Per my research, Africa has the youngest population in the World.
There are so many people in Africa that have no bank accounts.
Most African youth like myself believe that #crypto is the only hope to achieve financial freedom.
Big #crypto people like CZ (Binance CEO) also visited some African countries to meet the leaders.
These means they have seen some potentials here in Africa.
My question is “when @trondao”
Currently Africa is about to dominate the crypto world but majority venture into zero knowledge, I think
more crypto education is still need to spread more awareness
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I think when it comes to education, we all must volunteer and do it. Mass adoption benefits all 
Absolutely true, if everyone got enlightened, is a win win for everyone
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Hola, es cuestión de tiempo, todos en nuestros principios necesitamos educarnos en la criptografia, aprendimos de errores, pasamos a analizar lo que presentaban y poco a poco escoges lo que verdaderamente te interesa, lo mismo sucederá con África.
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Lots of African youth getting lively in BTC