Governance Proposals for Capitol Lion Music Network

Great Read Pertaining Capitol Lion.

:round_pushpin: Capitol Lion Music & Entertainment - #55 by Tashlion


Rightly said! Let’s get shit going the little we are now and others will join us. Price won’t be the barrier


I prefer all… Will make the transactions more flexible and open to more people


Looks like BUSD is on Tron as well now

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Feedback is greatly appreciated on this one …
As we enter a new phase of the Network …
What are your thoughts on Marketing ?
Which operations should we conduct, to promote our Capitol Lion
Decentralized Autonomous Organization to not so tech friendly users ? …

Remember this is The Governance over the entire Multi Chain environment of Capitol Lion, What do you recommend the Marketing Team implement into daily operations ?..

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I think could start by contacting new artists first. Those who also need visibility and could be interested in web3. Each artist (even the new ones) have his/her own public. Might be friends, might be family, might be fans. Could propose to help them to get all set up on Tron and they can talk about Lion Music Dao on their social networks/website.

Also collabs with other strong crypto projects is always good :wink:

And finally, I would also say: print stickers, flyers and go to some big music festivals so you can promote the project and enjoy good music all at once :smiley:


Mint the Capitol Lion Genesis NFT, for a Voice in the Future of Entertainment.

Let’s start a discussion, Are you a fan of Music and interested in the latest developments of Entertainment & Web3? Look no further than Capitol Lion. As the platform prepares to launch it’s beta version, it is vital to have a decentralized system in place that allows for community influence and decision-making. This is where the Capitol Lion Genesis NFT holders come in.

By owning a Capitol Lion Genesis NFT, you gain access to exclusive benefits and a voice in the future direction of the platform. As a holder, you are an integral part of the governance system and have the power to propose, discuss, and vote on changes and implementations that will affect the economics, community, and technology of the Capitol Lion Network.

But why should you become a Capitol Lion Genesis NFT holder? For starters, as a holder of this NFT, you are not only contributing to the growth and development of the Network, but you also gain social status within the multi chain platform. You will have the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other NFT holders, artists, and industry leaders, and be part of an exclusive community of enthusiasts.

All Capitol Lion Genesis NFT holders will be the primary decision-makers in the governance of the platform. By actively participating in the decision-making process, you are taking ownership of the Capitol Lion Network, while helping to shape it’s future. Your ideas and contributions could be the ticket to ensuring it’s long-term success of decentralization and self sustainability .

As the beta version of the Capitol Lion prepares to launch, now is the perfect time to become a Capitol Lion Genesis NFT holder. With the release of the beta version, the platform will be open to even more artists and fans, and the engagement of the community will be more important than ever before. By becoming a Genesis NFT holder, you will have a direct say in the improvements that are made to the overall quality of the experience for both artists and fans.

So what are you waiting for? Join the Capitol Lion Genesis NFT holders today and be a part of the future of music. Visit the LionX Telegram group to learn more about becoming a Genesis NFT holder and start making a difference today.

:round_pushpin: Telegram: Contact @Lionxone


Gracias por la información, como siempre avanzando de la mejor forma, felicidades.


Very good project and for sure it will be very useful for music artists, the holders of these NFT’s will be very proud to be part of this great work that will give much to talk about, now in the Blockchain Tron everything faster and safer. Congratulations to the @Capitol Lion team.


Great one
I will check it out


Community engagement is an essential aspect of any successful platform, and the Capitol Lion DAO is no exception. The Capitol Lion Network is built on the principles of decentralization, transparency, and community participation, and the Genesis NFT holders play a crucial role in upholding these values.

By joining the Capitol Lion Genesis NFT holders, you will not only have a voice in the decision-making process but also gain access to exclusive benefits, such as early access to new features, events, and merchandise. Moreover, you will be part of a vibrant and diverse community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for music, art, and innovation.

As a Capitol Lion Genesis NFT holder, you will have a unique opportunity to shape the future of the entertainment industry by contributing to the development of a decentralized and self-sustaining platform. Your participation and engagement will not only benefit you personally but also help to create a more inclusive, equitable, and dynamic ecosystem for all users.

So, if you’re interested in being part of the Capitol Lion DAO, don’t hesitate to mint a Genesis NFT and join the LionX Telegram group. By doing so, you will be taking the first step towards becoming an active participant in the future of entertainment and helping to build a better world for artists and fans alike.