TroniQue by Team DataVoyagers - Empowering Users with Seamless Tron Blockchain Insights

Project Name:

TroniQue - Empowering Users with Seamless Tron Blockchain Insights

Project Track:


Team Name:


Team Member(s): 2 (@Thunder035 + 1)

Devpost Project Link:

TroniQue Devpost Submission

Project Demo:

Project PitchDeck:

TroniQue.pdf (664.8 KB)

Project Goal:

The goal of TroniQue is to create an easy-to-use platform that lets people ask questions about data from the Tron blockchain. This includes information from DEX trades, smart contract analysis, and discussions on the TRON DAO forum. The platform will provide clear answers and show data in simple visuals, helping users understand and explore blockchain information easily. Whether someone is new or experienced, they will be able to get insights and make better decisions using this tool quickly.

Project Value:

TroniQue provides valuable insights by making complex Tron blockchain data easy to understand and accessible to everyone. Allowing users to ask questions and get quick, clear answers, saves time and reduces the need for technical expertise. The platform also helps users visualize data, making it easier to track trends, analyze smart contracts, and make smarter decisions. Ultimately, it enhances transparency, boosts user engagement, and supports better decision-making within the Tron ecosystem, benefiting both beginners and experts in the blockchain space.

Project Info:

TroniQue is a blockchain-based AI platform designed for the Tron ecosystem. It enables users to interact with Tron blockchain data, such as DEX trade information, smart contract analysis, and TRON DAO forum discussions, simply and intuitively. By asking questions directly on the platform, users receive real-time answers, along with visualizations that help them better understand the data. The goal is to create a user-friendly tool that simplifies access to blockchain insights, making it easier for both newcomers and experienced users to explore, analyze, and engage with Tron data effectively.

Project Website:

TroniQue Platform

Project Test Instructions:

1. Connect TronLink Wallet:

  • The first step is for the user to connect their TronLink wallet. This is essential for accessing the platform’s features.

  • Once the wallet is connected, the user will automatically be credited with 100 free credits. Each question asked will deduct 1 credit from their balance.

2. Getting Started:

  • After connecting the wallet, the user can click the Get Started button, which will redirect them to the forum chat page.

  • On the forum chat page, users will see different categories for asking questions, including Forum Data, DEX Trades Data and Contract Data

  • Each of these categories will also have relevant sub-categories to narrow down the specific type of data the user is interested in.

3. Asking Questions:

  • Once the appropriate category and sub-category are selected, the user can proceed to ask questions related to that data.

  • To make the process easier, users will be provided with template questions they can use to test the platform’s capabilities.

4. Using Credits:

  • Each question the user asks will deduct one credit from their balance. The system will continue to process questions until the user runs out of credits

By following these steps, users can explore the full functionality of TroniQue, interact with the TRON blockchain data, and test how well the platform responds to their queries.

Project Details:

TroniQue is designed to make accessing and interacting with the TRON blockchain simple and intuitive. The platform enables users to easily find information across TRON-related platforms, including DEX trades, smart contract analysis, and TRON DAO forum discussions.

The primary goal of TroniQue is to eliminate the complexity of blockchain data and provide a seamless experience for users of all backgrounds. Whether you’re exploring forum posts, analyzing trades, or checking smart contract analysis, TroniQue offers a straightforward and accessible way to engage with the TRON ecosystem.

At its core, TroniQue is committed to making blockchain insights available to everyone, fostering a more inclusive Web3 community. By bridging the gap between complexity and ease of use, TroniQue empowers users to confidently navigate the TRON ecosystem, ensuring that anyone, regardless of expertise, can participate and make informed decisions.

Last season, we were unable to address a large number of queries. This time, we will have an improved version to ensure we can provide the information the community seeks.

Project Milestones:

Milestone 1: Feature Planning and AI Model Selection (01/09/2024 to 08/09/2024) :white_check_mark:

Objective: Identify key features and select AI models for processing blockchain data.

