BttTipBot - Tipping is mandatory sir

Big buddy like Bzn, thank you for checking out our project.
Thanks for the heads ups. Sure. We keep building to fit all.

All listing will be attended to. Cheers


have nothing to say now, still waiting for my updates… not complete for me until i get those functions


Thanks. I am seriously rooting for your project. You guys have a great team.


Join Telegram:
Telegram OnChainVision Group where :robot: Mainent Telegram Bot is active

Let us know what you think of the current implementation :heart_eyes:

Note that following features are already implemented:

  • Multi Wallet
  • Withdraw function to any address/ internal wallets
  • /tip (available within groups)
  • /tipOnChain (available within groups)
  • /help /gm /gn /hi /balance /history (available in groups with tagging the bot)
  • in private you have interactive menu with buttons for everything
  • Possibilty to import wallets
  • Possibility to generate wallets
  • QR code in order to receive wallets
  • Possibility to click on an address and copy it
  • Transfer $Btt from our internal wallets to any address
  • Deposit $TIP with a single button
  • Top up telegram balance with a single button
  • New users who never have a wallet and get /tip are automatically saved and when they open the bot will find the tip balance even if they never have any interaction with the bot before. So any user ramp-up is easy and smooth
  • Possibility to use instead of 1000000 the 1m amount for easy tip message. (We have k = 1000, m=1000000, b=1000000000)
  • Option to delete wallet

Tell us please :pray: what feature do you like and what else would you love to see in a TipBot.

Cheers :beers:


Some pretty cool features you have here. I actually love the multi wallet feature.

But I would love and export wallet feature using private keys or seed phrases.


Dear Tronics/ Btt Fams. As💁🏻‍♂️ You voted we implemented.
Btt Tip Bot now have the following new function as requested by our active members.

  • /rain function - this will equally share the amount of inputted Btt to a total number of active users within set period of time.

  • /airdrop function - will share the amount based on the point (each message in group is a point)
    Note:- if no active user, you will get response like this.

  • Exporting of Private Keys(PK):old_key:

Thank you everyone part of this project. Cheers


Welcome team onchaindev to yet again, another HackaTron season. I can beat to chest that you are among the few devs that keeps building in and out of the hackathon Tron and I’m certain that one day, your efforts will be crown with success.

I’m equally excited to see @Gordian as part of your team in this hackathon. This spells good for everyone in this platform that there are unlimited opportunities in this forum. All you need is dedication and commitment to meet your next web3 employer. Congrats bro!

Coming to your hackathon participation, I am so glad on your ambition to tackle the challenge of Tip Bot and buidling to revolutionize the way communities engage with BTT within the BTTC network but I am more concern on product sustainability because a lot of Tip bots are in existence with little or no significant usage. So I will like to know how you have planned on user sustainability in adopting the Tip Bot and actively participate in tipping within the BTTC community.


Thx for adding the airdrop/rain feature yesterday as requested :sunglasses:

Nice, to see how developers can act in real time!

Maybe we can have something like a multi-burn wallet? One Adress that can burn any crypto if you like to support.


Thank You big Name for the warm welcome. Together we sTRONger. Yes Onchain keeps building. All the best to all.

Thank you, for I’m excited to be part of the team. Thanks for the trust too. This space taught me that distance not a barrier, even language is not a barrier. You next employer might not speak English. But before then stay focus on grind.

So I will like to know how you have planned on user sustainability in adopting the Tip Bot and actively participate in tipping within the BTTC community.

First we know we have already existing community for Btt, but the problem is just active engagement from those communities. The idea bof the Btt tip bot is enhanced engagement. How?

I know users will be happy to get tip for theirs daily presence or task done or other within the community. That is where the tip bot comes it.

You asked how we going be sustainability tip bot usage?
Yes, we ongoing integration of this tip bot into existing community in telegram. Where their users can be tip.

Might not necessarily be Btt community. Which will be of interest of user who receive Btt tip would want to know more about Btt.

I believe my answer serves best to you.
Ask more I will get you reply. If it too technical for me
I will direct to @constantinpricope201 lols.


Big Buddy, welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here.
Yes, last night we actively worked on to have the new feature added. Thanks for taking part in the testing.

Let get to see how this feature will work. Sound like nice idea tho


Thank you @Gordian it is great to see a team that listen to feedback from it’s users.

Thank you for adding this features.


Where is @Prince-Onscolo the king of Rain :cloud_with_rain: and airdrops tips bot,… your wish has been granted :grimacing:


oh really? I have to go and check


hello ,im new here…??


Tried and tested.

Rain and airdrop functions working


Thank you for testing. It working very well.
You can now explore and make it raining in any community you find yourself.


Are your private keys compatible to multi Dex are just specific Dex.


Tested the rain function and I can testify that is cool


Happy Wednesday Guys. Sharing with us another goodness.

Another integration of Btt tip bot into telegram group.
Thanks to @Prince-Onscolo ( aka rain master)

Join our Tronics Africa (unofficial) group here
Together we sTRONger as Africans too.

Working perfectly. Thank you everyone


I just tested the rain feature and it’s so Cool.