HackaTRON S6 - It's voting time. Let's go, community!

Hi @SimbadMarino , I have read the rules and to be honest I don’t find a reason to be disqualified, to be honest. As we and many others dedicate a lot of time to build and take part in the hackathon, I think the less we deserve in an explanation. We are not talking about hundred of projects, just a handful of them.

Also, you mean that even if we are not part of the community voting, we still can participate in the judge voting? Or I understood it wrong


I’m not being biased but real members of this forum that are paying attention like @Prince-Onscolo @MarcoPolo @maaz @Nweke-nature1.com @Nana66419 @ines_valerie @Gordian @Okorie @Youngyuppie etc.
No offense if I excluded your name knows the builder track is the toughest track to cast votes and one of the toughest decisions to make but without being sentimental, wherever I see JustMoney, I give them a vote, their product speaks for itself in Tron.

P.S: this isn’t paid shilling.


In all of this, I’m extremely shocked MapX didn’t make the cut, I read their offering and had high anticipation/expectations.


hey @SimbadMarino @admin.hackathon @TronLive may i know the reason to disqualify both of my projects? cuteGardens and sponsify was working very hard on them plus all the material was included there including description , demo , video feeling very demotivated and disappointed right now.


Good luck to all the participants, hope everyone is busy building :rocket:


Trondao must be proud to have JM building on their network every season! It’s great to have developers like them working on expanding the Tron network and helping it grow. I wish JustMoney and other competitors success and am happy to be part of this journey as a Tron community member!


Congratulations to everybody


Good projects dont hide. Kudos to this project


Projects which have not qualified for the community voting and judging period are still eligible to win bonus prize if I am not wrong. Can you confirm @SimbadMarino ?


For all approved projects:
We encourage you to keep updating your post with updates on your projects to the community. Everyone loves seeing progress and commitment from your side to TRON/BTTC ecosystem.
Gihub commits for open source projects and further demos / screenshots of new features are also more than welcome :slight_smile:

For non-approved projects:
If your project passed the minimum required quality requirements and respected the rules but lacked significant integration for the TRON/BTTC blockchains we invite you to keep working hard and upgrade your projects to the next level!
There are still prizes you can win as specified here:

Note: Projects need to reach mainnet by June 28th with TRON/BTTC integrated to qualify

Let’s keep building together! :muscle:


What makes a projet to grt disqualified?


That is correct, projects need to reach mainnet by june 28th to qualify for these Bonus prizes as well.


Thank you, @tronTeam, for choosing us for community voting and Congratulations to all the teams that qualified! Let’s work together to energize the Tron network and ship more projects.

special thanks to @SimbadMarino for guiding us throughout the hackthon season in technicals.


Hello everyone,

As QuestArcade, unfortunately, we (@QuestArcade, @CyberNova, @Spectrum) could not be selected for the community voting. Therefore, we wanted to inform all our followers both from our own page and from the voting page.

@HODL @ines_valerie @Prince-Onscolo @manfred_jr @Okorie @Relate101 @Nweke-nature1.com @Chizz @Kavel @JamWiener @WebWhispers @Chukseucharia @Boyana @GrabTeam @SovaSniper @FelixOttesen @Andreaxino @RoseyTara @Leevi @Juggernaut @elluminaZK @Vdouglas @BahaKoc1x @mypeaceduck @GabriKaste @BertJanRider

We wholeheartedly support all the selected teams and wish them good luck. We would like to thank @SimbadMarino for helping and supporting us throughout the development process.

So what will happen next for QuestArcade?
We started this journey with great seriousness and we will maintain our determination. As we stated in Milestones, we continue to move forward and we will be in front of you with new games. QuestArcade will further develop its BTTC infrastructure and continue to inform our followers regularly both here and on twitter.

Thanks again to the entire TRON community. Stay tuned and be the first to hear about the updates :dizzy: :bowling: sTRONger together…


I don’t see my team’s project on the list, is my team missing something? I see there are 10 points of submission requirements, but I have made sure I have provided these 10 points, please tell me which points our team is missing?

I hope there is an answer regarding this.
Thank you.

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Same with me bro except on one occasion I didn’t give them my vote, reason been that they are already winning and I have to support another strong project that are lagging behind in the voting exercise. Honestly, it wasn’t an easy decision for me then but I had to take it.


Great to know you will continue building Questarcade on bttc :muscle: You will always have the support of our TRON-BTTC community ! Good luck !


I have been thinking the same thing tbh. JM will win community for sure. If they do not win judge prize I will send the results back :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s a great opportunity for TriAd to qualify for this.
We started late but made sure that we submit a project that we had vision for and we finally submitted a MVP.
We are constantly working on the project to achieve full potential of the project and to contribute to the Tron ecosystem.

Thanks to the community for constantly providing support and providing feedback.

If you like our project and vision, please vote for us.

You can check out our project here

Thank you.


10000% right bro. Justmoney is one in a million