TRON Grand Hackathon 2022 Season Two

Thank you. You have done a great job!

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Kudos to all forum hackathon participants, you have made it! :tada:
Make sure to keep your project post up to date as the judges and community members will be checking them.

Feel free to add more images and videos to spice up your project post as well.

All the best to all hackathon participants out there!


When you hit the New Topic button on
You will be able to select the Hackathon 2022 Season 2 category after you have insert a title for your project post.

I am going with web3.

How to do public vote in here?

@admin.hackathon Hi my devpost id is Leogatsby
Our stats are 8 days of “visit days”, 1 hour of “read time”, 1 hour of “recent read time”, 25 “topic viewed”, and 142 posts read.
How do we put our Hackaton project on the forum?

Public voting hasn’t started yet

A lot of things happening in TRON… Learning everyday about this Blockchain!

Looking forward to all the new innovations coming up


Lets vote the best on Tron

Let’s support all projects that bring innovation to Tron and BTTC. We have a great community. I want to thank @WindsOfChange92 for the work he’s doing to help users evaluate all projects.


Yeah thanks @WindsOfChange92 … a true TRON OG :saluting_face:


Thanks, I was thinking of writing some more stuff for new projects so they can get a hold of where TRON is and how to compete against existing Tronics.


Good idea :+1:… do it bro :sunglasses:

Should I make it into an E-Book? :wink: :wink:

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That would be icing on the cake :smiley::smiley:

Hi @admin.hackathon

My Devpost username: HiFloor

I don’t know how many of our amazing users have had a look at these two great projects, I believe DigitalMart and Dbanta are great projects and hold alot of potentials, so I believe they should be part of the winners on a fair judgment and so are other amazing projects too

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Hello to all hackathon participants and community members, we received several questions from the community members regarding vote-buying. As it should be obvious that vote-buying is not allowed in competitions and voting around the world, the same rule applies here. It is also clear that the goal of hackathon community voting is to select good projects that are popular within the community, not projects that have the most incentives to give out.

However, since we did not explicitly state this obvious vote-buying rule up-front, let us do it now to clarify.

  • Hackathon participants can guide your supporters to check out the forum and vote for your project if they like it
  • Hackathon participants cannot force someone to vote for you
  • Hackathon participants cannot incentivize someone to vote for you (in the form of cash, token, reward, gift, or potential benefit of any kind)

If you have been practicing vote buying, please stop doing this.

If you notice other project teams that have been practicing vote buying, please direct them to check out this post.

The TRON DAO team reserve the right to analyze and remove spam, duplicate or malicious votes, or even disqualify teams with unethical practices to keep the community voting as fair as possible. That’s why we have a waiting period after community voting so the Hackathon team can analyze the votes and user accounts closely.

To all the teams that are participating fairly out there, kudos to you!

To all the Tronics that voice out for a fair hackathon, good on you and thanks for being a part of this!

A great hackathon project should get the community’s support and vote naturally - it shouldn’t need incentivization to gain votes.


What about when the top 5 projects in a category are working together
For instance
They tell in their groups
We are A we also support BCDE give them votes
B also say we are supporting ACDE give them votes

CDE say same thing

Then another project in a different category will say I’m project 1 in web3
Since we are in a different category, we also support… you can guess ABCDE, please give them votes.

Think I’m lying, I have screenshots

The new projects are told to build a community right? To reach out to older projects and stuff. How is this possible if these other big projects have come together to form a big army to compete against in the hackathon. A new project competing against an old one is unfair enough, then when 2 to 5 old projects are working together, it becomes impossible to win them.

This would have been lesser if we only had one votes, one person one vote. In true democracy we might like 2 or more candidates but we are only allowed to vote one so we must choose.