Tokeniz :- Giving Value To NFTs

Great project idea guys! Hope it will be a success!

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When are you planning to provide an update

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Very good! Iā€™m Expected it

Its was a very interestingā€¦

All the best for your work

Hello guys.

Can you provide more details about value that you provide to NFTs?
As we at @exoncenter have a Smart NFT Technology
Access to a single account for all DeFi services via Exon NFT. A new kind of development in a decentralized environment ā€” all your actions and data are recorded in a token and thus increase its value.

Hello @BorkinCrypto
We at Tokeniz use the NFTs for a different purpose, than what you see in the mainstream world.

Tokeniz will be more like a utility NFT, whose value will be decided by the amount of ERC20 tokens you lock in the NFT, and the art and metadata you bind with the same

We will allow minting of tokeniz for a small fee open to everyone, so they can mint their own tokeniz and use it.

Lets say you want to gift your friend for his birthday and created a digital art with your wishes written on it.
Now if you mint it into a normal nft no one is going to buy it and it will be a worthless gift.
But if you mint it with Tokeniz you can lock some tokens, also with the metadata of your choice, with your healthy wishes. And you can make your gift as valuable as you want it.
And if you or your friend is elon musk he can also resell it and earn more.

This was the basic thought behind Tokeniz.
But we also found out various different applications for the Tokeniz which we have mentioned above in detail.

We have a lot more planned, stay tuned for the updateā€¦


Great. Thanks.

Maybe you need some our tools? For example we have developed multisend. It will be good for you I guess. You can send up to 200 addresses tokens on a Tron Blockchain with a few clicks.


Very nice presentation. Looks promising! Iā€™m the CBO of the Tronbies brand, #N18. It would be great if we could work together sometime in the future! Keep building! :muscle::raised_hands::zap::fire:

Just posted the major update here on a new topic check it out here

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Very cool idea, keep going

Are you guys planning to go multichain?

Really cool product :partying_face: have you thought of integrating with the TRC721 contract?

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