Which is the best coin in crypto?
Personally, I find tron to be the best. So is SOL and BNB
I think Shiba Inu can be the one. Now still cheap, maybe 5-10 years later it’ll up to 10dollars
I’d say Ethereum (ETH)
Safemoneytrx bro… DYOR, find it on tron second hacakaton. Here you can learn about it Baoziswap - Live Staking Pool by SafeMoney Dev Team - Maintaining and Developing a Great and Sustainable Ecosystem on Tron Blockchain with Baoziswap Staking Pool
For me, I would say
I’m not Financial adviser.
Personal my best is TRON COIN
other coins doing well to
The like of
BnB, sol, Ada,
The best coins to hodl are those that have strong fundamentals and that won’t go to zero overnight. Those you can hodl long term and sleep well at night.
Trx is, for me, one of them. It’s up to you to DYOR and chose which ones have a chance to succeed. Lot of the current coins/tokens will die in the future. Some blockchains will as well. The future is multichain but only the best ones will survive.
Imo Tron and BTTC are meant to grow. But you can’t base your investment on other people’s opinion. Try the chains, do some research and take your own decision
What is best for you? What risk do you want to take? What expected return do you want?
Usually higher expected return can be achieved with higher risk only.
But there are many poor projects with high risk, but low expected return…
Or course the question is, with is high for you.
For most people, Bitcoin is already too risky. For other people even world tracking ETFs are risky.
So to get a better response, tell a bit more about your risk tolerance, and what expected returns do you want.
the best one ofcour Bitcoin IMHO, starts there then comes Ethereum with the Classic and Tron
BTC is the king of crypto and it is the best so far. But I love $CRYSTL
Your comment made my day, thanks for the laugh
BTC is king by marketcap and longevity (thus far). ETH brought smart contracts to blockchain, but now there are many other chains offering the same.
BTT is very cool with how file-sharing is involved.
TRON, MATIC, CRYSTL, ADA are some others I like
I personally expect huge attacks from couple of ones. Especially platform fee tokens like BNB, MATIC, TRX etc
If you’re here, then TRX it is.
TRX and ADS! The best ones
Para mi sigue y seguirá siendo Tron, solo espero que muchos que aún no la usan por desconocimiento, se den cuenta de su utilidad, de su bajo fee, y su rápido envío…Tron🚀
Right now i have shiba and Solana
Have you heard of TRUQOIN?
I really have to say TRONNNNNNNNN