WebBadminton-decentralized badminton centered dapp

Project Name: WebBadminton
Project Track: Web3
Team Name: BadmWe
Team Member(s): 1- @Dmitry
HackerEarth Project Link: dimakekfedotov_adbe - HackaTRON Season 5 - Submission | HackerEarth Hackathons
Project Goal: To build a useful platform for you to learn about playing Badminton.
Project Info: Web Badminton Dapp introduces users to the sport of Badminton as well as contains item store to track and ledger the delivery of badminton equipment.
Each real equipment item is ledgered via a digital one with a smart contract logic system in place to determine the demand and track iteam. When delivery is completed the DApp ERC1155 NFTs should be exchanged for the physical items.
A great win for the producers is a potential to save on costs with improved inventory tracking and demand management.
Web Badminton DApp succeeds where off-chain software ledgering system products fail because they may go out of service, need updates, crash with data losses. Web Badminton DApp is a very low cost business systems management product/tool.
While competing software based ledgering products carry monthly and or annual base fees, the only new costs accrued by the business utilizing the DApp are among new contract deployments. A new contract for new batch of items only is needed every few months based on demand and delivery schedule.
In addition, we created Decentralized Newsletter subscription List that we connected to web3.storage.
How we built it:
We built the application using JavaScript, NextJS, React, Tailwind Css and Wagmi library, IPFS, nft.storage and web3.storage. The application is hosted on vercel. The newsletter list data is stored on ipfs with web3.storage.
The contract is built with solidity, hardhat, EVMOS devnet and polygon blockchain mumbai testnet. Meanwhile the Ipfs data is stored using nft.storage.
Project Website: https://web-badmintion.vercel.app/
Smart Contract links: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
Project Details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oxnYJdtDQg


welcome team, please why not artistry track


How do you think which track is better for my project?


it has to do with nfts too right?


Yes, you are right …


then I suggest artistry ok maybe my other colleagues too will check and see


Welcome to Grand Hackathon Season 5
Do you have any provisions for learn to earn?


At first instance, before reading your offering, I was convinced your project had something to do with the actual sport of badminton :badminton:

Makes me wonder, how did the team come up with the idea for a decentralized badminton-centered dapp?


Welcome buddy to Tron Hackathon S5 and I wish you good luck


I am a professional badminton player. You can see my results on Instagram or Twitter. If you want, I can share links. So, I have enough knowledge about this type of sport :grin:

Hi, thx. No, I do not have

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Oh, you’ve a track record that does speak for itself! Please share the links, thank you!

Ok thanks for your response, but I think if you initiates something like that it will attract more users, it’s a suggestion though

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I must confess, that twitter page looks a bit tricky, you can do more to make it an absolute reflection of your track records and what your project represents, thank you!

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