Is Tron EVM compatible?

Hello, I can’t seem to find Tron on my metamask. So I am with the doubt if Tron is EVM compatible?


TRON has its own called TVM, it’s very similar to EVM but has a few unique differences.

In order to access the TRON Blockchain, you will need a TVM compatible wallet.

The best one is TronLink’s

I personally find the tronlink wallet to be way ahead of metamask and I hope they are developing it to go mulitchain.

However, BitTorrent chain ( Tron’s L2) is EVM based and works with metamask.


True … I also find TronLink super easy to use ! It’s secure as well


The smart contracts code has a compatibility close to 100% but the wallet interface is different. Tron is superior in many ways over EVM chains, the only thing I miss is a fully working alternative to Remix.

Seems like its web3 api is not very close to Ethereum.

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