Flixe: Pioneering the Future of CryptoCinematics Frame by Frame

:memo: Basic Information

:star2: Project Aims & Impact

  • :dart: Objective:

    • Pioneering the digital entertainment sphere by launching a decentralized network that seamlessly connects content creators, viewers, and advertisers for mutual advantages.
  • :gem: Value Proposition:

    • :shield: Decentralization: Thanks to the TRON blockchain, creators wield unparalleled control over their content, minimizing intermediaries and maximizing revenue.
    • :bar_chart: Transparency: Every single transaction, from ad investments to crowdfunding, is open for all to see and verify on the network. Your trust is our priority.
    • :lock: Security: Top-tier encryption standards safeguard user information. Because peace of mind matters.
    • :bulb: Innovation: Our smart contracts introduce dynamic engagement methods like evolving auctions, profit sharing, and more. Stay ahead of the curve!

:movie_camera: Diving Deeper into Flixe

Flixe is not just another platform; it’s a movement on the TRON blockchain, redefining the way creators, viewers, and advertisers collaborate.

Vision: The vision of Flixe is to create a platform that unites cinema enthusiasts, directors, cast, crew, and producers. The goal is to make Flixe capable of handling everything required for a cinema to function.

Wondering what’s on Flixe? Here’s the rundown:

Flixe Studio:

  • Craft movies spanning multiple episodes.
  • You decide: free episodes or premium ones.
  • Turn your cinematic vision into NFTs.
  • Flexibly monetize: opt for auctions or set your price.

Advertisement Suite:

  • Billboard Bidding: Each day, the three highest bidders flaunt their ads.
  • Scheduled Ads: Buy slots, get your ads rolling before movies, and reward the movie creator for every play.

Viewer’s Hub:

  • Dive into diverse content: full-blown movies (Flix), breezy short films (Quicks), or snappy videos (Shots).
  • Choose from complimentary Flixes or those with a price tag. Bought one? You’re free to resell!

Crowdfunding Corner:

  • Got a groundbreaking movie concept? Pitch it on Flixe. Detail it out and rally the community to back you up.

Flixe: The ultimate destination that empowers creators, offers viewers a content haven, and assures advertisers a bang for their buck. Jump in!

:woman_scientist: How to Test Flixe

  1. Login/Signup:

    • Tronlink login/signup.
    • For new users, provide required details and register. For returning users, just sign your nonce to login.
  2. Flixe Studio:

    • Once logged in, access the Flixe Studio portal.
    • Try creating a new movie with multiple episodes and all required details.
    • Set different access levels for episodes – mark some as free and some as paid.
    • Experiment with converting a movie into an NFT, after converting as NFT you can not edit it.
    • Test the feature to put your content on sale – either through an auction or at a fixed price.
  3. Ad Management:

    • Navigate to the ad management section.
    • Participate in the Billboard Auction. Bid on a slot and check if the top bidders get displayed correctly.
    • Buy some ad slots in the slot-based ad system. Ensure your ad plays before the designated movie content.
    • Verify if the movie owner’s account reflects the payment when your ad is played.
  4. Viewer’s Portal:

    • Browse through the various content types: Flix (full movies), Quicks (short films), and Shots (very short videos).
    • Watch some free content and observe playback quality.
    • For premium content, go through the purchase process. Check if the content becomes accessible post-purchase.
    • Try reselling content you’ve bought and see if the process is smooth.
  5. Crowdfunding:

    • Locate the crowdfunding section.
    • Mock-pitch a movie idea. Add some details like genre, estimated budget, and a brief plot.
    • Fund a pitched idea and check if the transaction process is error-free.
  6. General:

    • Navigate between different pages and ensure load times are acceptable.
    • Check for any broken links or images.
    • Interact with any other features/tools available on the platform and note any discrepancies or issues.
    • Website is well optinmised for dark mode, but light mode also will be good so play with thems also.
  7. Feedback:

    • After testing, please provide feedback on user experience, any bugs encountered, and general suggestions for improvement in the comments.

:open_book: A Closer Look at Flixe

  • Meet Flixe: The Future of Entertainment is Decentralized!

    In the ever-evolving world of digital entertainment, Flixe emerges as a revolutionary platform. Developed on the robust TRON blockchain, Flixe is more than just a hub for cinematic content. It’s a complete ecosystem designed to create symbiotic relationships between content creators, viewers, and adve—rtisers.

    What makes Flixe unique:

    Two-Portal Architecture of Flixe

    • Flixe Portal
    • Flixe Studio

    Flixe Portal: A Viewer’s Paradise

    Flixe Portal: A Viewer’s Paradise

    1. ShortFlix & FeatureFlix:
      • ShortFlix: This section offers quick and engaging cinematic experiences, with all films clocking in at less than 30 minutes. It’s perfect for those who want entertainment but are pressed for time.
      • FeatureFlix: For those willing to invest more time, FeatureFlix offers full-length films that can span hours. It’s your destination for in-depth storytelling and character arcs.
      • Interactive Experience: Just like your favorite social media platforms, Flixe allows viewers to react to films with a like or dislike. You can also leave comments and tip creators to show some extra love. If a video has a sale tag, you can buy it directly from the platform.
      • Ad Billboards: To keep engagement levels high, the top section of both the ShortFlix and FeatureFlix pages feature digital billboards that are auctioned daily. The top three bids get their ads shown in these prime spots.
      • Flexible Purchase Options: If you see a film you like and want to own, we offer multiple buying methods. You can outright buy it, make an offer, enter a bargain, or even participate in an auction if the video is up for sale.
      • Advertising: Expect seamless integration of ads, which will play either at the beginning, middle, or end of the films, so you’re never yanked out of the viewing experience abruptly.
    2. Feed: Beyond movies, get the latest updates, community posts, messages, and shorts in a sleek feed format.
    3. FlixFund: This crowdfunding section allows creators to pitch their ideas, showcasing sample videos, photos, and cast details to attract investment. We are also considering implementing community-like features, including video and text chats, to enable real-time conversations between creators and investors.

    Flixe Studio: The Creator’s Workshop

    1. Dashboard: Gain comprehensive insights into revenue streams, views, likes, and other engagement metrics.
    2. Advertise on Flixe: Unlock the Full Power of Visibility
      1. Daily Billboard Auctions: Stand out on ShortFlix and FeatureFlix with our daily billboard auctions. Place the top bid and watch your ad shine in prime spots that catch every eye.
      2. Dynamic Ads: Not a fan of static billboards? Opt for our ‘Circular Queue Approach,’ designed to circulate your video ads across the platform. It’s the all-angles strategy that makes sure your message gets seen, no matter where viewers are browsing.
      3. Introducing Ad-Boosters: Looking to go the extra mile? Our ‘Ad-Boosters’ will turbocharge your campaign, amplifying your ad’s reach and engagement like never before.
    3. Advertising on Flixe:
      • FlixBoard - Want top-notch visibility? Our daily billboard auctions on ShortFlix and FeatureFlix pages give you just that.
      • FlixCurtain - Want dynamic reach? Our ‘FlixCurtain’ feature showcases your video ads right at the beginning and the grand finale of our films, ensuring you capture attention when it counts the most.
      • Also have plans for ‘Ad-Boosters’ to supercharge your ad reach.
    4. Crowdfunding on Flixe: Got an epic idea? Share it with our community! Flixe helps you pitch your project complete with genre, cast, and financial details. Investors not just fund but also become stakeholders in your project, sharing the profits. On the horizon: real-time video chats between creators and investors.

:link: Smart Contract links:

:rocket: On the Horizon: Flixe’s Upcoming Delights:

Flixe isn’t just about films — it’s a universe waiting to be explored.

  1. Personalized User Experience:

    • Profile Creation: Customize your presence on Flixe, with tailored content recommendations and viewing history.
  2. Enhanced Viewing Options:

    • Rent-a-Video: Temporarily access premium content without full ownership, perfect for one-time viewing experiences.
    • Premium Subscription: Unlock a treasure trove of exclusive content with a monthly or yearly subscription package.
    • Party Mode in Cines: Create watch parties, invite friends, and experience cinematic moments together.
  3. Interactive Community Features:

    • Critics’ Corner:
      • Exclusive space for film critics.
      • Preview premium movies weeks before the general release.
      • Play a pivotal role in verifying and reviewing crowdfunding campaigns.
      • Active participation, reviews, and verification tasks are rewarded, ensuring that community contributions are valued and compensated.
  4. Buzz Evolution:

    • Professional Networking for Creators: Elevate “Buzz” into a networking hub akin to LinkedIn, specifically tailored for film creators.
    • Film Industry Central: Turn “Buzz” into the go-to hub where directors, actors, producers, art directors, and crew members converge.
    • Discover & Promote: Seamlessly find professionals for your next project or promote your latest work to a target audience.
    • Unified Communication: Directly connect with industry peers, initiate private chats, or form specialised groups for collaborative discussions.

:calendar: Project Milestones:


welcome to S5…
I would like to know how we the viewers can earn from this project, what’s your next plan after this hackatron (whether you win a prize or not).

Do you have any funding?
Are you going to create your own token to reward users or going to use $trx, usdd and/or usdt?


Hi, you’ve participated in season 3 & 4 with 2 different platforms. Any update about those?


Hello Buddy, you welcome to TRON HACKATHON SESSION 5. Good to have you entry

Before then, I have some questions for you.

Please could you share the update from your previous entry/ project?

  • What are some of the unique engagement models that will be facilitated by smart contracts?

  • How will decentralization benefit content creators, viewers, and advertisers?


Welcome :pray:

Can i ask why use the tron network instead of the BitTorrent,


Same buddy I was just still typing that, I had to do some findings


true, I remember he said he is developing some standalone social media platform

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Yo @Prince-Onscolo :wave:

Flixe is an idea close to my heart and has been on my mind for quite a while. Now’s the perfect time to bring it to life. This hackathon is the ideal opportunity to kick things off. Win or lose, Flixe is hitting the public network and there’s no looking back.

Regarding the Tokens :thinking: Still figuring out what to go with. Should we go custom or stick with TRX? What’s your take?

And about the :moneybag: part for Flixe, I will give u a small galnce on waht is in my mind:

For Creators:

  • Got an awesome vid? Sell it, easy peasy.
  • micro-tips, it’s like your fans buying you a virtual coffee popcorn🍿
  • Ads? Yeah, pop 'em in.

For Viewers:

  • You like a vid? Just buy it and it’s all yours. Even make some cash off it later.

For Backers:

  • Wanna invest? You can literally own a piece of that vid, throuh croudfunding.
  • Get a slice of the revenue automatically through smart contracts.

oh ok brief us on your previous projects


stick to $trx :+1:
Providing or adding value to new tokens is not easy


@adroitakash so basically content creators can sell their content or rent it out to users,

Is the content going to be uploaded on the blockchain :thinking: doesn’t bittorrent have the right facilities for such a project, less cost with low gas fees?

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Welcome to Season 5, it’s exciting to see your buidl and what you got going on.
After a careful read, here’s my assessment; Flixe appears to be a promising venture that taps into the growing world of digital entertainment through blockchain technology. Its focus on creating symbiotic relationships among content creators, viewers, and advertisers is intriguing.
This brings me to just two questions;

Could you elaborate on the process of pitching ideas and attracting investments through FlixFund? How will the community-like features for creators and investors work?

What strategies are in place to prevent ad overload and ensure a smooth viewing experience for users, despite the integration of advertisements?

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Hi @fabsltsa

For Season 4, I developed a social media platform called Evoie. I couldn’t fully complete at the end due to some health issues. I’ve since rewritten the whole project and deployed it to the mainnet. Check it out at evoie.in!
I’m currently working on adding some DeFi features that will benefit social media creators.

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Are there any updates about that?


and no update was given, there were questions waiting for you and they are still there. Communication is key

Thank you so much! I’ll take a look and hope ur health is better! Appreciate the effort!

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So, need to know how Flixe is going to get benefit out of smart contracts, right? Picture this: You watch a movie and boom—everyone who had worked and invested in making it gets paid. No more chasing down payments or dealing with confusing contracts. It’s automatic, dude.

And here’s another cool part: dynamic ads. You know how ad slots usually work? Forget that. Now, advertisers can bid in real-time and the smart contract just sorts it out, giving the slot to the highest bidder.

Now, about decentralization, man, it’s a win-win-win for creators, viewers, and advertisers. Creators don’t have to stress about middlemen. They get their cash directly, and also, no one can mess around with their content ownership. It’s like written in stone—or, well, blockchain.

Hope I have covered your concerns , If not let me know.

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About Evoie, I’m adding some DeFi features to help creators a bit more. The big plan in my head right now is to introduce a credit score system based on your account activity and views. Once that’s set up, you could actually get a loan within Evoie, using your content and account as collateral. I’m also planning to structure some investment options in Evoie to make sure there’s enough liquidity for the loans. So yeah, some neat features are in the pipeline.

I’m also considering taking this DeFi idea and making it a standalone project for Season 5. If you have any good inputs regarding this, please share them with me. I’ll include those things in Evoie to make the DeFi experience better.

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This looks good, wishing you the best of luck :+1:t5: