D-Safe Library Game - for children, adults and plants

Good day @Andreaxino

Thank you so much for your feedback, it warms my heart :grinning:

Current State:

All books (And thumbnails) are already stored un-encrypted on Arweave. Which is a 250 years public storage crypto-chain. As a result, the book storage longevity is already guaranteed.

As for the website itself, it is served trough static html/css on netlify free plan, and it is linked to the domain name datapond.earth .

near Future (1-2 months from now)

Now that the whole application is built using simple HTML/CSS/JS - with no need for any centralized server - It unlocks the capability to publish it directly on the Arweave network using Web Manifests.
To learn more about manifest, click here, here or here.

When done, The library won’t need to rely on any storage providers (netlify in this case).

next 4 generation (100 years from now)

The main technical limitation right now is DNS and domain names.

The first solution, would be to pre-pay the domain name datapond.earth for 250 years.
The second one would be to use alternative to DNS, such as eth domain names, ArNS and others.
The issue with the second approach is that those alternate DNS are not recognized in all browsers at the moment.

I hope this answers your question - assuming it was a technical question.

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Hello, I am looking for feedback.

I have just deployed a new update.

Pregame screen:

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

First page preview screen

Yes it does. I am satisfied with your answer
I am rooting looking forward to seeing you archive your milestones. Once again welcome.


It sounds like you’ve put a lot of effort into the project over the last two years, and it’s nice to see your hard work paying off.
As for suggestions for improvements or modifications to the current version, I only got one;

Ensure that the platform is accessible to users with disabilities by implementing features such as screen reader support, keyboard navigation options, and high contrast modes.


Thank you, this is a valid suggestion, A11Y imo is essential - as a quality benchmark.

It is almost fully compliant, I can only see 2 missing parts in accessibility right now.

  • Menu navigation (With keyboard etc)
  • The actual PDF - The plan is to get the PDF downloaded , then parse every page into an image, and store those in IndexDB. I might have to also extract the text from the PDF - but often the text extraction quality is average - and I am not sure how a screen reader would behave .

The positive point about this approach is that it also helps with SEO.

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This is a great suggestion @manfred_jr. This kind of product should be built with accessibility in mind.

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I have just ran a basic lighthouse audit, and got a 89/100 score on A11Y - That’s not too bad - it shouldn’t be too hard to reach 100

The most difficult part will be keyboard navigation on the side menu (with left/up/right/down arrows) . I remember I did that several years ago, and it wasn’t that simple.

Thanks for your reply in so such a notice, it’s nice to learn that you’re using accessibility (A11Y) as a quality criterion for the platform! Addressing the two missing sections you identified will improve the user experience for everyone, including people with disabilities.
It’s fantastic to also read that the PDF accessibility strategy provides SEO benefits, making information more available to both users and search engines increases the platform’s reach and effect, have you observed any significant gains in SEO performance while using this approach?

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I cannot tell about any PDF SEO accessibility feedback - right now, because only the desktop App (under Linux / windows) have the pdf viewer implemented. And desktop apps don’t have SEO.

The web version doesn’t have any reader implemented right now. And I think I won;t have the time to implement it properly before the submission date. Although I will later on.


Thank you for the clarification on PDF accessibility and SEO feedback. Given their limited scope, it is understandable that desktop apps do not help to SEO at this time.
When you install the PDF reader for the web version in the future, what steps will you take to guarantee that it is accessible to users with disabilities?


It is a tough question to answer !

Well, first, i believe there can be 3 types of disabilities when it comes to learn by reading on a computer screen:

  • Vision
  • Motor
  • Autism

Let’s address them 1by1:

1- Vision

Well I come with a conflict here, because the most sensible technical solution would be to use AI, and embeddings, and to have the LLM pipe answers to the “reader’s” question to a voice generator.

But that would break the D-SAFE label that the library is published under - which state that any AI interaction is forbidden under the D-SAFE label.

Also, I could think of creating a special licence for those with a vision impairment, so they could purchase let’s say a chatgpt API key, that they would enter trough a paid version of the library - that is marked as D-UNSAFE.

That alone breaks another promise, where the Library is not a public property anymore.

So the TLTR is: I don’t know.

2 - Motor

I am planning to 1st implement keyboard navigation, then gamepad navigation.

3 - Autism

There are plans to have special version of the library - that are targeted to very specific audiences, and I am sure there are content that are more suitable for people with difficulty reading and with focus issues - when it comes to computer screens.

I will need to obtain funds , and hire several people - whose job will be to gather content for them.

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Thank you for sharing insights into your approaches to tackling various forms of disability. It’s clear that you’re carefully examining the unique demands of users with different disabilities and researching viable solutions within the restrictions of your project’s standards and principles.
Have you considered alternate solutions for people with vision impairments that do not rely on AI or breach the D-SAFE designation, such as providing text-to-speech features for screen readers or using high-contrast themes to aid readability?


