Tron Web3 Domains - Your Perfect Blockchain Identity

Su apoyo es la fuerza impulsora de nuestro éxito.


that’s a cool feature never renew :blush:


Interesting application. I want to see a future of this idea

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It has been fixed, thank you very much

Are your domains case sensitive so that there can only be one?

For example: justin.trx , Justin.trx, JUSTIN.trx, JuStin.trx

These are all technically 1 domain.


Surely that can’t happen we used tight algorithm to solve this problem.

The name must first be normalized and checked for validity - for instance, converting Justin.trx, JUSTIN.trx, JuStin.trx, JUSTIN.trx into justin.trx, and prohibiting names containing forbidden characters, as otherwise two users entering the same name may resolve the same human-readable name into two different names. Then will use the Hash Name algorithm to ensure that the string is unique, described as follows:

// Convert Uppercase to lowercase
string memory _domain = StringUtil.toLower(domain);

// Namehash is a recursive process that can generate a unique hash for any valid domain name
uint256 tokenId = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_domain)));

// Check Domain already exists
require (!_exists(tokenId), “Domain already exists”);

Valid …

Thanks for your great question, many users are still confused it is different.

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Good to have a solution like this on Tron!

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Thanks so much, need to take steps that bring real value, keep an eye on us :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nice project. I’m missing an important piece of information: how do you use a TRX domain?

Let’s say I know someone that has a TRX domain (someguy.trx) and I want to send him some tokens, how can I do it?

I’ll have to study this project

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Great question, the next plan is we need to work with dapp; wallets … so that they show the domain when sending and receiving tokens instead of the long address. Keep an eye on us

Thank you, always here to answer you

We have officially supported manage tron domains with #TokenPocket on mobile. Watch the video below


Tron🅣Web3🅣Domains Mainnet trên Twitter: “We have officially supported manage tron domains with #TokenPocket on mobile. Watch the video below :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :white_check_mark:@TronLinkWallet :white_check_mark:@BitKeepOS :white_check_mark:@TokenPocket_TP :point_right: @trondao @PerelloLaurent #web3domains #web3 #tronstrong #tronics #trx #TRON” / Twitter


Awesome project mate! It’s Something Unique.


Thank so much! Please support us on Tron Web3 Domains - Your Perfect Blockchain Identity | Devpost