Possible ways to Earn from Crypto 2023!

Haha ,I have never given financial advise for, the only one we know is @Prince-Onscolo no time is late in life and in crypto, your lucky day will always locate you but as I always say don’t trade with emotions, forget the missed Opportunity and focus on the next one that is in front of you


Welcome back to the TronDao forum community feel free to interact :handshake:

Este es el mejor consejo que no te tiemble el pulso, caes y te levantas.
Cada día es una oportunidad de ganar.

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For sure you are great :+1: warrior , you actually knows the story, no giving up :muscle:

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I learned something here yesterday :joy:
I think @Youngyuppie said it.
If they list a token on binance especially these meme coins, stay back :joy:


Buy! Buy! Buy! Hodl! Hodl! Hodl! ,… whenever you hear it just run for your life :joy::joy:


you have been listening to my advice :joy:
good job… everything I see is based on reality and experience


There are several ways to earn from cryptocurrencies that are common and widely practiced in this space, some of which are:

Running a masternode: Some cryptocurrencies offer rewards for users who operate a masternode, which is a dedicated server that validates transactions on the network. I personally am trying to get a handle on this particular earn method.

Airdrops and giveaways: Some cryptocurrency projects distribute free tokens as part of their marketing campaigns or to reward existing users. Participating in airdrops and giveaways can be a way to earn free cryptocurrency.


Yes there are several ways to earn from Crypto.

I’m just hearing of masternode.
Thanks for sharing.

For AIRDROP and giveaway , both are not sure way
As the may come once in blue moon

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Airdrops and giveaways are sure ways of kick-starting in crypto, as is evident in the case of $ens, $core, $bnb, $arb, $looks, $blur etc.
I did get my first crypto via airdrop, by being an early user of Blockchain app I got airdropped some Stellar Lumen (XLM), I still hodl it in-app to this very day.

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You are a qualified, examplary, pure holder to the Core :joy::joy: not paper hands like @Prince-Onscolo and @Gordian :joy:

You gon’ make me shit myself outta laughter bro :joy:

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I’m a paper hand o.
AIRDROP sometimes are not my equal.

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Honestly am too scared to hop in now
People have made over 1m$

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How much was it worth when it was airdropped and how much is it worth now😂

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heeer who who has paper hands


oh it’s normal…did you see Shiba


God bless for asking that lovely question.
It’s not a out collecting and claiming free AIRDROP.
Can you trade it?
Can you pay for the gas fees?
What will be the value before and afters ?


:joy::joy::joy::money_mouth_face: that’s crypto for you ooo

On BTC, with $100, I think you should use another coins like ETH OR BNB except if you have more than stated above