Baoziswap - Live Staking Pool by SafeMoney Dev Team - Maintaining and Developing a Great and Sustainable Ecosystem on Tron Blockchain with Baoziswap Staking Pool

Project Name: Baoziswap - Live Staking Pool
Project Track: DeFi
Team Name: SafeMoney Dev Team
Team Member(s): 8 Team Members
Project Repo/Website: Baoziswap Website

Baoziswap - SafeMoney V 2.0 Staking Pool

DevPost URL: SafeMoney Dev Team | Dev Post Portfolio

Baoziswap Goals:

Baoziswap is a decentralised exchange on the TRON Blockchain with the aim and goal of making exchanges and swaps of tax tokens and non tax tokens on Tron Blockchain as easy as possible. Having this in mind it is our aim and goal :

  • To Help TRX communities grow even more better with the benefits that comes with Cross Chain

  • To Maintain and Develop a Great and Sustainable Ecosystem on Tron Blockchain with Baoziswap Staking Pool

  • To help SafeMoney Team as well as the community of newly and established tokens on Tron Blockchain remain more stable and strong even during the bearish Market

  • To provide a more sustainable solutions for tax and non tax tokens on Tron Blockchain

  • To help build a good communities and an option to earn by staking on Baoziswap.

  • To provide as simple as possible user interface for exchanges of Tax and non tax tokens on Baoziswap

Project Info:

Baoziswap Origin and Source

Baoziswap is an exchange on the TRON Blockchain with the aim and goal of making exchanges and swaps of tax tokens and non tax tokens on Tron Blockchain as easy as possible. Baoziswap launched not too long ago with the above aim of providing solutions to the great community of developed and developing tokens on Tron Blockchain not forgetting the Inspiration that birth Baoziswap in mind. The Team has been working tirelessly to make sure we deliver the best for Tron Blockchain.

The Birth of Baoziswap Staking Pool
Having our goals in mind, the team came up with another solution to help the great communities on Tron Blockchain, which was our next milestone to create a staking pool functionality to Baoziswap which the team has successfully been able to implement.

Furthermore, one of the major aim of developing this and adding this to Baoziswap is to help SafeMoney team as well as the community of newly and established tokens on Tron Blockchain to be able to remain more stable and strong even during the bearish market, because instead of the community loosing investors and members dumping their tokens and collapsing the market and the community, the community can go ahead and stake their tokens on Baoziswap and earn rewards instead of dumping the whole market and distabilising the just developing community.

All that is required of any community or token on Tron Blockchain is to contact our team and we will develop a staking pool for them on Baoziswap and their community and investors will be able to stake their tokens on Baoziswap and earn rewards on their staked tokens and they will have the opportunity to be listed on our exchange as well.

Our Achievements So Far

After our launch, the team added the staking pool for SafeMoney v 2.0 and within 24hrs over 21trillion of SafeMoney v 2.0 was locked in the Baoziswap staking pool for SafeMoney v 2.0 and investors are earning up to 31% APR and as we publish this over 50 trillion is now locked in SafeMoney v 2.0 Staking pool on Baoziswap.

Futhermore, another achievement and great milestone we have been able to achieve is over 800 transactions has already been made on the SafeMoney v 2.0 staking contract address within the time of launch and our time of submission, which is really great for us.

Total SafeMoney v 2.0 Staked

In conclusion, one of our main lesson learnt during our development process is the community plays a large role in the success and failure of any cryptocurrency or tokens and always making sure the community is participating and involved is very important in development process.

During our development processes one of the prominent way we used while developing this project is getting the public opinion on the project and that helped us a lot.

Concerning Challenges, we faced some during the development process, but the team was able to patiently debug the bugs and make sure we sort them out during the testing stage before the it is live for community use. We are still working on making Baoziswap more and more better we are on our starting stage and we are building a good and solid foundation for Baoziswap.

Project Details:

Baoziswap’s Live Staking Video

Project Milestones: Finally, there are more milestones and goals ahead of us for Baoziswap, some of them include:

  • Baoziswap going Cross Chain

  • API Integration for more Public Use

  • Integration of Liquidity Pool

  • Integration of Payment Gateway and a lot more coming for Baoziswap in the future.

Baoziswap is easy to use and the staking is easy to use as well you can check us out

Baoziswap’s Website


We are back !!! :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:


This is so interesting. With the staking features developed, it will help in discouraging the rate at which Project communities and investors dump their tokens which affect the growth of the project. Kudos to you guys on developing this initiative and good luck in the Hackathon


Thanks for that remark. The team really appreciates it.


Great job team. Staking option open a new way for succes. Waiting to arrange free energy for hodlers us the same in swapp to v2.
Waiting for vote safemoney proyect


good job team :fire:

i hope Baoziswap to be the top DEX on TRON :muscle:


Devs always delivering!!! Congrats Safemoney team! New logo and new features are :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


Interesting. Wishing you more progress!!



I support developing team all investors and dev team will be proud for the successful that will happen… if you want success don’t stop development and Marketing so your name everyone will know you


Can you explain what is your unique value proposition versus say Sunswap? How will you go about attracting community tokens to list on your swap rather than sunswap?


Oh thank you for that great question, we have quite some unique values, the team knows the kind of support gotten from most exchanges on Tron Blockchain, one of our unique value is to improve the support to a good length to bring in more good tokens to Tron Blockchain, it is also our aim to make Baoziswap as easy as possible to use as well as cheap to use, another unique value from us is the staking pool we just launched on Baoziswap, it will help newly developed tokens as well as recognised tokens too remain more stable and make Tron Blockchain more attractive to investors which we might not get from some exchanges. #TronStrong :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


For sure that is true, we are definitely not stoping that, we keep growing for sure. :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:


Thank you so much for the remarks. More Good news coming :crescent_moon::crescent_moon::crescent_moon:


Yeah for the free energy for staking it will be provided once it is done, we will create the notification in the community as well as here in the forum :fire::fire::fire:


Good job SafeMoney team​:fire::fire::fire:


Good job team rooting for the team in the hackathon.


Congratulations team on the successful submission I will surely check the staking pool for SM v 2 out​:ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:


Over 51 Trillion of SafeMoney v 2.0 already locked in the staking pool of SafeMoney v 2.0 on Baoziswap staking pool

Live Locked Staking SafeMoney v 2.0


Awesome work from the Team, let’s Go!!! :rocket::rocket::rocket:


Good job from @DevOlagboye and other team members. :muscle::muscle::muscle: