S7 Projects Summary

Hey @Gordian Can you please put TRX Links (Connecting Web2 users to Tron) to the correct category i.e. Defi ?

The spot 21 is empty so preferably , can add there ?

Thank you

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Great list @Gordian really helpful :fire:
But you missed some in artistery :wink::sweat_smile:


Thank you buddy. Sorry my bad I missed that.
Fixed now, all the best to you. Keep building


How can you miss the best project? :joy:

Lot of projects to keep track on. And also a lot last minute ones.
You are doing great :fire:


Oh my goodness, I must have be skimming too much. Lols
So sorry about. Outstanding project Buddy. Donā€™t worry you have my support. Cheers :clinking_glasses:

Yeah, lots of projects rush, I did capture them
Thank you for your kind words. Together we sTRONger


I couldnā€™t help tease you a bit :joy:

Thank you for the support and for all the hard work you put into making everything easier for everyone else. :heart:


@Gordian ,pleasd add tjis below project in s7 summary

Add this project in your list of integration which is missing

@Gordian thank you for providing all in one

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@Gordian add this project in integration list

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Fixed, thank for reminding and sorry about late reply

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Hello @Gordian thanks for this amazing compilation of all the projects.

Our project btSQL | Decentralised database on BTFS is actually in integration category but you have mentioned in artistry category.
We are building a sql based database on BTFS. Please change the category in the above list.

Also we invite everybody to check out our project and leave your valuable feedback.

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@Gordian when voting will open ? In season 7

Get to read the above, first link from more

Got it thank you,
Its start from 24 october

Wow a lot of interest in season 7 this time. It is more than any other season (ofc except season 3 which was really really popular)

Great to see many teams are there. Will be waiting for voting process. Good luck everyone

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:clap: :clap: for all of the efforts of Gordian


Hi @Gordian, thanks for creating this topic.

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Thanks for the simplicity

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Seems like more participants in this season compared to s6. Cool to see a drive for TRON. Competition is going to be more intense, this will be fun to watch.

P.S. Thank you @Gordian for providing us with this info :pray:

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