TronVerse by Tron Bull Club - Gaming and Metaverse on the Tron Blockchain

TronVerse Image

Project Name: TronVerse
Project Track: GameFi
Team Name: Tron Bull Club
Team Member(s): 14…to be updated in the coming days
DevPost URL: TronVerse | Devpost
Project Goal: TronVerse is creating an open world First Person shooter where Tron Bulls and other NFT collections can battle and earn.

Our goal is to create a game that allows any NFT collection that meets our technical game rig standards to onboard onto the TronVerse ecosystem.
Accelerating Gamefi

Project Info:
Tron Bull Club NFT Collection
Tron Bull Club is the primary collection of TronVerse. Released in Late October the Tron Bulls quickly became a favourite NFT within the Tron Collection. There are 15012 Tron Bull NFTs which all possess their own GameFi traits - a first on Tron.

Tron Bull Lite Game
The award winning Tron Bull Lite game was released to the public on April 18th and has created a buzz among game enthusiasts and has introduced countless gamers to the Tron Blockchain. The quality of the Tron Bull Lite game and the simplicity of the User Interface is unparalleled on Tron. It is a fast paced, fun and engaging game where users take out enemy ground and air units to score points, all while collecting powers to get the job done. To date we are at over 50,000 games played and we have given out over 3B ApeNFT in rewards since launch.
TronBullLite Game

Not only is Tron Bull Lite an exciting mini-game but it will serve as a crucial tool towards building out TronVerse. Having a playable game already released means that we can test while we build TronVerse functions. This puts us a step ahead in both efficiency and ensuring that while we build TronVerse, we are designing the ecosystem to be built to scale.

Check it out at

3D NFT Integration
The Tron Bulls are amongst a handful projects in the entire NFT ecosystem that have converted a 2D NFT into a 3D playable character. In late June the 3D Tron Bulls were integrated into Tron Bull Lite which means that every user can play with the specific Tron Bulls that they own.

Project Repo/Website:
You can log in using TronLink and select the Tron Bull Club NFT that you want to play with. You can also play without an NFT but your earnings for playing the game will be limited. Game is expanded upon on a weekly basis.
Project Details and Milestones: The TronVerse team is working on several items that by themselves will be a game changer for gaming on Tron. Let’s go through what we are working on, one by one.

Mobile GamePlay
Tron Bull Lite is going mobile. Over the coming weeks a mobile version of Tron Bull Lite, complete with an authentication system, will be released. This will open up Tron Bull Lite to the masses who do not own a desktop computer.

Map Development
We are in the process of developing a second map. This is key to keep players engaged and to keep the game exciting so users will want to continue coming back.
new map

NFT Rentals
A massive game change for NFTs on Tron, the TronVerse team is developing a 100% trustless NFT rental system. Any NFT (not just Tron Bulls) will be able to utilize the TronVerse NFT rental system to lend out their NFT for other users to play with. The rental system is imperative to bring gamers and guilds to TronVerse and to Tron. It opens the door for a true P2E ecosystem within Tron.

PVP - Score Based
Tron Bull Lite is integrating a score based PVP version of Tron Bull Lite. Play against your friends and whoever gets the highest score is declared Champion.

PVP - Live
We are also working on a Live Version of PVP. Play against several other Tron Bulls, take each other out and avoid others’ bullets to win!

More on TronVerse

The Verse Token

The Verse Token is the main token within TronVerse. The Verse Token will be used for in-game and out-of-game transactions. You’ll be able to buy and upgrade land, stake, and participate in the DAO, once it is formed.

Tron Bull Staking

Every owner of a Tron Bull NFT will have the opportunity to earn Verse tokens via gameplay and staking mechanisms. 20 million Verse Tokens($5mil) reserved for Tron Bull staking/gameplay rewards.


Landowners in TronVerse will be a step ahead of the rest. Landowners will be able to build factories and produce weapon yielding assets.

Craft materials to create and customize weapons and attachments.

Battle Arenas
The fight is on! Use your NFTs to battle each other in customizable Arenas.



Community building is extremely important to the tronverse team. This is why from the onset we have taken the position that it is better for us to work with other projects to build the gaming space within Tron.

Links to Join the Tron Bull Club Family

TronVerse Website:

Play Tron Bull Lite:

Mint a Bull: Apexgo - the Standard in Rarity Tool for NFTs


Telegram: Telegram: Contact @tronbullclub


@TronVerse This has been a steady project since day 1, glad to see the improvements coming out of the team and hope to see this doing well in the hackathon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


TronBullsClub OP!!! I can’t wait for PVP to come out soon! I have put MANY hours into the PVE so far and earnt a decent amount of APENFT every week!


