HackaTRON S3 community topics - $5K in prizes!

Take a look at the artwork, it’s the same.

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In academy track,

VooDoo Finance

The project creator is very active on GitHub, but I see other projects contracts are similar to VooDoo finance contracts.

Check the files for this particular folder one has been for the project submitted at TRON and the other is for a project submitted six months ago.

Here is any other information shared by @SirLuke

I am also surprised to see the quantity of codes written during the hackathon period, especially by a student.

This points to someone imposing as a student or a student misbehaving with the rules.

Looking further at the voters profile for the project and the engagement at the forum.

20 unique users have engaged by replying to the post.

In terms of votes, there seems to be no new user, but because the project is a clone and not created while submitting to academy track this shall be disqualified.

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If you look sir voodoo finance contract were forked contacts which will need idea from community is not ready and due to the short time given to us i couldnt work the contracts … we are have crated ideas on the contract and fully you will see it and there are lot of new features the projects is working on , as for the frontend you can see fully well thats it is ready

Voodoo was primarly not been fully built or launched else where … it was proposed to be built for evmos but friends and team said it didnt feel it was best there and i should put all effiort on Tron Ecosystem cause they will support the technology and they embrace new idea …

If you check evmos i withdrew the project from the blockchain and i didnt build it at all …
Read more about tron blockchain and i believe here lies the growth of all blockchain project … You can see it yourself else you wont be here

Hackathon Brings about marketing not only reward and am here for that …
I believe in Tron Ecosystem and Voodoo has alot of work to do and requires more research and idea from the community to make it unique

Instead of criticize and say am impersonating as a student …
That aint right and you dont judge … Many project didnt think about the idea today … they drew plans before and when hackathon came they built it so as voodoo project did … i didnt build the project outside the hackathon period and i swr did build it during the hackathon project and i started late… Lucky for me i got help and advices from member of the academy on how to work on the contract thats why its still in development …

A whole different idea is definantely cooking up

Thanks once again trying to flag the project fully well question me before creating a scene


This will be wonderful.waiting for that

Point of correction sir …
Check well

https://tomb.com/ - New concept
https://tombchain.com/ - Currentlly building a layer2 chain
https://tombscout.com/ - Explorer
https://bridge.tomb.com/ - Bridge which is still in development
And many more

voodoo finance is a whole different idea we are implementing new concept
we have nfts staking and many more
but we are not to leak this ideas …
We have been doing research and learning about other projects(Stablecoin) that have launched and had little issues … We believe we can bring something unique for the Ecosystem and running such a project on Tron Ecosystem is the best …
Lastly we have never launched on Any Blockchain

They never failed they all learn from mistakes

Every projects makes mistakes and corrects them … that why there is always an upgrade
like uniswap v3 (Thats is they have v1 , and v2)

Little issues???

TOMB lost peg

DARK lost peg

SVN is still holding the peg to MMF just because MMF itself is down 99.4%

I can go on with other seignorage based algorithmic stables, not a single one has been successful.

Anyway, you are participating here with a project that is an “algorithmic stablecoin on BitTorrrent BlockChain pegged to the price of 1 BTT via seigniorage”, so for the hackathon it does not matter what you have on roadmap for the future (if you have one), it matters what you have put in the project description.

BTW you did not even bother to complete the project testing instructions before the end of the hackathon, same goes for the roadmap (smart contract still in development).

Anyway, I’m not an admin, not a judge, I’m just answering to @TronLive call. What the hackathon team will decide to do will be fine with me.



Thats why we are working to avoid this …

And because you feel the rest failed that this would ?.. If you have ideas thats doesnt only implement the trio it will definately work. …

Most Failed Because they were using the trio mechanism

Limiting their community to a lot
A stable assets can be become very useful when it has lots of unique uses cases
Tron Ecosystem Has Coins
Like TRX, JST , SUN AND BTT and maybe more to come .

check out USDD and see it requires alot to come with this beautiful concept

With these available coin creating use cases thats can improve the growth of its stable asset matter
and with the help this huge community which i call a family we can do it .


PERIOD. #sTRONgerTogether

They say seeing is believing

Also Its Was under Academy and we had limited time which admins can confirm …
But All academy teams are also to still work on their projects.

Thanks For the Review
One Love sir

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Nature ForeTold - NFT platform supporting endangered species

This is a project from the ecosystem category.
The project post mentions only one member working on the project.

The member has connected with multiple projects for vote exchange. The project looks like a mature product, whereas the member according to one of the social media is a Designer at Raph Strategy, which itself is another project in the ecosystem category.

The type of voters may not be new on the platform but could have exchanged the vote and if the project has multiple members it should be revealed for the members to take a call while voting.

Presenting my learning about the project. The decision of what is right and wrong is not mine. I am just looking out for the interest of other deserving projects & to keep the forum out of bad actors.

Please share your opinion @Nana66419 @fabsltsa @Antonio @Simon @Sirluke


Hola, estoy de acuerdo contigo, en el caso del intercambio de votos y que haya más de un miembro, cuando solo se ha presentado 1 como desarrollador del proyecto, debería anularse y dar paso a otros proyectos que merecen tener visibilidad, se debe participar con honestidad.


While I also noticed that they did some vote exchanging, maybe we should take a step back with posting stuff like this. Do you really need to post images of their linkedin on this forum? Especially when the profile pic is a real image of them. Also, have the decency to tag them if you wanna make allegations like this. @ElisSenaVatansever

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To be honest I don’t see anything of interest in your claims apart from the fact that they did message some people for exchanging votes. Having multiple projects is clearly allowed by the rules, and maybe one of them is the persons main project and they are just helping a friend with the other one. And not listing a team member really shouldn’t be a serious offence, especially since according to the rules the prize payment is still done to ONE address.

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Apologies for not tagging the person and sharing the image of the person from a publically accessible social media platform.

You and I do not have the power to judge, but we do have the right to present facts.

The post here is just about sharing the same, anything that has hurt you or the person is regretted.

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Having multiple projects is allowed but to not present the right fact to voters is wrong.

If you think it is fine to do that, that’s your opinion. We must let others have their own based on the accurate information presented to them.

Again all your feelings hurt is regretted.

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Hi, thanks for your investigation!

We assure you that we also didn’t expect to get so much votes. At the same time, we did share our project just with a small amount of friends and developers that we met from past hackathons, including from Tron ecosystem. It might be a reason, but we cannot tell now for sure.

We didn’t aim to win the community vote at all and even realized we were winning just now. We aimed to win one of the main prizes much more than community one and still do.

As you noticed, we didn’t much work to promote our project. You can even check that most of out team members didn’t get a forum level for voting rights.

We submitted the project last day because we worked on it from the start of the hackathon and to the end. We were really short on time because our project is ambitions, but we managed to release a full product.

Synergy team

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Vote exchange is very wrong in all its forms, but they claimed they were new and didnt know it was not allowed. They were made aware of it and they stopped immediately, that was what atleast one of them said.

But again ignorance of the law is no excuse. I know @TronLive is keenly taken note of all the happenings here and will definitely do the needful.

16th of December is quite a long time to think through everything and pass judgement. I think aside writing the rules on the forum, each participant should be made aware that if any allegation of vote exchange is leveled against them, they will be disqualified outright.

The “i was not aware it was not allowed” should be a thing of the past.

Thank you


He said he can make it work. Lets just give him the benefit of the doubt.
The confidence alone is recommendable. :rofl::joy:

Most projects are thinking about the main prize on devpost without actually thinking about the community at all. A project said he was not here for the community and didn’t see the reason to make any dumb forum post.

I guess he is making the project to be used by his parents.

If u want to win something in this forum, start building a community, don’t come and say the old teams are winning always because they have been around for long and they have followers.

Do you know the amount of time @TuruGlobal dedicates into community building?
You will be amazed how this team is constantly building a strong formidable community around its project.

U had four months to start amassing soldiers of value to push you forward. This is a community forum so what did you expect, that you can just come here and win something without a community backing? Thats really funny.

If u need help to promote your project during the hackathon, my door is always open, u can dm me here or on twitter, lets start adding meat to your bones.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Hello @TronLive, @admin.hackathon and @trondao please i would like to remind you before i forget, when going through the projects and passing judgement, kindly dont forget how some of the projects had no regard for the opinion of the forum and as a matter of fact we the community members as a whole

A project like;

made it clear and point blank that he wasn’t really interested in what the community thinks and all he was interested in was the big price from devpost and it was quite strange how posting here in the forum was even requirement, he didnt like the idea and for that matter didnt even have the time to update anyone here but since it was a requirement he was going to post something.
These are my evidences;

[quote=“suterliakov, post:808, topic:9487, full:true”]

“*Hi @admin.hackathon, I’m kinda lost: I have sent two emails about my problem to the address given on devpost page and got no response.

Despite this announcement my request is still not approved, and I have no DM with instructions to follow (but have a bunch of completely meaningless badges notifications - KMP, are you presenting a time machine that got me to 2010th somehow?).

I’m sterliakov and have submitted Devpost project in time, as well as applied for allowance to post here 3 hours before deadline.

I got no response and no reaction. I really wish I could make this post to become eligible for judging and prize (not community prize - I’m not personally interested in writing daily updates or doing other promotional stuff - but forum post is, unfortunately, listed under eligibility requirements).

As long as this is not my fault (I applied before the deadline), my inability to fulfil all requirements is at the very least unfair.

I’m waiting for your response almost a week, thus I have contacted Devpost today via official support email to help resolve this issue (because voting opens soon, and I suppose I need a post before it begins).

I really did not not want to discuss such things on this imageboard, but I have no other ideas how to get in touch with you, unfortunately.

[quote=“suterliakov, post:813, topic:9487, full:true”]
“*@Sirluke do you represent the hackathon team somehow? I don’t want to chat here, so please explain clearly whether this is an official request or just your opinion as another participant. As per your question, I waited because there was no instruction to go the opposite way. Quote from eligibility requirements:

A project post on TRON DAO Forum before the deadline.

I do not pretend to win any sort of community prizes which are not distributed upon official judging (this sort of games is not what I like in devs).

The eligibility requirements say that I need to create a post - I formally fulfilled everything that depends on me (posted a request for allowance), and this is not my fault that hackathon team has not approved it on time.

3 hours is enough to write some throw-away post to be formally eligible.

Organisation and planning - definitely yes. I managed to free enough time to complete first project milestone, and my plan was to submit the solution in the last day - because I finished development hours before the deadline due to other work-related duties, and this activity can be seen in github actions runs. It changed functionality available, thus I was unable to record a video in advance. Here’s why I delayed all submission steps till the deadline day. And, as I said before, I did not want to post daily updates (and still don’t) and do marketing stuff (my project is developing Tron SDK in Typescript - so it targets developers and does not need such promotion), so there was no need for me to create a post earlier.

The project has made it clear on several occasions as shown above that he didn’t want any community prize, he is currently holding the 5th position in the web3 category, as final judgement will be passed on the 16th of December, i hope you kindly listen to him and grant him his wishes as seen above.

Kindly consider a project that really needs something from the forum, if he wins something here, he would have taken the community for fools.

Thank you!!!

@fabsltsa, @Sirluke, @H_P @antonio

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Any project that has no desire to build a community hence not engaging with users asking question will never be a part of “sTRONger together”.

They just want to sit with their ego and not pay heed ato any question.

Who is going to use their product if they do not provide support?
Whom are they building for?

On top I am certain that they might be on top by some unethical ways.

These projects shall never be considered for forum prizes.

If a project posts on last day and still manages to finish in top 5.

I only see that there was an election being rigged.

Requesting @admin.hackathon to take measures that help those who engaged with the community for a long time.

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