ERP = e-Plus : Decentralize The Business

I believe that in these scenarios we can team up:

1: Each company and/or end customer that signs up for the LinknRed MarketPlace and requires cryptocurrency payment services (send and receive cryptocurrencies to buy or sell products and services)

2: Companies that enable the option to send or receive cryptocurrencies through digital wallets through on the ERP: e-Plus modules of:

A) Accounts Payable

b) Accounts Receivable

Then we could propose to our contacts the option that they contract a .TRX domain with you and thus they can identify the accounts and facilitate their identification.

I believe that we can create synergy and team collaboration where we support each other.

Do you think that proposal will work?

Do you have any other proposal?

Feel free to comment!!!


Really hot and beyond our imagination, can we have an announcement about this collaboration on twitter?

We’ve also perfected the built-in npmjs library: trondomainjs - npm

Thanks so much!


Gran proyecto para ampliar las opciones de la blockchain de TRON y los e-commerce para todas América Latina


Can we discuss in telegram, my telegram @redstoneus

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Hello, yes of course… that would be great.

We will continue commenting on telegram :grinning:

Hola aganamenon!!!

Muchas gracias por tus comentarios, nos motivan mucho para seguir construyendo y avanzando hacía adelante :muscle:

#TronStrong #Tronics

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It is a great idea and an incredible project, I wish you good luck. :ok_hand:


Thank you very much for your comments Carlos_TRX

It motivate us a lot to continue building :muscle:



Congrats guys for your complex project, it’s definitely a lot of work to build something like this and to compete with the current ERPs.

We’re currently using HubSpot for CRM and might be interested in your platform, but it’s never easy to change from an established, working system. So in our case, why should we or any other company choose e-Plus for e.g. managing CRM? Can you please share some cool ideas, reasons or features about your CRM? (For the other parts like accounting, eccommerce etc we really see the advantage & selling point of crypto and connecting digital wallets.)

Thank you very much and good luck!


JavierGarza, Wow, one of the more interesting (and huge) projects I’ve seen in the Hackathon. I’ve bookmarked your project and will be keeping an eye out. Good luck and I will be voting for your project.
I hope you will take a look at TruQoin too.


my friend, this is a great project, you have my vote.


Thanks for your interesting question!!

The software can NOT work if the people and their business processes are NOT properly integrated and/or interconnected under the general objectives of the company.

Definitely in each new implementation (where the previous software is replaced) there is a “resistance to change” and it is important to have good leaders (on the side of the company, to be committed with the new software and on the side of the Ennovasol consultancy) so if this “connection” happen there would be a successful change.
When a company doesn´t have a previous software, the implementations are easier to execute.

Our tools are designed to achieve an implementation in “stages” (depending on business priorities). This helps to have “Quick Hits” and in this way the results can be achieved quickly and this motivate the team work.

In general, our tools are designed so that operators spend their time based on “exceptions”, by this I mean that we can show (through the data cube, reports and KPIs) the opportunity areas that each department has and thus they can dispose of the time and effort prioritizing the activities that are more valuable to the company. (Anticipate to the problems and don´t let them grow is the best medicine)

As for the CRM, here is my telegram user @Jgarza19 and we can schedule a session at some point to learn more details about your operation.


Thank you very much for your comments and support pstewart :grinning:

It motivates us a lot to continue building and moving forward.

PS: I have been reviewing TruQoin and I also find it very interesting :muscle:

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My Friend and Master Tdetronics :muscle: :people_hugging:

I am very glad to find you in this forum :grinning:

Thank you very much for your support in the voting :smiling_face:

#TronStrong #sTRONg #Tronics


El equipo de Ennovasol no deja de avanzar !!!

Felicidades por el trabajo realizado, el tiempo que le dedican y el esfuerzo en el desarrollo.


That is exactly what happen in my bussines when they try to make some changes in the software… but its true, there must be commitment of everyone in the team so things can happen.
I read this project and seems to be very complete!! I think that having an ERP that can manage the bussines and also be innovating constantly it´s great!!
Congratulations !!


I’m a developer and know the challenge of all of this
I will like to colaborate with you as a team!!
Congratulations !!


He tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con la fábrica de software de Ennovasol y los recomiendo.

Nosotros fábricamos moldes para inyección de plástico y el apoyo y consultaría del equipo es genial.

Les deseo mucho éxito en el emprendimiento de nuevas herramientas de trabajo


This Project is very descriptive… you have enough information so I can know it’s a complete project with a lot of benefits… congratulations!!!


Awesome, B2C !!!
I’ll like to implement in my business