Classic Chords by team Chordians - Unleash The Artist In You & Make Your Own Web3 Music V2

Don’t forget also update your project on dorahacks. It is a huge quality project, I want you pass voting process without any problem to face. My supports are with u :dotted_line_face:


Thanks for your concern and support. It is listed in builder track for voting and it’s track number is B2.

Hello Everyone, the Voting period is started and as everyone knows it is a hot track. To qualify in this category we have put in lots of hard work and hope community members will acknowledge it in the voting period.

Our Track number is B2. Looking forward to the best result.

Wow!!It’s an amazing project. You guys are doing so well. Literally amazed by seeing your project classic chords. You have surely my vote on this category!


Thanks for your support :metal:.

Hello @antonio @Prince-Onscolo @Nana66419 @fabsltsa @Gordian @kanit @manfred_jr @Atokwasi @H_P @Hirangi @im_31 @Jaycenajaere @Pepelicious @HODL @Alessandro56 @Anoupen, Thanks for your support and encouragement throughout the hackathon period. Hope we were able to resolve your doubts and that you liked our project. It would be great if you guys can vote for us and show your support in the voting period. We understand if it is not possible for you to vote and the project does not qualify in your criteria. We will work hard next time to improve our project.


Such an interesting and innovative project. I was so intrigued I ended up reading all the comments. Ha ha.

I wish the team all the best.

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Glad to know that you like the project. Thanks for your good wishes.


@jiSun @libertypath, Glad to know you like the project.

Hola, gracias por tus palabras, progresivamente has ido construyendo un proyecto de alta calidad, el cual nos sentimos orgullosos.
.Por ser innovador
.Dar un reconocimiento a profesionales de la música.
.Tener una buena interfaz de usuario.
. Y una lista más de cosas, interesantes para todos.
Sigue con este trabajo minuciosamente creado. Felicidades.


Thanks for your feedback and kind words. We will surely keep building on top of what we have.

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Thank you for sharing. I like the feature set and progress on the project during this hackathon. You are paying attention to live performance and chat which are very hot right now.

Keep up the good work!


Thanks for your feedback. We are committed to bringing new innovations to the project and making it usable by everyone.

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Hello Everyone, thanks to those who have voted for Classic Chords and supported us during the hackathon either by appreciating our work or asking questions to make everyone understand the platform.

It’s heartbreaking again to not win anything this time. However, we accept that the builder track had a high competition and the deserving project won respective prices.

We will continue working on the project and make it live on the BTTC chain in a few days so everyone can use and enjoy the platform in whatever way they like it. We will inform the community when we finally launch classic chords on the main net.

Again thanks everyone for making the hackathon fun and informative.


Esperamos verlo pronto en la red principal.
Sigue con tu buen trabajo, te queda aún la integración en la red principal, y un S5 que no te lo puedes perder, estamos acostumbrados a que nos presentes cosas muy interesantes.

Sí, actualizaremos aquí a medida que avancemos con el lanzamiento de la red principal.
También estoy emocionado por la temporada 5 y la próxima vez se nos ocurrirán otros conceptos interesantes.

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Go on.
More power to you.

Builders track was in tough, but the community is with you.

Keep building.

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hope is not lost…
keep building and hope to see you on Mainnet soon

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@H_P @Prince-Onscolo, thanks for your support.

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I hope you win something in the determination category. The builder track was tough no two ways about that and as it has already been suggested, it should be a category that we can vote for atleast 5 projects. Voting for three made it very difficult for some of us to decide. Wishing you all the best

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