Capitol Lion Music Network

This is the beginning of something great :muscle: as more of our world is integrated into blockchain technology anything becomes possible


Thanks for your interest within the Platform @Kerk . We’re striving to display Originality & Creativity within the Season 2 GrandHackathon, there’s a bunch of Value & Utility being developed within the Tron Network. We’re extremely excited to see what the Future holds for the Evolution of Music through NFTs.
We’re seeking to create a community driven platform which will directly connect Creators & Communities replacing any intermediaries.
Changes or Decisions regarding Economics, Community, & Underline Tech will all be decided through the Capitol Lion Music DAO.
Me personally I love the idea of Multichain functionality and interoperability, I believe this is the future of this space. Especially BTTC being extremely compatible within the Tron Ecosystem, It give applications native to Tron the choice of scalability now or down the line.


Thank you for your swift response. Wish you guys all the best with your GREAT project. Keep it up :boom:


It’s LionX Pride behind :lion:


There’s so many different things we have in store for you all! It’s time to revolutionize the traditional music industry, and put the power back into the creators/consumers hands :rocket:


Coooool! Is this similar to Audius?


The Governance of the Capitol Lion Music Platform is Next level.
The Governability is solely dependent on The Genesis NFT collection.
Each Genesis NFT is equivalent to one Vote. Which acts as voting power within these political events. These Voting requirements refer to Economics, Community & the Underlining Technology within Capitol Lion.
This is Ultimately creating a Decentralized Autonomous Organization built around a Music Network.
The NFT standard is unlocking a whole new realm of opportunities within the Music industry. Fractionalized ownership over Products, Services, Tools & Resources is innovating the Traditional way of Thinking.
Together, we can all do our part in the Evolving the Music scene.


@kipchoge Thank you so much for your interest in our Project. Yes something similar to Audius, but we want to give more of an organic touch, The LionX way :wink: … We want to create a platform where you can genuinely feel the differences between cultures of Music. This is ultimately a community driven ecosystem of Music. The (3) innovative Functionalities We’re extremely excited to introduce to the Tron ecosystem is (The Music DAO, MusicNFT Launchpad, & DeFi implementations).


Music NFTs
Music NFT are becoming a brand New Digital Asset Class. This gives Creators the chance to connect directly to it’s supporters &/or Community.
Creators control the details behind distribution through LionX based Smart Contracts.
The Ability to Fractionalize Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights will change the game as we know it. This will ultimately develop a new form of Art leveraging the Standards of NFTs. Music NFTs are the 1st step to Tokenization of Culture. This is building outlets of opportunities of all types, including self sustainability & decentralization.

Check out Capitol Lion’s Twitter page

Stay updated with the Evolution of Music :fist::lion:


Great Project ! I like that.


I like it. Good Project.


Nice to see original content on TRON :+1::smiley:


Loving to see the LionX team being the pioneer in the filed of Music NFTs through Capitol Music NFTs cheers :clinking_glasses:

Great stuffs coming on #TRON

Love being the early adopter of LionX and enjoying the stay ! :lion:


I agree with you. Looking great.


Fun Fact :fist::lion:

The Team Behind LionX, “CoreX” has experience with Music NFTs. CoreX onboarded OneM1nd to The LionX ecosystem through a strategic partnership with a Main Goal to bring Music to Tron Network.
The Tokenization of their Song
“Tronics Anthem” really showcased the powers of Decentralization through blockchains like Tron.

:point_right: Check out this historic Music NFT Native to Tron.


Check out this Video giving a brief summary on The Capitol Lion Music Network.

:point_right: Capitol Lion's Season 2 Tron Grand Hackathon Official Entry - YouTube


Lets go Lionex! Very innovative idea! I will be happy to see the product! I cross my fingers for the victory :lion:


Thank you so much for your interest & your words of inspiration, it truly means a lot to us !
We have some New upcoming features we’re proud to showcase.
Stay tuned my friend :fist: :lion:


Genesis WhiteList Sale has officially Deployed the Genesis NFT collection

The Capitol Lion Decentralized Autonomous Organization is officially forming !

:point_right: Genesis NFT : TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器

Another Objective down on the Road Map.
Whitelisted Sale of The Capitol Lion Genesis NFT Collection was a Success.
This group of individuals had the opportunity to reserve ownership of (1 or 2) Genesis NFTs by sacrificing LDA.
There was a sacrificing rate of 5,000 LDA per Genesis NFT.
The Evolution of Music :notes: is now in Full effect.
The Future of this Industry, is a Decentralized one !

Public sale is right around the corner … please stay alert !


Image Reveal + the True Meaning behind the NFT

As you know Genesis NFT holders within the Capitol Lion Music Network are basically the Founding Fathers of this Platform. This is the first sight of The Raw Community and Decentralized Autonomous Organization of Capitol Lion Music Network.

Let’s dissect this NFT, shall we …
Firstly let’s cover the Golden Ticket.
It has the Official Capitol Lion Logo engraved in it & Also, instills Confirmation that you are apart of The Royal Genesis Club. Which empowers a Democratized Music Environment.

The Box in which the Ticket is Displayed, is a Representation of the First initial Building Blocks set for The Capitol Lion Infrastructure via Blockchain .

The Background of the Horizon is a reflection of a Fresh Start or New Beginnings. The Blue Sky complements a great environment for Productivity. Genesis NFT holders will ultimately determine the future of this Project . This Movement will be built by the Community, from the Ground up.

The variety of Trees and vegetation represents The Digital frontier of LionX protocols, such as Jungle & Oasis.

Check out the NFT Reveal here :

Together we can Create a Decentralized Future!