It Is Not Over For Disqualified Projects - Keep Building

Gm tronics, I wake up this morning to see so many comments from some disqualified project team members. Please understand these are part of the game. Your participation in the HackaTron does not guaranteed automatic qualification.

Usually l, reason(s) why a project get disqualified are not published here but some admins MAY give you a clue in dm (Not guaranteed).

The common reason may be “No blockchain integration” or “project not solving any problem” or poor presentation. (my own opinion)

What To Do:
Disqualification does not mean you should stop building, we have prizes that can be won by disqualified projects if they keep building and reach milestone 2.

Normally these prizes are won by projects which did not win any prize from community voting and jury voting and disqualified projects are part (but to those who continue to build).

These are the prizes :point_down:t2:

We have had a number of times where disqualified projects won these prizes.

Last season #Chickenwars game was disqualified, they continue to build and won an ecosystem prize. This season they applied again with a revised submission and qualified.

Keep building and even if you don’t win any of the mentioned prizes, you can always correct your mistakes and come back stronger anytime TronDao will organize another #HackaTron.

Don’t be discouraged, there are more opportunities.
Keeep building and have a nice day.

@admin.hackathon @WindsOfChange92 @SimbadMarino @HODL @manfred_jr


Yes the projects who did not make it to community and judging stage are not really disqualified. They just did not make the cut for judging. They are still eligible for bonus prizes. Good luck to all !


Good morning sir, it can be sad to get disqualified, it very hard. But if project take time to look at what the did wrong or missed, then it can be good.


Doing God’s work brother, keeping the community’s hope alive :pray:


It’s been a while brother
welcome back


Thanks for the welcome bro :slight_smile: its been while


The project engagement prize is the most underrated of them all, good a thing you’ve to clarify. We’re all humans and I understand the frustration but, rules are rules.


I no it’s very difficult when being disqualified in an event but disqualification is never is never a failure or setback to a right thinking person,pick up ur piece put it up together, know where u did wrong or bad ginger urself, and the end point you shall be at the top.


It can be painful shaa but its a matter of going harder next time.


you are right. very motivating words :+1:


Someone give this man a promotion!

101% agree with everything said, its shame to lose some realy bright projects to the misconception that being disqualified is the end.
This is just not tru.

Personally Iam cheering on for some returning projects from prev seasons.


Such a wonderful remark…I believe they will understand

Yeah, rules are rules and we all need to abide by them

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Seems you knew what i have in mind.

A fall doesn’t equate to total failure.
At all!!!


Huge fan of CCC! and so glad they kept pushing and came back to conquer! Their game is looking amazing and their community members are some of my fave people on Tron! This is proof that you can still come out on top. Dont be discouraged.

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I agree with you bro, being disqualified isn’t the end of the road


I also want to say that it’s kind of a good way to filter projects that didn’t have the intention to keep building over time. People who give up on their project cause they couldn’t reach the voting stage don’t deserve to win anything. They don’t have what it takes to bring their project to the next level and be successful. The road to success is strewn with pitfalls that are way harder than being disqualified in a competition. And it takes years to get a small recognition in this competitive industry.

I’m not talking here about teams who decide to build on another chain, but those who want to abandon their project.


They don’t deserve to join again bro, giving up is not an option

Well said, giving up isn’t an option.
Teams can realise the angle they approached an issue with wasn’t the right one and decide to reorient their project in a new direction. But just giving up means entrepreneurship in web3 might not be the best thing for them :+1:

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I know being disqualified can be hard, but it’s not a failure. Take a moment, think about what went wrong, and motivate yourself to keep trying. In the end, you’ll reach the top.

Giving up isn’t an option. Teams can change direction if their approach isn’t working, but quitting entirely might mean web3 is not for them.

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