HackaTRON S6 - $5,000 Community Contributor Prize

Oh i ment to place this with my personal account :rofl: :rofl:

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Totally agree on this one.
For the inactive user point of view. One case where a user due to language issues can keep it up to staying active, but will turn up to vote their favourite projects, cause they are informed announcement .
So their vote still count.


I think you don’t get what we are trying to say. We do not want them to stay active like some of us but at least during Hackatrons. Do you mean during the events too there is nothing going on here? hahaha

I think Admin should just count all and let’s move. Like @Chukseucharia lets take it like community voting is for favorite projects. With that staying offline and logging in to vote will make sense but if the idea is to allow community to check submissions and help Jury to make decisions through voting then this is not the right thing.

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@admin.hackathon @TronLive @WindsOfChange92 @SimbadMarino please come clear. What’s the essence of community voting? If it is to show community power then what we are saying about activeness is not needed. Thanks

Now you understand what I mean… I was not saying that they need to finish up building their project before registering in the hackathon because the hackathon is about building and taking feedback from the community to make what they are building better.

The whole thing is on the Admin. They need to define the purpose of this hackathon and the place of community members. If it’s just for voting or to help shape the ecosystem. This alone will help in making decision on who qualify to participate in voting.

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I do not know what you are trying to say . I was responding to Tronlive his questions and how i view it .

But yeah many projects have a community outside this forum many of them will not even use this forum beside voting . Community voting is to show the strenght of the PROJECT its community . Not the strenght of the tron community .

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OK I will like to hear from the admins. If what you just said is the reason for the community vote then I agree they can vote without being active.

yeah let’s wait for them. @Dendorion just made a point and if that’s the case then projects should start working on that. Still I have a lot of questions about this but no need :joy:. Active community? I bet I see even 100 active members in tron projects so still it does not add up to me.

But I understand where they are coming from, maybe I would have defended like this, if I had a project. May the best best win. One love…
I have a lot to ask…

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Lols, that was hit.

In real life, not all voters in presidential election will be ative in the political campaigns and the rest.

When it the day of vote, as far as the have qualified voters card or requirements, they all line up to vote. Votes counted.
Most dont even vote at all.

Not to support a
If the reverse was the case like that particular OG won.
This argument would not be out.

Few days, the admin will handle the rest for the results outcome so we all get some rest.
Both the active ones, Devs and rest. Lols

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I don’t know about the post editing man.

I think people shouldn’t get notified by the forum when someone edits a post.

For example, I spend at least 2h of my life unsubscribing from other people’s projects, I have hundreds of mail I need to delete from my mail box - I never subscribed to…

I really appreciate the fact that there is a forum, to collect some valuable feedback.


Listen, originally, I had another plan in mind, I am editing my post very often, to update typos, milestones, urls, scopes.

I have allocated 10 years of my future life to this project, and it doesn’t need TRON to keep going. It needs me. Money would had make things easier for me, and maybe TRON is not the brand that deserved to be sticked on the oldest permanent book library.

So now It is V8, I rewrote it from scratch just for the hackathon. It is a bit of an effort. I probably will rewrite it a 9th and 10th time in the coming years, if I discover their is a better tech fitted for the need of the library.

BTW - Soon the library goes full PWA - and will fully work offline from the browser - because the people I am targetting are those living in the country.

People living in the city are not connected with sustainable practices. and they are not interested to know that there are more efficient and cleaner methods that have been used for centuries, but they are free, and don’t make a corporation money. Those people are not my audience, and they represent 80% of the population, any direction I am looking at.

It needs money, but the money will come in time, from the right people who share the same vision and values - and definitely the TRON community is not concerned by sustainable practices, and live in the moment for sure - so that is maybe how it won;t be a TRON featured success in a few years.

I can tell, by looking at the projects that have been selected that the TRON space is very much divided between

  • People looking at becoming rich, building another DEX, or another meme coin - which doesn’t bring anything valuable to society really.
  • People trying to reinvent what already exists - and only targeting crypto users. Don;t have a wallet? F*** O** basically - which in term of product design is quite limiting in my opinion - since only 0.1% of people are aware of web3. Good luck getting growth this way…

When it comes to innovation, I find it quite poor. I found a couple of project in this season that I though to myself: “Hey, this is good ! This is amazing, I wish this project will grow and succeed, because it brings value to society.” But looks like it didn’t gather any support or enthusiasm.

