OnChainVision - The journey continues

Asking questions is the only way you can learn about anything rather!

happy that I could answer your questions. Give a try to the app connect TrustWallet or TronLink and let us know how the process went! We really appreciate any feedback! :heart:

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Plz tell me more detail for this

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all users have in mind what the fees are and this could reduce considerable the fees that was our plan from start and for experience users now the transactions become free. This is an amazing feature of #TronNetwork and that is why we heavily invested in further development!

Thanks the main goals is to attract users and offer them the best that can be offered!

Well I think we have the most backup solutions out there: first we use and Aggregated Server that has multiple providers and usually when one is out the second comes in hand. We still have active 3 providers: Brutus, NRG and Ergon as they have energy on demand (right away no orders fills). We had actually a few spikes where Brutus remain out of Energy and we used NRG system (actually the system automatically used) but that happen only 2 times for about 30 minutes - 1 hour and after that the energy regenerated pretty fast in about a year so that is way less than we expected. We actually lack users the amount of Energy that is enormous and we are eager to offer integrated reduce fees for way more users! We at any time could opt to add more Rent Providers but this is our lowest priority due to low usage!

so let your friend know about that when they want to make a swap or transfer some TRC20 like transferring the USDT!

You could check the video that we have on doing a swap:

On our YouTube channel we also have video on how to do a transfer or swap using TrustWallet!

We also have our 3 previous entries:
OnChainVision First Submission web3- S4
OnChainVision Second Submission builder- S5
OnChainVision Second Submission builder- S6

basically now all the operations such as swaps or transferring TRC20 tokens now is available to do it using the TronLink wallet previously users could use only WalletConnect wallets like TrustWallet and TokenPocket

You could check them out but if you have a specific question I am here!

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Ok, I will give it a try and be back here with my feedback

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works smoothly keep building

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Thanks for sharing :pray:t2:

Having this level of redundancy helps maintain system stability, especially as the platform scales, it’s really great to hear that OnChainVision has robust backup solutions in place with multiple providers like Brutus, NRG, and Ergon to ensure energy availability, even during spikes. But however, the mention of low user adoption despite an enormous energy reserve raises very serious concerns.
Have you considered automating the addition of new rent providers if energy reserves drop below a critical threshold?