HackaTRON S3 community topics - $5K in prizes!

Soy nuevo, y no sabía de la unidad y utilidad del Hacka Tron, solo leyendo se aprende, y nos vamos vinculando con todos estos proyectos, que seguramente el ganador pasará por una serie de filtros que nos garantizarán el éxito, gracias a todos los desarrolladores que aún en tiempos de “vacas flacas” hacen su trabajo y no pierden la esencia de lo que son “DESARROLLADORES EN TIEMPOS DIFÍCILES”
felicitaciones a todos…

De seguro acá crecerán mis conocimientos en cuanto a proyectos e inversiones…

Loved the song in this post by one of the S3 participant :


Hope everyone’s voting for their top pick project.
Few days to go. Can’t wait to see the final results

Beautiful song indeed!

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couldn’t agree any less

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Tronify - Academic project
This is one cool academic project. Kinda revolutionary. Kindly check it out. :blush::100:

Dear @admin.hackathon @TronLive @fabsltsa i was browsing the devpost and realised the G5 project in voting selected the wrong track … since they migrating from ETH guess they should apply for the ecosystem track !
Here is the link of the ETH Project - Zombie Smash | Devpost


Good catch. If they move it to Ecosystem only 5 projects will remain in GameFi, all winners :grinning:.
It’s important to verify if the team correctly identified Zombax as a carry-over from Eth or if they presented it as a new project (names are different). That might change a bit the possible outcome, I think. @admin.hackathon


Found one more :joy: @admin.hackathon : G3 with ETH on Devpost → https://devpost.com/software/zombie-game-e0fm5z

May be not a tactic but it is seemingly a common mistake :joy:

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@Sirluke with this May be there will be only 4 projects left … the 5th prize can be share with us … as finding these is also a game … lol :joy: :rofl:


Hahahah that is quite an observation, i have checked all the the information you just sent.

But from this information down here;

I think they qualify to be in the Gamefi section “I stand to be corrected

Zombax and Zombie game are both deployed on tron and Bttc respectively.

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So the last day of voting today … hope people use their votes judiciously and with objectivity :+1:

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I will be voting today, TuruVerse, Fuzzy, ustx and interpool all the way for me.

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Ah those r nice pick indeed @TuruGlobal @Sirluke @Fuzzy-Ocean :clap:t2::clap:t2:

They are doing something great. And they were quite responsive to all my enquiries.

Some other projects never responded to any of my questions, but they sent me message to support them.

How can u ignore me and hope for me to acknowledge you. :rofl:

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Lol yeah :joy: ‘the planted seeds needs to be nurtured’ unless you have Justin Fertilisers :sweat_smile:

NPK 15:15:15 thats where all the nutrients comes from. :rofl::rofl:

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I love the fact that not only could the community participate in decision process of choosing winner but we could actual get rewarded for being active

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I really love this community, they are just very unique.

wow this is a great news

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