RevoluTRON - An interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3 (by Irruption Lab)

Project Name: RevoluTRON
Project Track: GameFi
Team Name: Irruption Lab (Twitter / Linkedin)
Team Member(s): @Claw @Perrin

Dorahacks Project Link: RevoluTRON - An interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3 | Buidls | DoraHacks

Project Goal: RevoluTRON is an interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3

Project Info: RevoluTRON - Pitch Deck.pdf (527.0 KB)

Presentation video: :clapper: RevoluTRON - An interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3 - YouTube

Project Website:

Project Test Instructions: With this adventure game we’re trying to help people get into web3 without scaring them off with all the complicated technical stuff.

We have created a multi langual app, and for now the adventure is available in English, French and Spanish :fr: :es: :uk:

Simply follow the adventure, no additional instruction is required. Each chapter has different objectives, as described below, to enter smoothly into Web3 and into our world…

  1. We have completed the first Chapter, on March 1st, which leads to the installation of the wallet for the new comers. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the story and make the world we’ve created feel more real and interesting.

  2. We are currently working on the second Chapter, which is for the users to experiment (on the testnet) the basics of web3, like swaps, using bridges, nft…This chapter (split in several episodes) will be developed from March to April 2023.

  3. The last Chapter (on the mainnet), will be dedicated to showcase existing protocols and integrate them in our story. Users will have to interact with those protocols, as if it was part of the story, to continue the adventure. This chapter will start from May 2023, and has no end date. The number of episodes is not limited (one protocol per episode).


Embark on an unforgettable journey that begins in the fictitious land of Listenbourg, in October of 2023. A shocking discovery of a vast counterfeit currency network has sent the country into chaos, and in a bold move to save the economy from ruin, the government outlaws cash.

As you assume the role of Azad, an intrepid journalist from the Lurenberg Post, a whistleblower contacts you with a game-changing tipoff - an unparalleled financial and political scandal is about to be exposed.

Are you up for the challenge? Brace yourself for an adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t hesitate - join Azad and discover what lies ahead!

Project Details:

Join the Web3 revolution with RevoluTRON !

Our adventure game introduces users to the world of blockchain, wallets, tokens, and more, with mandatory tasks like wallet installation to guide players through the story. Explore real Web3 applications and experience the potential of this transformative technology.

Within the Web3 world, each ecosystem is still pretty much segmented, and interoperability is not always easy. Different coding langages, different standards, different objectives for each blockchain and also different tools (wallet) to access them sometimes. We don’t aim to decide for the newcomers, which ecosystem they should discover first, we prefer to remain agnostic.

Team Irruption Lab has created in parallel two projects, Revolte and RevoluTRON. The first one, Revolte, starts with the installation of the wallet Metamask, and will explore the compatible protocols of this ecosystem, which is as of now the most used around the world. As for RevoluTRON, it starts with the installation of TronLink wallet, and will explore the associated ecosystem in each subsequent chapters.
The adventure itself will remain the same, but the protocols that will be showcased will be specific for each ecosystem.

Smart Contract links: This project is not a highly technical project, it is education oriented.
Only few smart contracts are required, most of the time interactions will be with external protocols of the ecosystem that we will showcase in our adventure (chapter 3).

We still have the following smart contracts built for RevoluTRON (Mainnet):

Token of the Adventure : RevolutronUSD : TP2Vu2YW2mXUbBg56MMjLSTgXJhdNW1sw4

Pay bail within the Adventure : RevolutronBail : TWUSBDSyuVrYnQzX2epG3hfbWzUSqWZwzH

More smart contracts to come in the next episodes.

Project Milestones:



Welcome guys, and congratulations on your wins in season three. I wish you well this season also.

Will be waiting to try your project out once its up and running. I like the idea of educating web2 users into web3 through game. Thats a great initiative keep it up.


Bienvenidos de nuevo, parece ser un proyecto muy interesante y acertado en estos momentos, muy buena idea adentrar a las personas mediante un juego a la nueva tecnologia. Suerte, espero avances.


Welcome RevoluTron
To S4 Hackathon session
All the best to you

I learnt you won last session

Goodluck to your project

Love your project goal
Of moving users from Web 2 to web 3


Amazing to see more projects building and improving more on Gamefi sector, congratulations :clap: once again and welcome on board to the Grand hackathon season 4
Wish the team and the project best of luck :crossed_fingers:


@Claw and @Perrin are two great guys with creative ideas, anyone who followed their interpool project in season three will testify to this fact.

I love the fact that they are back again and ready to wow us. Everyone should keep an eye on them. They never disappoint


Welcome to Season 4, quite interesting what y’all got lined out. Reading thru comments and seeing this was also a season 3 (participant)/ project. Got a couple of questions, welcome once again.


Thanks for the warm welcome!

With this project we try to bring a different approach, let’s see if we come out with something appealing for the newcomers :slight_smile:


Thanks @antonio for you message.

We’re also considering having this adventure game available in French and Spanish, to make it more accessible to everyone.


Thanks @Gordian for your encouraging message!


We did not bribe this guy!! :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks a lot @Nana66419 !


First of all congrats
You presented a project in S3 and you won a prize.
That’s great Congratulations once again


I am very impressed with your submission.
Although this is just the theory aspect of everything you are building but it’s a great concept. Learning through playing is great. I have my eyes on this. Wishing you all the best
I am eager to see how this will be like… any video available?


Hahahah :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: everyone from season three knows what you built was great. Everyone will agree with me. :joy::joy::joy:


Es perfecto que adaptes más idiomas, cada persona se siente más comoda y le resulta más fácil, das la posibilidad a que más gente se sienta interesada.


All the best to you and your team

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Is the project team planning to incorporate user feedback and data into future updates or iterations of the interactive novel?


Thanks a lot for the nice words and encouragements!


You are welcome ser, We can achieve great things together :handshake::muscle:

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Thanks @Prince-Onscolo for your message!

As of now there is no video, but you can have look at our RevoluTRON - Pitch Deck.pdf (2.1 MB).
You’ll be able to see the visual atmosphere that we want to create in our game.

Here is also a screenshot: