, please feel free to share them. We are more than happy to address your queries and incorporate your suggestions to make Smart Disperse even better.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and belief in our vision. We look forward to your continued engagement and collaboration as we embark on this exciting journey together. :smiley:

@ines_valerie @Chukseucharia @Okorie @Prince-Onscolo @manfred_jr @WebWhispers @CryptoHaven @Chizz @log_X @MasterShadow007 @Andreaxino @Beast @Mighty @Scrrohmidt @GrabTeam @FelixOttesen @SimbadMarino @Cassiopeia


Can someone tell me how can I post my own project?

Hey @oynozan,

Welcome to the TRON Hackathon S6!

You’re asking the question at the wrong place.

You can ask your queries on this post or message the admins of the hackathon they will definitely help you!

Congratulations and thanks for the updates

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Thank you so much @Prince-Onscolo! :smiley:

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Ok, your approach is so interesting and with the insight you have given on distributing tokens to recipients, it now prompt me into inquiring on the security and reliability of transactions conducted through your platform.

Sorry if anyone has asked this before, you can tag me to the response you gave to it

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Congratulations on this new milestone :clap::clap::clap:

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Thank you for keeping us updated and for the tag. I will try to read your project submission on Devpost

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You are welcome and I wish you and your team the very best

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Congratulations all the best as you continue to build

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Thank you so much for acknowledging our efforts! :smiley:

We take these aspects very seriously. To ensure the robustness, decentralization, and security of our platform, we have implemented several measures. Besides deploying contracts on a testnet for thorough testing and community feedback, we also ensure that all our smart contracts undergo rigorous audits by reputable third-party security firms.

These audits help identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities, ensuring that our platform remains secure and reliable for all users. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security as we continue to develop and enhance SmartDisperse.

You can also refer to this and the following posts for similar questions.

Do let us know if you have any other questions!


Thank you so much! :smiley:

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You’re welcome!

Keeping our community updated on the platform is the most important thing for us!

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