Come and join our HackaTRON S4 community topics and win prizes!

Heya guys! We’ve been blown away by the amazing questions you’ve been asking on the HackaTRON S4 participants’ project posts. Keep up the great work! :clap: Did you know that the system scoring for community prizes will be based on the activeness of your participation on the forum and the number of likes and post engagements you get? So, the more meaningful questions you ask, the higher your chances of scoring big!

Also, the Hackathon team is taking note of all the fantastic suggestions you’ve been making throughout the forum, and they’ll be adding them to the scores too. So, keep those suggestions and questions coming! Your participation is essential to making this Hackathon a success, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

Onto the next set of questions before the voting session begins!

Q. Do you think having a builder track is useful? Builder track allows existing hackathon participants from previous seasons to join a specific track to keep developing their existing projects. Why and why not?

Q. Did you notice any projects missing from the community poll for S4 that you think should be up there? While the Hackathon team has rules to ensure fair participation, we still want to hear from you! Please note that some projects may not have made the list due to these rules. However, those projects that didn’t make the list still have a chance to win one of 3 Determination Prizes of 5,000 USDD if they can prove that are serious about building and push their projects to the mainnet by June 1st.

Q. What are some projects that you are keeping an eye on? Do not self-promote and spam here please :smile: