HackaTRON S3 community topics - $5K in prizes!

How long will it take to get to level 1 tho

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You need to spend some time ‘active reading’ on the forum and interacting with different topics and soon it will be done :white_check_mark:

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:star_struck: loving this forum already

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Looks like some bot action going on in GameFi track voting in last 1 hour :joy::joy:

An idea :bulb: just popped up ! How about doing an onchain voting in S4 ! That reduces bot action if we set some fee for the transaction! Also makes the voting non reversible !
Most importantly it becomes a case study on TRON for even bigger voting usecases !

@admin.hackathon @TronLive :blush:

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Nice idea. But how to make sure that someone with big pockets can’t just vote from 1000 wallets and win?


We can organise it in the TuruVerse, where you need to physically walk with your character to the voting booth and cast your vote with your character connected wallet

At least you would need to hire people to vote in this case.


I think we’re getting somewhere here. That would require all users to vote at the same time, it needs to be worked out so that voting is open and accessible.


Yeah as closer we can simulate the real life event in metaverse faster it becomes a tool for mass adoption :blush:


Maybe people should be TL1 here, go in dm with Tronbot that would give a password, go to TuruVerse, input your forum ID + password, vote :eyes:


This could work out nicely. The code given could be such that a smart contract can authenticate it, like a signature, together with the forum_id and so accept the vote directly on chain. I’d gladly give my support to help developing it.


This will be insanely beautiful. How did u come up with this idea. Are u from earth?

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Why does the vote need to be open for so many days? Statistically the results after like 1 day are gonna be the same as after 7 days IF we assume no spam votes… So the only people that benefits from this long voting period are the spammers


Fair point. A shorter voting period would also push the projects to motivate their communities to participate on the forum earlier.


great idea, glad we continue this

Yeah … agree ! Even elections for presidents and prime ministers in most nations is completed in 1 day !

So a 2 day window could be fair ! Further it will motivate projects to deploy faster n get community support


wallet login to vote is not so safe. many spammers can create illimited wallets and vote. but with some adjustments on chain voting system is a good idea

It was like 2 weeks during S2. Some users asked to shorten the voting period, the admins listened to us and decided for 5 days in S3. I agree that 1-2 days should be enough to express an opinion. Let’s see how it will be for S4


Why don’t we silently allow only accounts that joined either before voting period or before the submission date?

Being silent will let others bring more users to the platform and they will stay around.

Also, create a criteria for an account to be eligible to vote which is different than just getting basic badge.

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Yeah, maybe. I suppose the issue with that is that we want tronDAO to grow, and even if many of the new accounts coming in for the hackathon are bots, not everyone are. But maybe something like this should be looked into for Season 4

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