CuteGarden - OnChain community spaces utilizing token gated system

Project Name: CuteGarden
Project Track: web3
Team Name: Team IamVanillaBaby
Team Member(s): 1 @IamVanillaBaby
Devpost Project Link:
Project Goal: CuteGarden’s goal is to establish on-chain community rooms with a token-gated system, enabling token holders to curate exclusive spaces and foster meaningful interactions based on shared interests and credentials. Token gating ensures that access to these rooms and features within the platform is restricted to users who hold specific tokens or meet certain qualifications, promoting community collaboration and engagement. CuteGardens aims to provide a secure and personalized audio-chat experience within these token-gated environments, enhancing interaction and communication within blockchain communities.

Project Value: The value of CuteGardens lies in its ability to create exclusive on-chain community rooms with a token-gated system, offering several key benefits:

  1. Community Empowerment: CuteGardens empowers token holders to curate and manage their own exclusive spaces, fostering a sense of community ownership and collaboration.
  2. Meaningful Interactions: By restricting access based on token holdings or specific qualifications, CuteGardens facilitates meaningful interactions among like-minded individuals within the blockchain community.
  3. Enhanced Security and Personalization: Token gating ensures a secure environment where only eligible users can participate, enhancing privacy and personalization for participants.
  4. Promotion of Engagement: The platform encourages active participation and engagement within token-gated environments, promoting community growth and collaboration.
  5. Innovative Use of Blockchain Technology: CuteGardens leverages blockchain technology to provide a unique and innovative audio-chat experience, integrating token economics with community interaction.

Overall, CuteGardens adds value by enabling community-driven interactions, promoting engagement, and offering a secure and personalized environment for blockchain enthusiasts.

Project Info: [Use the upload button and upload a deck/slides of your project in PDF format.

Project Website: Soon

Project Test Instructions:

  1. Main Page Exploration: Navigate to the main page of CuteGardens and explore the variety of spaces available. Click on your favorite space to delve into its features and offerings.
  2. Creating Your Own Garden: Create your own garden! Head over to the create page and give your garden a unique name. Write a description to let people know what your garden is all about.
  3. Gate Your Garden: Now, let’s add some flair to your garden by gating it with different criteria like TRC20 tokens, NFTs, or by restricting access to specific groups. Alternatively, you can keep it open for all to join.
  4. Invite Friends: After filling out the form, sign the transaction to create your garden. You’ll receive a shareable link that you can send to friends and other members to invite them to join your space.
  5. Join Your Garden: Let’s see our garden in action! Use the link we generated to join your newly created space.
  6. Testing Voice Chat: Invite your friends to join the voice chat and have some fun! You can mute and unmute yourself and engage in discussions using the chat tab. Remember, if you’ve enabled token gating, only users who meet certain criteria can join.
  7. Exiting the Garden: Once you’ve finished exploring, simply click on the exit button to leave the garden. It’s as easy as that!

Project Details: Soon

Smart Contract links: Soon

Project Milestones:

  1. Platform Launch: Successfully launch the CuteGardens platform with the initial token-gated community rooms and essential features, such as user onboarding and room creation.
  2. Integration of Rooms: Integrate rooms functionality with smooth and immersive communication environment. Users can engage in real-time conversations, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.
  3. Expansion of Features: Continuously expand the platform’s features, including additional token-gated rooms, customization options, and integration with new token standards (e.g., TRC-721, TRC-1155).
  4. Enhanced Security and Privacy: Implement privacy enhancements, such as encrypted communications and improved identity verification methods through zkp.
  5. Tokenomics and Governance: Develop robust tokenomics and governance models to incentivize participation and community governance within CuteGardens, ensuring sustainable growth and long-term viability.
  6. User Experience Improvements: Continuously iterate on user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design based on community feedback, aiming for intuitive and seamless interactions within the platform.
  7. Market Expansion and Outreach: Expand the market reach of CuteGardens through targeted marketing campaigns, community outreach, and engagement initiatives to attract a broader audience of blockchain enthusiasts.
  8. Cross-Chain Compatibility: Explore cross-chain compatibility to enable interaction with multiple blockchain networks, allowing users to participate regardless of their preferred blockchain ecosystem

welcome team. this will be like organizing an event which requires ticket. but this time around the ticket will be the tokens right? And you also said meet certain requirements, what could that be? building points?

Welcome once again. If I’m not mistaken this is your first time building something or rather participating on Tron hackathon and you are coming up with two different projects as a solo developer. Though it may be allowed in the event but this doesn’t sit well with me as it makes me to question what could be the fate of these two projects after the hackathon. Please without any wrong interpretation to this question, are you building for the love of the ecosystem or you are building just for the hackathon?

first project submission: Sponsify By i’am VanillaBaby - Ads pay , transaction plays


Welcome to Hackathon Season 6, CuteGarden sounds like every farmer’s dream lol.
I’m curious reading through, could you please clarify on the processes for checking user identities and token holdings to protect the integrity of token-gated spaces?

I’m truly enthusiastic about the Tron ecosystem! Despite the multitude of hackathons happening worldwide, I’ve chosen Tron and bttc after thorough research because I believe in its capabilities. This reflects my genuine commitment to the Tron network, and I’m excited to continue developing these projects even after the hackathon.

yeh i’m utterly insane! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :blush:

Welcome to the season 6, please tell me how will the community members take part in the decision making, thank you

Welcome to hackathon season 6 buddy expecting more from you

Ok I just hope that this enthusiasm remains after the hackathon to propel you to keep developing on the network.

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Here is the test instruction you can test it after launch . Hope you like the idea ? :blush:

  1. Main Page Exploration: Navigate to the main page of CuteGardens and explore the variety of spaces available. Click on your favorite space to delve into its features and offerings.
  2. Creating Your Own Garden: Create your own garden! Head over to the create page and give your garden a unique name. Write a description to let people know what your garden is all about.
  3. Gate Your Garden: Now, let’s add some flair to your garden by gating it with different criteria like TRC20 tokens, NFTs, or by restricting access to specific groups. Alternatively, you can keep it open for all to join.
  4. Invite Friends: After filling out the form, sign the transaction to create your garden. You’ll receive a shareable link that you can send to friends and other members to invite them to join your space.
  5. Join Your Garden: Let’s see our garden in action! Use the link we generated to join your newly created space.
  6. Testing Voice Chat: Invite your friends to join the voice chat and have some fun! You can mute and unmute yourself and engage in discussions using the chat tab. Remember, if you’ve enabled token gating, only users who meet certain criteria can join.
  7. Exiting the Garden: Once you’ve finished exploring, simply click on the exit button to leave the garden. It’s as easy as that!