  • Define core features such as data retrieval, real-time analytics, forum integration, and data visualization.
  • Research and select AI models that support natural language processing (NLP) and blockchain data analysis.
  • Evaluate different AI models for compatibility with blockchain-based data and user queries.
  • Finalize the feature list and select AI models for implementation.

Milestone 2: Data Source Integration and Preprocessing (09/09/2024 to 13/09/2024) :white_check_mark:

Objective: Integrate relevant TRON blockchain data sources and preprocess data for AI compatibility.

  • Identify primary data sources: TRON DAO forum, DEX trades, and smart contract analysis.
  • Build and implement data extraction tools for gathering information from selected sources.
  • Preprocess and clean data to ensure compatibility with selected AI models.
  • Test the data pipelines for efficient data retrieval and preprocessing.

Milestone 3: Frontend Design and Development (14/09/2024 to 18/09/2024) :white_check_mark:

Objective: Develop a user-friendly interface to allow seamless interaction with blockchain data.

  • Design UI/UX wireframes for key components like the homepage, DEX analyzer, and forum pages.
  • Develop front-end prototypes based on wireframes, ensuring intuitive navigation.
  • Implement responsive design to ensure compatibility with various devices.
  • Test and iterate designs based on user feedback for continuous improvements.

Milestone 4: Backend API Development and Integration (19/09/2024 to 27/09/2024) :white_check_mark:

Objective: Build and integrate a robust backend API for accessing and processing TRON blockchain data.

  • Design backend architecture and develop APIs for accessing TRON blockchain data, including DEX trades, smart contract analysis, and forum discussions.
  • Ensure secure and efficient data flow between the backend and frontend.
  • Integrate the backend API with frontend components for real-time interaction.
  • Conduct performance testing and optimize API response time.

Milestone 5: System Testing, User Feedback, and Refinement (28/09/2024 to 04/10/2024) :white_check_mark:

Objective: Conduct comprehensive testing and refine the platform based on user feedback.

  • Perform system-wide testing, covering unit, integration, and performance tests.
  • Launch a beta version of the platform for a select group of users to gather feedback on functionality and user experience.
  • Refine the platform based on feedback, enhancing UI, improving data accuracy, and optimizing backend operations.
  • Finalize the platform for public release, ensuring stability and usability.

Note: Based on valuable feedback from community members, we have decided to switch our project from Web3 track to Builder track for this season. TroniQue, which we initially submitted in Season 6, is undergoing significant improvements and enhancements based on user feedback and further development. We are committed to delivering an upgraded version that better serves the Tron community and aligns with the goals of the Builder track.


Hello Tronique, welcome to this session. Good to see you again.

Your entry is familiar with previous sessions.

Just did some run through and seem the same or similar
As previous sessions. All the best, hoping you have a major update. Cheers :clinking_glasses:


Welcome to season 7
Your doorway is amazing


Welcome to Hackathon Season 7, your project gave you away as it’s glaring for all to see that this ain’t your first time. Creating an intuitive platform for querying and visualizing Tron blockchain data is well-defined, but while you aim to include a wide range of data from the Tron blockchain, there is little mention of how it will handle scalability and depth. Will you be able to accommodate new data sources in the future, or handle large volumes of data as the ecosystem grows?


Welcome to the Hackathon of season 7, I am seeing that you are trying to simplify Blockchain data and also you are an old timer with projects in the forum here, please how are going to handle big data volume as you grow and expand, thank you


Welcome to Hackathon Season 7! Good to see you back!

TroniQue sounds like an amazing tool for making the Tron blockchain more accessible!

How do you see integrating feedback from users to improve TroniQue’s functionality over time and can you share more about the AI models you’re considering for processing the data and how they will enhance user experience?

Also as you’ve mentioned, last season you were unable to handle a large number of queries. So what measures have you taken to improve on those?