We have an incredible team here.!


Love playing with my TronBulls. Excited for full game. Will be epic.:tada:


Great to see the TronBulls submission. Fantastic product great team.


This is awesome
To see project that will enable Nft holder play games to earn.

Keep building the best


Thanks Tron Ninjas :muscle:


:rotating_light: New Map Alert :rotating_light:

We never stop pushing forward.

Our incredible Designers have created a new map that will be integrated into Tron Bull Lite shortly.


I already love it! Playing daily and seeing daily updates! Can’t wait to next move :scream:


The best project on tron


@TronBullClub well done! love this game. especially its openness to other NFT collections that can join and participate in the ecosystem as well! great job!


been playing this for almost a month really love how tronbull tronverse is ready to improve the metaverse gaming in tron network super love it


nice cant wait to try this


@TronVerse As you are aware I am a holder of Tron Bulls NFTs, a player and a guild owner who will be also be renting many Tron Bulls to members of my group to play and earn with.

I’ve been an active member in the @TronVerse community since the beginning and its building nicely, there is a fantastic team working on this project daily and they really do listen to the players about game updates which are rolled out weekly or even faster if needed.

So i have a few questions that i think would benefit people reading:

  1. I’ve heard that at some point in the future TronVerse will be able to onboard other projects NFTs into the verse, what would be the basic requirements for the participating projects?

  2. How would this benefit the TronVerse as a whole? and also Tron Bull holders?

  3. So this is a huge question in #GameFi space, when it comes to renting and pay outs for scholars/renters will it be an automated system or will it be down to the managers/NFT owners to make the pay outs?

Thanks. :+1:


Love the mountains amazingly done :heart_eyes:


Really great questions @P2EGG

Let’s tackle them one by one.

  1. We will indeed be able to onboard other NFT projects into TronVerse. We have already passed on basic requirements that we will need to build a 3D playable character to some organizations so they can consider whether or not this is something they want to do. More in answer #2

  2. The implementation of other NFTs must be done in a balanced and fair way. We do not want to create a situation where we cause harm to the Primary collection of TronVerse, being the Tron Bulls. However, with that being said, with new collections entering, so do new players which will expand and benefit the ecosystem as a whole.

New collections that enter TronVerse will have to have a stake in the ecosystem, the exact details will be shared down the road but there will likely be a method that will reduce Verse tokens available on the open market.

On benefiting Tron Bulls specifically - Tron Bulls will always be the primary collection in TronVerse. From special weapons, front of the line access and taking part in Verse token allocations for holding a Tron Bull. Having additional players enter TronVerse (via collection on-boarding) will only increase demand for in-game items that only Tron Bulls will be able to craft.

  1. The Rental system is a game-changer. The system is being Built in two ways:

“Direct Rental”
“Managed Rental”

Direct Rental is if you want to rent a Tron Bull directly. You enter the scholar address that the Tron Bull is allocated to, enter the payment allocation and you are done. The scholar now has access to your NFT.

A Managed Rental allows Guild to direct NFTs to a community manager to allocate the NFTs to Scholars. In the same way, you enter the address of the Community Manager and they will in turn enter the Scholars Address. Also, in the same way, you will be able to allocate payment percentages, but this time it will be split three ways between Owner, Manager and scholar.

The great thing about this rental system is that payouts do not need to be managed by the owner or manager, the payouts are automatically allocated to the wallet in the percentages that the Owner, or Manager inputted.

Thanks for the Questions, keep them coming!


Thanks for the reply, everything that has been mentioned is what scholars, guild owners and investors wanted to hear.

Moving on to the Tron Bull Lite game, what are the plans for this mini game in the future? lets say when the verse is built, will it remain and have a sole purpose/utility or is this just temporary game? :thinking:


Another great question.

We will not be retiring Tron Bull Lite in any way, Although the utility will likely shift from being a single player game to a PVP game. In all likleyhood we will have Tron Bull Lite incorporated inside of TronVerse :wink:.

One reason for building Tron Bull Lite is of course to give instant utility to those who own Tron Bulls.

Another reason which is less obvious is to use the mini-game as a method to test back end functionality in a real world environment. We can do all the testing we want but in reality when it comes to gaming, there is nothing more valuable than gamers from all over the world, on all sorts of devices giving us feedback on how the game operates.


When land comes out and we can build weapon factories, will they just be weapon skins or will we be able to determine the power/damage accuracy range ect? Maybe there could be a way that when you forge the weapon you can re roll its statistics which would cost VERSE token!