Here are 4 more questions to keep you entertained while you wait for the results of judging/voting!
5. Do you think there’s a need to increase or decrease the community prize amounts? (P.S. We already saw an opinion from a member here and would like to know the opinions of others) The community had different opinions in previous seasons, and we’re wondering what the current opinion is.
6. If we were to have a memetoken sidetrack, or perhaps a separate activity of its own, what could TRON try out? Have you noticed any interesting memetoken events happening on other blockchains that you think would be good for us to try?
7. Those who have been here long enough should know about the TRON Builder Tour (TBT) during our HackaTRON. Where would you like to see the TRON team visit?
8. We know that users from some countries are excluded from the HackaTRON. If certain policies change, we are sure the team will lift those exclusions. If you are affected by this, please voice out and let us know where you are from and what kind of projects you are planning to enter to HackaTRON.