Project Name: Sunrise Wallet Portfolio & NFTs
Project Track: Ecosystem
Team Name: Chain Reactor
Team Member(s): 1, momo
DevPost URL: Sunrise Portfolio & NFTs | Devpost
Project Goal: Our web3 project helps people use metamask and nfts easily. We make it easy for people to buy, sell, and use nfts. We also provide an easy too to view the assets in your metamask as metamask requires you to add contract address for each asset you buy, this is available for many EVM chains.
Project Info: To see a video demonstration of the project, please click here.
Project Website:
Project Test Instructions:
The landing page gives you an option to connect metamask or check wallet coins.
Click on check wallet assets
Checking Assets
- Go to check wallet coins.
- Paste your wallet address and select the chain you’d like to see the coinsof.
- A list of assets in your wallet along with their current price.
On home page, Connect metamask, once you connect metamask you’ll be redirected to the webapp.
To create an NFT, click Create in the navbar
Minting & selling NFTs
- Fill out the required information i.e., Name of the NFT, short description, Image of the NFT, Initial listing price.
- Once you click create digital asset, The image will be uploaded to IPFS and an NFT will be minted under Sunrise’s official collection and it will be listed on our marketplace at your proposed selling price.
- You can see the NFTs created by you on Creator Dashboard page, click on it in the navbar to check it out.
You can go to the marketplace to buy NFTs listed in the marketplace.
Buying NFTs
- On the marketplace page, just click the buy button and you will be prompted to pay for the NFT in your metamask.
- Once the transaction is executed, it’ll be transfered to you wallet.
- You can checkout your purchased NFTs on My NFTs page, click on th navbar to access it.
You can always check the coins owned by you on portfolio page.
Project Details: To see a video demonstration of the project, please click here.
Project Milestones: None