Good day !

I am sorry I didn’t replied to your question earlier.

The Beta version can be accessed here: It is a dev version published in prod ( I know, I know

About the new version:

  • Works in all major browsers
  • The previous version is based on Vue.js framework (quasar.dev to be specific) running on top of electron. This version is statically generated using a custom GoLang generator
  • This version adds content rating as a pre-condition to access the actual books.
  • This version allows the user to connect their tron wallet, which inturns will allow them to simultaneously backup and vote for content.

This is work in progress, expect some bugs from time to time.

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Good day!

Great question, and thank you for helping me being very specific concerning A11Y design.
The product will have high contrast view by default. Right now only the dark theme is implemented, but It is planned to have a light theme implemented later on.

I am a strong believer that following A11Y compliant design is great for people with vision impairment, but also for those who have perfect vision. Having a clear high contrast design helps the reader to focus longer, and it makes it easier for them to access the information they are looking for.

Many of the PDF books I have are old books printed early last century. Some are as old as the 1800s. At that time, there was no computers, and therefor, the PDF is the result of concatenated scanned image that contains no information related to the actual text content.

With today’s tech, It is still possible to implement text-to-speech functionality for those books - it involves the usage of OCR (Optical character recognition ) as an additional step in the processing of the PDF.

Version 0.7.* (The desktop app) is using the following process:

1 - Download the PDF from Arweave
2 - Preprocess the PDF and extract every page as a JPG image - using the MuPDF WASM that can be found here
3 - Store all images on the local file system.

With MuPDF, it is also possible to extract the text - when the data is available.
It is possible to then process this text with a text to speech library.
When not available , another step would be to process each image with an OCR, such as tesseract . I haven’t looked into it, so I don’t know about the quality of the result.

High contrast mode is by default - but I could also add a vision impairement mode too, that would process each image to increase contrast using some image processing WASM step.

To summarize, a possible approach could be:

1 - Download the PDF from Arweave
2 - Preprocess the PDF and extract every page as a JPG image
3 - Does the user wants high contrast mode + text2speech ?
if YES, increase the image contrast with image post-processing libraries.
Does the PDF book contains text as vector?
if YES, extract the information alongside the image, and store it into the user’s local storage
if NO, add an extra Web-Worker to process OCR, and store the processed result on local storage
Find a nice open source TextToSpeech library, and use it for reading the book content - in sync with the PDF viewer.

I believe this approach could become an advanced open source PDF reader library by itself ( sponsored by the D-SAFE World library initiative ).

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I am sorry I didn’t saw your question. I now have an answer for it.


I have 2 sets of answers, one for each version:

1: Desktop Version

Currently, the desktop version stores data onto the user personal filesystem. There are no account needed to access the full content.
No data collection, only book & topic activity - that are used to compute the user’s favorite topics/book/pages.
This data is never stored outside of the user’s personal computer storage. May the user wants to delete all cached data, they 'll have to manually delete the .datapond folder in their home folder.

2: Demo Web version

I am hoping to replicate a similar approach as the desktop app, using the native IndexedDB storage that is present on all major browser.
Although I will allow TRON Wallet connection, the data is fully anonymous, and never linked to any social media/email provider.
When unlocking the Student Key - the user agrees to the C-Licence terms.

  • They understand the definition of the D-Licence and what the D-SAFE label means. (by graduating the within the gaming mode).
  • They understand that the Library only contains D-SAFE content.
  • They agree to publish their personal activity under the D-Licence - making their library activity publicly anonymous.

Anyone on the planet can access the user’s favorite books, topic and reading activity - without knowing who they are and where they are.

When any user decides to change his/her mind - and opt-out of the library voting program, they can notify the Library smart contract using the same Wallet account - and their activity/vote will be removed from the smart contract’s state.

Although it cannot be completely erased from the blockchain history - the user’s vote can be de-indexed from the library community vote.

Hello everyone,

I have started documenting the level system of the library:

I am looking forward to answer all your questions, and take any feedback / suggestion into account.

Thank you for providing detailed insights on your plans to integrate accessibility features, particularly for users with vision impairments, as well as detailing how to handle PDF books with scanned photos.

How do you intend to ensure that OCR processing is accurate and reliable, particularly for PDF volumes with complicated layouts or decreased picture quality? Are you planning to use any methods or technology to increase the quality of OCR results?

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Just reading through. Can’t say I understand very well about your project. Please ina very simple way to explain.
What is your project all about and how can it favor a new tron users? Thank you


@lawpond I will be interested in your response to this. If possible, explain it in a clearer terms that a non-blockchain user will understand.