Hello @TronLive, @admin.hackathon and @trondao please i would like to remind you before i forget, when going through the projects and passing judgement, kindly dont forget how some of the projects had no regard for the opinion of the forum and as a matter of fact we the community members as a whole
A project like;
made it clear and point blank that he wasn’t really interested in what the community thinks and all he was interested in was the big price from devpost and it was quite strange how posting here in the forum was even requirement, he didnt like the idea and for that matter didnt even have the time to update anyone here but since it was a requirement he was going to post something.
These are my evidences;
[quote=“suterliakov, post:808, topic:9487, full:true”]
“*Hi @admin.hackathon, I’m kinda lost: I have sent two emails about my problem to the address given on devpost page and got no response.
Despite this announcement my request is still not approved, and I have no DM with instructions to follow (but have a bunch of completely meaningless badges notifications - KMP, are you presenting a time machine that got me to 2010th somehow?).
I’m sterliakov and have submitted Devpost project in time, as well as applied for allowance to post here 3 hours before deadline.
I got no response and no reaction. I really wish I could make this post to become eligible for judging and prize (not community prize - I’m not personally interested in writing daily updates or doing other promotional stuff - but forum post is, unfortunately, listed under eligibility requirements).
As long as this is not my fault (I applied before the deadline), my inability to fulfil all requirements is at the very least unfair.
I’m waiting for your response almost a week, thus I have contacted Devpost today via official support email to help resolve this issue (because voting opens soon, and I suppose I need a post before it begins).
I really did not not want to discuss such things on this imageboard, but I have no other ideas how to get in touch with you, unfortunately.
[quote=“suterliakov, post:813, topic:9487, full:true”]
“*@Sirluke do you represent the hackathon team somehow? I don’t want to chat here, so please explain clearly whether this is an official request or just your opinion as another participant. As per your question, I waited because there was no instruction to go the opposite way. Quote from eligibility requirements:
A project post on TRON DAO Forum before the deadline.
I do not pretend to win any sort of community prizes which are not distributed upon official judging (this sort of games is not what I like in devs).
The eligibility requirements say that I need to create a post - I formally fulfilled everything that depends on me (posted a request for allowance), and this is not my fault that hackathon team has not approved it on time.
3 hours is enough to write some throw-away post to be formally eligible.
Organisation and planning - definitely yes. I managed to free enough time to complete first project milestone, and my plan was to submit the solution in the last day - because I finished development hours before the deadline due to other work-related duties, and this activity can be seen in github actions runs. It changed functionality available, thus I was unable to record a video in advance. Here’s why I delayed all submission steps till the deadline day. And, as I said before, I did not want to post daily updates (and still don’t) and do marketing stuff (my project is developing Tron SDK in Typescript - so it targets developers and does not need such promotion), so there was no need for me to create a post earlier.
The project has made it clear on several occasions as shown above that he didn’t want any community prize, he is currently holding the 5th position in the web3 category, as final judgement will be passed on the 16th of December, i hope you kindly listen to him and grant him his wishes as seen above.
Kindly consider a project that really needs something from the forum, if he wins something here, he would have taken the community for fools.
Thank you!!!