JustMoney Spot - Trading Platform

Welcome to hackathon season 4!
Awesome project ! Brings back memories of poloniDex
Good luck for future !


Welcome to Season 4, goodluck on your journey.


I have checked out the JM spot and i must say, the user interface looks good and its very user friendly too.

Are there any plans to introduce a p2p system on the platform where i can have merchants who will receive my local currency and give me USDT.


We have some serious builders here!
Great demo video, short, concise, impactful!

All the best guys!


Yeah this progression is fabulous :clap:t2:


Not at the moment, but same as future/margin trading, it’s not excluded. The difficulty here is mainly about touching FIAT. Maybe a third party solution that holds licences could help for that.


Thanks a lot mate! Good luck for your project as well :+1:


Love how comprehensive and well-written the project description is!

Wish you all the best team!


GM Justmoney Spot.

I have the following questions:-

  • Q we all know both centralised exchange spot trading and Dex comes with fees, so what are the fees associated with spot trading on your trading platform, like
  • trading fees,
  • withdrawal fees, and any other charges?

How will it be determined?


So it will be great if a third party audited platform can integrate with JM spot to provide that services it will be very good. I am hoping to see a project that will come up in season 5 to bring out this p2p services to make spot trading on JM pay seamless.

I hope the team is open to such partnership if the need arises


When you place an order you have to cover the allowance energy costs (between 30 and 75k energy ±).
We then take a 19 WTRX fee that we will use to cover the settlement energy cost. That’s exactly the same as the discounted swap feature for JustMoney Swap.

If an order is canceled, you will get back half of those WTRX fees.
Modifying an order doesn’t cost anything from us.
Both canceling and modifying orders however require blockchain gasfees.

The swap fees are the same as for a normal swap: 0.3% which are shared between providers (0.25%) and JustMoney (0.05%).
Liquidity provides earn more than 83% of those fees.


Alright thank you for clarifying
Additional question,
Any information that will
provide details on the liquidity of your exchange?
I’m curious about:-

  • How your trading platform ensure that there is sufficient liquidity for trading activities?

  • Also, how will your trading platform handle cases like massive withdrawal at once?

  • How will Justmoney Spot trading make up and generate RESERVED FUNDS?


Before I forget…

Q. What or will they be a minimum and maximum amount for trading on your platform?

Q. Are there any special promotions, bonuses, or loyalty programs available for traders on your spot trading platform?
Not forgetting referral bonuses to traders ?


I will answer several questions that you asked:

We will charge a fee of 19 TRX for limit orders, which is less than the actual cost. This is possible because we utilize staked energy to execute trades, which would typically cost 50-80 TRX. When placing a limit order, you will need to sign an allowance, incurring a small energy or TRX cost. Additionally, sending the 19 TRX fee will also involve a minor network fee (bandwidth and energy).

Order modifications are free of charge.

For instant swaps, we offer two options: discounted swaps or standard ones. A discounted swap costs 19 TRX, while a standard swap requires you to pay the network fee (to the network) with either energy or TRX, ranging from 50 to 80 TRX.

Since this is a DEX, funds are directly transferred between your wallet and smart contracts, eliminating the need for withdrawals. You simply swap tokens between your wallet and a liquidity pool (using smartcontract), and we never hold your funds.

This also answers to your mass withdrawals question since there are no withdrawals, this is not cex.

About ensuring the liquidity, there is always liquidity available in the pool, again this is a dex and it’s just using AMM and liquidity pools.

About maximum amounts, there are no maximums set, it’s just that the bigger amount your order or swap is the more price impact you will get. With limit orders this would mean price would have to go more “over” your limit price that you set to be able to get the amount of tokens tokens that was defined in the order.
However, good to mention that we use also Sunswap pools. We look for the best route for the user to do the swap and it could even use both Sunswap pool and our pool in the same transaction.

No referrals or bonuses for now


Thanks for clarification
This is helpful.

All the best


I see that Tobias already answered the questions. I will just add that referral and bonuses aren’t excluded (same as future/margin trading and fiat handling). But for the moment we are focused on reaching the targets for this hackathon: stop-loss, order book depth,…

In any case, we will always put the community’s interests first and will go for the most suitable solutions.


All the best .
Yes I just read some replies above my questions


Ive been trying to setup an account but to no avail who can help me out?


There is no registration needed, you just use your TronLink or other Tron supported wallet to connect to the dapp.

You can ask help also on our Telegram: Contact @JustMoneyTRX


Love the look of the spot function.

Feel this could become an extremely valuable asset for all tron users.