SaveWallet by TronSave team - The first crypto wallet with fee savings on TRON network

Haha yes bro

Tronsave has now become one of the largest energy supply platforms and works very well with a lot of new features. We are continuously growing


This is a very good project, keep up the good work guys :muscle:


Thank you so much :heart_eyes:

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:rofl: :sweat_smile: I was also confused like how it could be possible, all clear

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Please make sure you clearly state what you have done or built during the hackathon period. I believe this wallet was already being developed previous due to hackathon time period.

Curious about the updates on this.


Welcome to the Hackathon. Reading from the comments, I understand that you have participated in previous seasons. Can you highlight some of the achievements of your previous project/s?

Secondly, many wallets are now shifting from 12 seedphrase to 18 and 24 seedphrases because of its advanced security level. Don’t you think that your 12 seedphrase security feature will make your security layer prone to attack?

Again, while paying for energy making transaction with the save wallet, will the energy rental going to be a single transaction energy or is it going to be a minimum bulk energy rental. Eg: I want to send a token and I need like 36k energy for this, will your platform charge me (for example 4 TRX for completing the transaction) or charge me 9 TRX and freeze 100k energy to my wallet so that I won’t be charged when making transaction that same period?
(This will make sense for users making multiple transactions daily)

Lastly, many users will prefer to see their wallet balance in a particular currency other than the normal USD. Will I get to see this feature added to your savewallet in future because I see that your wallet currently lack this feature.


We are actively improving Apps while participating in the hackathon. Specifically, a few main parts can be listed as follows.

  1. Improve UI/UX (change the entire interface of the application because it is now a feature and basic ui for feature research)
  2. Add rewards vs quest system for everyone to participate in using the wallet every day in a fun and rewarding way
  3. Personal asset portfolio management (We will try to take insignts from the onchain activity of the address and display it more intelligently)
  4. Develop extensions and packages to make it easier to add SaveWallet wallet integration to Dapps
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Hello, we’re glad you’re interested in us.

  1. We have perfected the Tronsave system and are now one of the largest energy suppliers on the network.
  2. Currently 12 characters are still very popular, however we will probably update to add 24 characters soon to increase security.
  3. Currently savewallet will automatically calculate how much energy each command uses and order a sufficient amount to use, then execute that command. Currently, paying fees in 1 transaction is not available or takes more steps to do for dev dapps, so we have not prioritized it.
  4. We understand that and will add it soon in future updates.
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Great stuff

But I have a query: You have been creating the application for a couple of years and have submitted the same in seasons 4 and 5 also. In season 4 (HackaTRON S4 2023 - Winners Announcements! - #2 by admin.hackathon), you submitted it under the Web3 track and in the fifth season (Congrats to HackaTRON S5 Qualifiers and Winners! - #2 by admin.hackathon), you submitted it under the Builder track. Now again, you are submitting under the Web3 track.

Can you please explain how and why the track for the project changes in each season? Also, as you have won $35,000 could you please specify how you utilized it on the project because you are developing it almost all of the time? Also, I would love to know more about the team, their background and stuff like that

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While waiting for their response, I will like to clarify you on the projects submitted in seasons 4 and 5.
While this is their project, it is important to know that it’s not the same with what they submitted in this season 6 HackaTron.

In season 4, they created an energy renting platform which they participated in the hackathon with.

In season 5, they continued with this energy platform by making a significant upgrade to what was submitted in season 4, which made them eligible to participate in season 5 under builders track.

Now in season 6, they are coming up with a digital wallet which is entirely, a different project from their last 2 season’s participation.

So, while they participated in seasons 4 and 5 with an energy renting platform, they are now participating in season 6 with a crypto wallet.


Thanks for the clarification @Youngyuppie I never said that they are submitting the same project. Thanks for letting me know about their various additions to the project for each season


Hello, Tron is my favourite, and i always check every wallet’s implementation
 I’m sorry to inform you that my very first wallet Exodus, ifor a while now (think some few months ago) has implemented energy and bandwith staking and free transfers within their wallet.
he only thing missing there is voting and getting voting rewards

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Sorry for the late response. TronSave and SaveWallet both participated in HackaTron, despite the fact that they are completely distinct products. TronSave is an energy solution that allows you to purchase and sell energy, while SaveWallet is a wallet.

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I think that each wallet will have unique benefits and weaknesses, and I will not compare our wallet to anybody else’s. However, we are also quite confident in our products and the benefits they provide to users:

  • If you stake, the transaction will be free.
  • If you buy Energy by TRX, you will save up to 93%.

I hope you can use our wallet to enjoy our benefits. Thank you very much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ok thanks for assuring this and for your detailed response. Keeping an eyes on your project. All the best to your team :raised_hands:


Then @HODL @WindsOfChange92 doesn’t this post should be in the builders track?

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No. This project is new one by Tronsave team. It cannot participate in builders track.

Oh yeah, just the team name is same but the project is different :ok_hand:

Just a small query: If anyone somehow submits a project under wrong track, will it be disqualified or the judges can shift it to the correct one and then evaluate it?

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The judges will update project track to the correct track. Projects will not be disqualified for selecting wrong track. Participants can also edit their submissions during the hackaTRON period.


Hello team,

The project looks great, I had question about the SaveWallet code repository?

Was your team able to submit a link to the repo to allow the team to follow along the progress of the SaveWallet project in the DevPost submission?

Good Luck!

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