Gamesfi Lottery Game

Hello Gamesfi team, welcome to TRON hackathon!

would you please help to detail your project milestones so we can better judge your project?

I tested your platform but could not buy Gscore tokens, site timer is halted since May 9th

If you already participated in a previous hackathon with this project please elaborate on what are you brining during Season 6 period

Thank you!

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Hello! Cool project.

We’re also developing a project on Tron, by the way. Let me tell you a bit about us.

Strongcoin is a tap-to-earn game. In our game, there’s onboarding to the Tron ecosystem, where we publish partner quests. If you’re interested, we can arrange a collaboration.

Currently, we’re running a contest for the best question/suggestion with cool prizes! Come to our topic and read more

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