I used to have steam installed, and being an avid DOTA player back in the days.
99.99% of video games are not crypto based, but tell me, why should they be? They work well this way, you don’t need to be into a niche crypto ecosystem, where there are around 1000s of wallets plugins that have access to all your browsing tabs private content…

So yeah, it is all about the restriction you want to put in place - to filter out people not ready to put up with an extra effort.
It is already complicated to build something new, with a tech that is a basic copy of another tech with a different branding, with no guaranteed income.
Some people work in a team of 15, I noticed here, and have pre-existing fundings, and they participate here to get a bit more visibility with a chance of a bonus that they can share - and they compete vs people who come alone, innovative ideas, and yet, they have to deal with being able to edit their post once?

Some are alone like me, are forced to rewrite a 1year old project with new code to participate, and yet, I should have all my press-release doc ready for you because you are annoyed at notifications…

Anyway, I wish the best luck for the winners.

I am not sure about the demo day, because I didn’t qualify for some requirements that wasn’t made clear.

I have been told that there are 3 other prices, but I haven’t been given any instruction, or rules about those prizes.

Do I need to have a demo ready?

Or is it just a polite way to say, sorry, we really like DEX and meme coins - not interested in actual innovation.

Again the forum is great, and thanks to it, I gathered more feedback than all the previous hackathon combined. So thank you for all who showed me some support.
And good luck to everyone else.


This shouldn’t be the reason for community voting. The motive should be to let community decide which project that will add value to them as the daily users of the network. This will even help in the growth of the network and its adoption because when I vote for a project I believe that can solve my problem, I will always like to use that project anytime I want to solve that particular problem again. If the reason for the community voting is for project to show the strength of their community, it will affect the adoption and growth of the network.


Partially agree with your statement . Personally i also vote for projects which i like , but mostly people vote for projects they know . For example take a project which is coming over from another chain but has a established community on the other chain . Offcourse they will get their community to vote for them . Does this hurt adoption and usage of the network ? I believe it does not because that new community will also start using TRON first on their project but most likely also explore other facets of the ecosystem as they will explore further .

You can also see this in the already established projects on tron i have seen many trying to rally their community in their telegram channels to vote for them . Chances are while they vote for their favorite project they will start reading more and also be interested in other projects .


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: from season 1 to 6 now nothing has changed bro @Chukseucharia

I think the community is needed to ask questions and recommend. Voting is for favorite projects since Admins are silent on that. So we take it like that. Get your community register, get the badge, go and sleep and woke up when it’s voting time :joy:


If you force users to interact you’ll get very low quality questions and comments, like we see now for user trying to reach Trust Level 1.
User interaction on the forum comes if the place is interesting and stimulating. This forum is dead between hackathons, it has not become a real place to interact between user, devs and DAO, this is the problem.


all good. What I wanted to know is the essence of community voting. If it is to show community strength then I don’t think there is a need to be active but if it is not about favorite project then they need to do something about those who just login and vote. I believe you under the point I am trying to make

Unscrupulous elements on a mission trying to beat the tier system to have exclusive access to forum rights like; trust level 1, ability to post and flood the forum with botted topics and right to vote make the forum dead on arrival but that notwithstanding, that’s just 20% of The engagements here, I’ve seen real contributions and unbiased replies and “stick to the point, problems/solutions” type of replies from members like @ines_valerie @Prince-Onscolo @Nweke-nature1.com @Youngyuppie @maaz @Gordian @Nana66419 etc.

P.S - the forum is far from dead.


As OGs, what can they do to revive the dead forum. You have the community, bring them and let’s revive it together.

Thank you @manfred_jr

This may be my last, we hope things get better. We say it how it is.


As in from my understanding that is the community that is everything to the forum and we need people that are really good and genuine to run things here, thank you


The last weekend before the official announcement. Enjoy the weekend guys!