Tron Community Energy Bot 🤖

We made the migration to mainnet :confetti_ball:
From now on you can use :arrow_right: @TronCommunityBot

As the first step to migration, we wanted to make it in stages!
As a first stage 1 we enable /claimFreeEnergy
We allocated an account with 2.5k Energy and it uses the 600 free bandwidth for delegate/undelegate, any user can claim the 2.5k which would help you to cut the cost of Sunpump transactions.

:arrow_upper_right: Delegate Energy transaction
:arrow_lower_left: Undelegate transaction

:arrows_counterclockwise: Free swaps that we made with the energy that we got free and the 600 bandwidth - we swap 0.000001 TRX to 0.005 TRNGUY

Please note you can still test on the Nile over :arrow_right_hook:@TronCommunityEnergyBot where all the features are available and active!