Welcome to Grand hackathon S7
I think there is similar project like yours in the pipeline, any difference, characteristics or unique features that will magnet users to be familiar with yours?
I would like to also explore the website but I can see it’s not yet available
Am patiently waiting to test run it


After undergoing your project TroniQue I came to clarity that it makes easier for people to asked questions and get quick,clear and credible answer in no time and it also save time.
Indeed it’s mouthwatering :+1: buddy and keep up the good work

Hey @Gordian,
Thank you for the welcome and for checking out TroniQue again! While some core concepts remain, we’ve made significant updates this season. We’ve focused on improving scalability, refining the AI-driven query system, and enhancing the user experience to make the platform even more intuitive. Excited to share these updates as we roll them out—stay tuned for more! Cheers! :clinking_glasses:

Thank you so much for the kind words and for taking the time to review TroniQue! I’m glad you found the platform useful and efficient. We’re dedicated to making blockchain data more accessible and easy to navigate. Your feedback means a lot and motivates us to keep improving. Appreciate the support! :+1:

Thank you @Euphoria for the warm welcome! We plan to integrate user feedback continuously to improve TroniQue. We’re planning incorporating feedback loops directly into the platform, allowing users to share their experiences and suggest improvements, which will guide our feature updates and refinements.

Regarding AI models, we’re using a combination of natural language processing (NLP) models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4o-mini, for understanding user queries, and HuggingFace embeddings for accurate data retrieval. These models will provide more precise answers, making interactions smoother and more intuitive.

Thanks so very much for the clarity and outstanding response,I truly appreciate

Thank you for the great question! TroniQue is built with scalability in mind. We’ve designed a modular architecture that allows for easy integration of new data sources as the ecosystem grows. To handle large volumes of data, we’re implementing efficient indexing, sharding, and caching techniques to ensure fast query performance. Our backend will be optimized for high concurrency, and we’ll scale resources dynamically based on demand. This approach ensures TroniQue remains flexible, responsive, and future-ready as the Tron ecosystem evolves.

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Thank you for the warm welcome! :raised_hands: While there may be similar projects, what sets TroniQue apart is our focus on user-friendly data exploration, real-time insights, and a highly intuitive query system powered by AI. :brain::sparkles: We aim to make blockchain data accessible to everyone, from beginners to experts, with seamless integration across TRON DEX trades, smart contracts, and forum data. Our website is currently in development :globe_with_meridians: and will be launched soon, so please stay tuned for updates. :rocket: We appreciate your patience and look forward to your feedback when it’s ready! :pray::blush:

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Thank you @ines_valerie for the welcome and your question! :pray: To handle large data volumes as we grow, TroniQue is designed with scalability in mind. :rocket: We’re using efficient data indexing and sharding to manage big data, ensuring fast and reliable query performance. :zap: Our modular architecture allows easy integration of new data sources, and we’ll dynamically scale resources based on demand. :bar_chart: This approach ensures the platform remains robust as the TRON ecosystem expands.

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Welcome to hackaTron S7. Your project’s approach to offer a much-needed solution for simplifying access to how users understand and use data on Tron blockchain is quite amazing and commendable, yet there is this challenges on how you will ensure that the platform delivers accurate and real-time data from the Tron blockchain especially during high-traffic periods. How do you plan to address this challenges?

Again, as a hackathon participant in the previous season with this same project, it’s more accurate to register under the #builders track category order than your current web3 track selection. Please effect this change to avoid being disqualified from the competition.


Welcome to S7 hackathon, your platform will benefit newbies like me in Tron Blockchain and in crypto ecosystem at large. Thank you Sir.

I believe by creating this easy to use platform through the help of AI models I didn’t see where you talk about monetisation will it be free service for users and will there premium features for subscription?

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It’s all good, looking forward to seeing how it goes, wishing you all the best as you continue to build


Thanks for your reply, I’m just curious; as your platform grows, will all features be available to everyone, or will there be a tiered access model?

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You have really reply well, but please tell me how are you going to be managing data retention as to when there is a big increase in volume, thank you

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