HackaTRON S3 community topics - $5K in prizes!

As I’ve stated in a separate thread, in S3 only 5 out of 30 of the top voted projects were actually awarded in previous editions (TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Community Vote - #614 by Sirluke). This shows that new teams have all the chances they need to prove themselves. So I agree with @fabsltsa that we don’t need special rules or categories for established projects, we only need a clear definition of what is eligible and what’s not.

Regarding the questions from @TronLive:
1- What’s a significant update? For me it’s a new product, something that could be presented even if the preexisting developments where not there. Something that can stand on its own feet. Not a restyling, not a rebranding, not some parameters change, not a minor addition to the functionalities.
[EDIT] All submissions should be working on mainnet with all intended functionalities and accessible to user

2- Projects that require attention. I have not gone deep into all top voted projects but I think a couple need some investigation:

  • G5 Zombax was already developed in ETH, participated in another hackathon and won 2nd place, so it’s either a clone (nothing new) or it should be presented in the ecosystem track (@Deba215 found it)
    Here is the link of the ETH Project - Zombie Smash | Devpost
  • A3 Vodoo Finance. They applied also for the EVMOS Devpost hackathon (Voodoo Finance | Devpost). It’s strange that the app link in the above page now points to the BTTC version, not the EVMOS one. I don’t think they launched on EVMOS and just skipped and went to BTTC?
    Also Haunted finance project looks the same from the same team (Haunted Finance | Devpost)
    Also, we don’t need another clone of Tomb finance. All the previous failed miserably.