uDawgBot : Rewarding users for off & on-chain activities

Project Name: uDawgBot :paw_prints:

Project Track: builder

Team Name: uDawgDAO

Team Member(s): 2 Members - @astitv @AiMAce

DevPost Project Link: uDawg_bot | Devpost

Project Goal:
uDawg_bot aims to create a seamless and interactive experience for users to engage in games, earn rewards, manage profiles, and participate in the TRON ecosystem directly within Telegram, with the added feature of rewarding users for their on-chain transactions with the uDawg smart contract.

Project Value:
By integrating TRON blockchain, uDawg Bot allows users to interact with TRON-based smart contracts, manage their wallets, and earn rewards through various activities, both in the chat and on-chain. The unique value proposition is rewarding users with RP (Reward Points) and XP for making transactions with the uDawg smart contract, encouraging more blockchain-based activity and engagement.

Project Info:
uDawg_bot Deck.pdf (630.2 KB)

Project Website: udawg.org

Project Test Instructions:
uDawgBot is live on Telegram. To test it, follow these steps:

  1. Join the UpDawg Community on Telegram Telegram: Contact @udawgorg ;or invite uDawg_bot to your group; or send a direct message to @uDawg_bot and interact with the bot using the /start command.
  2. Set your TRON wallet with /setwallet. and set your TronDAO Forum & Twitter usernames with /settwitter and /settronforum.
  3. Play games like dice rolls or Rock-Paper-Scissors using the bot commands.
  4. Make transactions with the uDawg smart contract and get rewarded with RP and XP for each transaction.

Project Details:
uDawg_bot is designed to gamify community interactions and reward users for both on-chain and off-chain activities. Users can engage in games, track their profiles, interact with TRON smart contracts directly, and earn RP/XP for on-chain UDAWG transactions.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the bot’s key features:
:star2: Reward System for TRON-Based Transactions: Every 24 hours, users are automatically rewarded RP and XP for making on-chain transactions with the uDawg smart contract. For each transaction, users receive 1,000 RP and XP, enhancing their leaderboard status and leveling up in the community.
:video_game: Games: Play games like Rock-Paper-Scissors :fist::raised_hand::v: or roll a virtual dice :game_die: to earn RP and XP. Your results contribute to your overall standing in the group.
:speech_balloon: Interact in Group: Gain Reward Points by sending messages in the group. Every significant message gives you 10 RP. :medal_sports:
:trophy: Leaderboard: Compete with your friends to see who can earn the most RP and XP. The top users on the leaderboard will be rewarded weekly, powered by uDawg Community Contributors Fund. :1st_place_medal:
:hammer_and_wrench: Profile Management: Set your Twitter username and Tron wallet, and track your progress with the /myprofile command.

Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCX27pMSmxE&t=1s

Smart Contract links: NA

Project Milestones:

:white_check_mark: Week 1:

  • Initial bot setup and integration with basic TRON functionalities, game features, user profile creation.
  • User profile management with Twitter and TronDAO Forum integration and /leaderboard feature.

:white_check_mark: Week 2:

  • Private testing and release of uDwag_bot for community testing for feedback and improvements.

:white_check_mark: Week 3:

  • Start of weekly rewards for the top users on the /leaderboard, powered by uDawg Community Contributors Fund.

:white_check_mark: Week 4:

  • Integration with Tron smart contracts and reward system for Tron-based transactions.

:white_check_mark: Week 5:

  • Private testing reward system for Tron-based transactions.

:white_check_mark: Week 6:

  • Community testing reward system for Tron-based transactions.

:white_check_mark: Week 7:

  • Full release of uDawg Bot with enhanced features, including reward system for Tron-based transactions, leaderboard and community rewards.

What’s next for uDawg_bot?

Next, we plan to:

  • Expand the range of games available to users, introducing more opportunities for engagement.
  • Create users’ bot wallets.
  • Host game tournaments.
  • Consistently refine and enhance existing features based on community insights and technological developments.
  • Build and develop our offerings in tune with contemporary trends in the real world.

uDawg_bot is all about making your UpDawg Tron ecosystem experience more interactive and enjoyable. Whether you’re in it for the games :video_game:, the competition :1st_place_medal:, or just to have a good time, uDawg_bot is ready to be your new favorite bot!

UpDawg Community on Telegram:paw_prints:
UpDawg on X


Welcome to season 7
You project is outstanding thumbs up buddy


Welcome to the hackathon season 7
It is interesting to see a platform where users can gain rewards for their engagement.
Pls what is this RP and XP and how can it be used or exchange to your reward token?


Thank you so much :pray: I’m happy u like it :paw_prints:


Thank you for your interest! :pray:

Basically, RP (Reward Points) and XP (Experience Points) are ways to track and reward user engagement within uDawg_bot. Users can earn RP & XP by engaging in off & on-chain activities. While RP and XP are not directly exchangeable for $UDAWG tokens, they contribute to your leaderboard rankings, which can lead to rewards like $UDAWG.

Currently every Sunday, users RP is reset to 0, and the Top 5 users of the week are rewarded with $UDAWG, powered by the UpDawg Community Contributors Fund. In addition to weekly rewards, every day, a random user with more than 10 RP is airdropped some $UDAWG.


welcome team, already seen you are doing amazing work with this. keep building


Ok thanks for the insightful response.
I have begin to wonder what happens to the XP if every sunday, RP is reset to zero. Does this apply to XP also?


Welcome back to hackaTRON ! I think it is nice for community what you are building. Wish you good luck !


Welcome to Hackathon Season 7, I really got no inquiries about your entry as a first timer when it comes to testing your the bot overtime, your hardwork is quite commendable and your drive don’t seem to fizzle out yet transcending from previous season to the current one. Goodluck on everything as Hackathon progresses.


Thank you for appreciating our efforts. Really means a lot :pray:


No, the XP do not reset every Sunday like the RP. While RP is reset weekly to give everyone a fresh chance at winning the top rewards, XP accumulates over time.

XP represents your overall progress and experience in the uDawg_bot ecosystem, and it continues to build up as u engage with the bot, participate in games, and interact with the UpDawg Tron ecosystem. Accumulating XP helps u level up in the uDawg_bot ecosystem. As u gain more XP through participation, interactions, and games, u unlock new levels, which can lead to even more benefits and rewards within the community.


Thank you so much :pray: Really glad that u are liking it :paw_prints:

Thank you so much for the kind words :pray: We appreciate the encouragement and are grateful for the support from all u Tronics here :paw_prints:


Ok if I understand it clearly, XP is the overall RP a user has earned throughout the user’s engagement in the ecosystem?


That is correct. XP is the cumulative total of all the RP a user has earned throughout their engagement with uDawg_bot .


Ok thank you very much for taking your time to cleary my questions
All the best to you in this hackathon season 7


Thank u :pray: I invite u to our telegram group and give a try to uDawg_bot yourself. t.me/uDawgToken :paw_prints:


Thanks for inviting me to you telegram group. I have joined now and looking forward to having a great experience playing your games


Thank u so much for joining UpDawg community on Telegram. Pleasse feel free to reach out if u have any questions or need assistance. We’re here to make sure u have a pawsome experience! :paw_prints:


Good luck for Hacathon and great in Bot features


Thank you so much for the support :pray: