TronBook - integrates AI to generate personalized challenges and facilitate AI-generated chat rooms, enhancing user engagement and fostering diverse interactions

Project Name: Tronbook
Project Track: Web3
Team Name: Tronbook
Team Members: @parth1901 and 2 more
Project Link: TBA

:dart: Project Goal:

The goal of Tronbook is to provide a user-centric platform that offers organic content, distinct from conventional social media platforms. We aim to create a space where users can express their creativity, interact with each other, and grow without the pressure of popularity metrics like likes or comments.

:page_facing_up: Project Info:

Tronbook is a platform where users can engage in various challenges and activities to experience new things. Users stake Tron tokens to participate in challenges and receive rewards. Additionally, Tronbook provides AI-generated challenges and chat rooms, enabling users to interact with people from diverse backgrounds and share their interests.

:test_tube: Project Test Instructions:

  1. Sign up for an account on Tronbook.
  2. Explore the challenges section and participate in a challenge.
  3. Engage with other users by commenting and liking their posts.
  4. Test the direct payment feature by sending Tron tokens to another user.
  5. Use the AI-generated chat rooms and activities to interact with users from diverse backgrounds.

:eyes: Project Details:

Tronbook features a unique system where users can participate in challenges and earn rewards. By staking Tron tokens, users can engage in challenges and receive rewards upon successful completion. This system allows users to focus on their interests and explore new experiences. Moreover, Tronbook offers AI-generated challenges and chat rooms, facilitating interactions among users with different backgrounds. This enables users to break out of their social media “bubble,” make new friends, and experience diverse perspectives. Tronbook aims to promote creative content creation and genuine interaction while enhancing engagement within the Tron community.

:moneybag: Rewards mechanism:

  1. the user stakes TRX and 20% of it goes to the rewards pool
  2. instead of likes, we have a feature called “Inspired”, so the more number of people you inspire the higher rewards you get. upon clicking on inspired, the other user should post a similar post to which he got Inspired
  3. and the rewards also depend on the difficulty of a challenge

So the number of points = the people you inspire * difficulty of the challenge (1/2/3)

:books: Contract Address: To be announced (TBA)

:motorway: Project Milestones:

  • Develop the core features of Tronbook, including challenge participation, rewards system functionality.
  • Implement AI-generated challenges and chat rooms.
  • Conduct user testing and gather feedback for further improvements.
  • Launch the Tronbook platform and onboard initial users.
  • Monitor user engagement and community growth to optimize the platform.

is it going to be like a social media platform?


@Prince-Onscolo yeah, it’s going to be a social media application. our focus is on making the app different from the conventional social media apps where the main focus is to gain likes and comments. we’re implementing features such as ai generated challenges to encourage influencers to post content which they really enjoy and also inspire others to get outside their comfort zones!


Since you talked about users engaging in AI challenge, can you explain to us what these challenges would be.


@Chukseucharia so we’ve thought of dividing challenges based on three parameters

  1. difficulty - easy/medium/challenging
  2. type - indoor/outdoor
  3. location specific - true/false

these parameters can be chosen by the user and an AI will generate a challenge according to it
example - if you choose an outdoor challenge which is specific to your location, eg - Tokyo. the AI will generate a random prompt like “Travel through the hidden treasures of Tokyo throughout the month” and there will be specific subtasks in it.
and the user will need to post about it throughout the month to get some rewards at the end.

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Welcome to season 6, if I may ask how much Tron will users need to stake for challenges to earn reward


we need to decide a quantifier for that. I’ll try to keep it balanced in a way that it also benefits users by allowing them to earn good amount of energy/bandwidth from the amount they staked. but I think the amount will depend on the complexity of the challenge, if the user selects challenge difficulty as “challenging”, then it would be better if they stake higher amount as it would encourage them to work harder for the challenge.

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Thanks for the reply, Alright this sound cool
Good luck.


By posting about it, do you mean the user posting a photo of his/herself touring through the hidden treasures of Tokyo?


@Chukseucharia not necessarily, the post can be anything but it should somehow attract the other users too. the higher is the number of people inspired by your post, the more rewards you’ll get. that’s the goal.

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Welcome to Hackathon Season 6, quite interesting to see this build similarly to social media. Makes me wonder, how does Tronbook intend to differentiate its material from other social media platforms in order to keep users interested and engaged over time?

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@manfred_jr the current social media applications often revolve around “content”, where creators often forget to be happy in real life. so instead of running behind likes and comments, we encourage creators to inspire people by letting them participate in various challenges as i mentioned earlier. so this way, the creators can actually have fun while making content. I hope that makes sense! the creators get rewarded on the basis of how many people they inspire


Yes, focusing on creating inspiring and entertaining material rather than chasing likes and comments is a refreshing approach. Encouraging authors to participate in challenges and enjoy the creative process is consistent with Tronbook’s user-centric attitude. It not only promotes a healthy online environment, but it also helps producers feel fulfilled.
In terms of user involvement and community growth, have there been any discussions regarding creating ways to recognize and highlight great contributions by artists on the platform?

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@manfred_jr I think our users will do the justice if there are some great artists on our platform. good artists will surely inspire more people, and that’s how they’ll get more rewarded and get the recognition they deserve!


Welcome to the season 6, this is really looking good already, I will like to know how you are going to make a welcoming environment for users that are from different backgrounds, thank you


@ines_valerie we’ve provide an option to choose between indoor and outdoor challenges, if the users are from a place where there isn’t much to do outside (assuming you meant that by “different backgrounds” haha) , they can opt for indoor challenges. the AI prompt is refined in a way that I’m sure there’s something for everyone (might need to regenerate a couple of times though)


there is one problem and that’s usage, you can have a nice platform but no one will be using it. Sp what are you going to do to attract users

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@Prince-Onscolo I think the concept is unique and it’s about letting people earn while having fun. and I don’t think anyone would restrict themselves from giving a try haha. and it’ll also help tron ecosystem as our most of the features are based on TRX staking, so we can gain some initial users through this hackathon (would love to have you aswell), and then we can keep growing gradually!

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Easy to say it, my advice is to put much into marketing. If others joined and benefit they will recommend your platform to others too


@Prince-Onscolo noted! we’ll surely focus on marketing to attract users, thanks for the advice :slight_smile: