Open Discussion on the Current State of TRON

I’m thinking about conducting a weekly twitter spaces where we have discussions like this in a town hall setting / environment :thinking:

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With the current burning rate of tron and the rise in the price per token, very soon paying 10trx will be a pain in the a$$.

I agree that there should be an option, can there be a layer built on top of tron to make it transaction far more cheaper than what we are experiencing now.?

That will be a great initiative. A project that will make the cost per transaction divided by x1000 per any price of trx.

So if trx cost 1$ per token this $1 divided by $1 x 1000, which will be equal to $0.001

In the same instance if trx cost $1000 per token, this $1000 divided by $1000 x 1000, meaning it will still cost 0.001 per transaction.

Now lets take the current price of trx which is around $0.055 per token, this $0.055 divided by $0.055 x 1000 will still cost $0.001

If something like this can be dobe to make the cost constant and cheap it will be great.

I dont know if i am making any sense at all​:rofl::rofl:

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Somos el mejor ecosistema y estamos creando una comunidad que le aporta valor y nos preocupa todo lo que ocurre, entorno a este.
Este es el motivo por el que tenemos esta discusión, para que se fomenten más proyectos y los proyectos que están creando en la red, sigan haciendolo.
Entre todos encontraremos la manera de poder solucionalrlo, estoy seguro.

You lost me bro :sweat_smile:
You mean gasfees with a fixed value in $ rather than the native coin?

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Hahahah a fixed value in dollar, i.e $0.001 but equivalent to the token. Cos if the value is in the token let say 0.001 trx and later $trx cost $65,000 per coin, the 0.001 $trx will no longer be cheaper but still expensive.

So if the value is fixed at $0.001 and $trx cost $65,000 per coin it will simply mean the gas fee will be

From ratio and proportion
1 $trx = $65,000
X $trx = $0.001

1x0.001 = 65000X

0.001/65000 = X

0.00000002 = X

Here the X is representing the gas fee which is $0.001 in $trx

I dont know if i am making any sense here :joy::joy::joy:

Hola, explicate de nuevo me he perdido

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I just want a system to be built on tron that will make the transaction fee always $0.001 (only if it can be done)

The $0.001 should be the equivalent of the trx to be paid as gas fees.

So that if the price of trx rises to $0.65 we will pay 0.0015 trx as gas fees

If price of trx rises to $6.5 we will pay 0.00015trx as gas fees

If price of trx rises to $65 we will pay 0.000015trx as gas fees.

So no matter the price of trx, we will be paying a constant fee of $0.001 to it equivalent trx.

If this doesnt cut it, i dont think i will be able to explain further. :joy::joy::joy:

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Si, si ya lo voy entendiendo, si se pudiera hacer, estaria bien con la equivalencia que has mostrado.
Queda ver el resto.

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If it can be done i just hope someone implements the idea in s4

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Creo que sería un muy buena idea, a ver si hay algún candidato que te escucha.

Indeed it has a bright future