HackaTRON S6 - It's voting time. Let's go, community!

Maybe this whole hackathon needs to be rethought?! The fact that the Tron DAO has spent almost $5M in prices throughout the seasons but the community hasn’t grown (but actually shrunk) is a pretty clear sign that money wasn’t spent well.

There are in total under 400 voting users! Most of these users are logging in to this forum to support a project they are invested in, hoping that their vote helps them financially.

The hackathons current model doesn’t create any momentum/hype because most teams participating are building long term projects and use the hackathon as a platform to launch a feature or showcase progress. I can honestly not remember a single project that has built buzz through this program?

Maybe it’s time to reflect and think of new ways to grow the Tron community? We need more builders and to educate the broader crypto market on why Tron is relevant and why they should choose it as their chain of choice.

Initially, we chose to keep our statements vague out of respect for all projects building on TRON, while making it clear that we do not tolerate fraudulent votes. However, given the recent accusations questioning the validity of our actions, we feel it is necessary to elaborate further.

Throughout the season, we have given multiple chances to projects when suspicious activities were not overtly obvious. Unfortunately, repeated offenses season after season have forced us to take more stringent measures. These actions were not taken lightly and were based on a pattern of behavior observed over time.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that many other community members, including those from other project teams, have called out your team for suspicious activities. The accounts we deleted were not all non-human users; some were individuals creating multiple accounts solely to spam and vote, which is equally non-legit. Moreover, numerous accounts were constantly spamming low-value responses such as “good luck to all,” “welcome all participants,” and “I like this project,” etc, which contributed to our decision.

To address your concerns specifically:

Votes from S1 to S5 were scrutinized under evolving metrics to enhance fairness. Accounts involved in repeated suspicious behavior were flagged and reviewed thoroughly.

Your team member’s account has been flagged due to a pattern of suspicious activity associated with fraudulent voting behavior. Perhaps you could ask him to reflect on where he might have gone wrong?

Our commitment remains to uphold the highest standards of fairness and integrity. We believe in supporting genuine innovation and community participation, and we urge your team and everyone to join us in maintaining a fair competition environment.


i trust the admin.
it’s even more weird someone dont interact with forum since 8mo ago and suddenly have controversial opinion?

I even told my team to help vote, and most of them unable to vote since forum it’s strict to have lvl 1 and my members are diverse from many countries. we’re all working remotely.
my 3d artists, my mod, my close friend, as well unable to get lv 1 after more than week.

and i don’t mind at all.
being recognised for our effort it’s already a blessing for our team, as our team’s morale really growth from this hackthon.

as cross-chain gameFi STAR-EX try joining multiple hackathons in last multiple weeks. and I must say TRON hackathon is the one that really really push us into the limit.

I personally think, STAR-EX wouldnt need to join s7 as we want other ideas to be flourish here in this hackathon. We’re just grateful this hackathon can be our catalyst to make our project running properly and want to generate our own revenue and won’t forget to help TRON grow further. I’m happy to be the part of this event :slight_smile:

so yeah compared to other hackathons, TRON is much better.


Accountability is the bedrock for sustenance in The TronDao forum, that actually acts as a filter that purifies the botted system. Thanks for your timely intervention cos the term “community participation” was close to turning into a meme.


Thank you for taking action to address the fraudulent votes. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and ensure the integrity of the hackathon. Well done, Tron admins! :clap: Bravo!


I believe it would be most effective to announce the results of the bonus prizes, including the community engagement winners and determination prize winners, on June 28th along with the final winner announcement. This aligns with the approach we took in Season 4,
Here is the link ensuring consistency and fairness. . It ensure that only those projects which have successfully completed their milestones and are live on the mainnet by this date will be eligible for these bonus awards. This not only motivates participants to meet their deadlines but also guarantees that the awards go to fully operational and active projects.

What do you think ? Guys

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Your trust is misplaced. You accidently brought up one of the real issues of this voting session. You experienced how hard it is to reach TL1 to vote, and I’m sure many of your users could not vote for your project due to that. You should know that other projects with better connections to the admins were able to pull strings and have users upgraded to TL1 at the last minute to let them vote. How is this fair @admin.hackathon ? Another proof that some projects are more equal than others.

Are you sure ? Can you name them :eyes: Might be interesting

It was not very hard in the previous season if I remember it correctly.

This is very big accusation imo. Please what makes you say this. Can you provide any details?

Purging votes is still going on btw.

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@HODL I’m looking forward for this too. And I hope everyone can stick to the facts. Imo cheaters should be banned permanently.

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I have direct experience of “very much human” users being deleted. How come you decided to delete the users, taking away from them the chance of speaking, instead of just removing the votes?
It’s easy to say that every removed user is a bot if they cannot reply.

Anyway, I’m wasting time, since no one dares to go against the untouchables. We are one of the few projects that decided to keep building and deliver to our users since 2021, standing by every choice we made, the good and the bad ones. We always completed our milestones in every hackathon, innovating in every edition and we’ll keep doing it, with and without the support of the DAO.

Take care.

I have proof, as it was very plainly stated in a conversation like there was nothing wrong, but I doubt any of the admins will ask me anything about it. You know, some projects can do anything here…

You are probably referring to this one:

The guy’s account was hold 23 days and nobody was replying him.

Meanwhile some projects are proudly from season to season arranging votes to themselves and also other projects deciding who wins and who does not.

It would have been better you would just stayed quiet but now you are just embarrasing youself.

Tell me who arranged win for Tree? How about Astronauts?

Who has been on purpose arranding votes to other projects to push someone else down. Come on man, most of the Tron OGs actually know this but they decided not to voice it out because they are enjoying your votes.

This time I guess TronDAO and some others got already tired to this activity that has been continuing from season to season.

How real does this image look to you. And when this same happens every season and many in the same order. And when bunch of those votes come almost at the same time in batches.


Yep, that is one. You called up Simbad and the problem was solved in 15 minutes. Do you believe that is the same response time other teams/ users are getting? Your users have higher priority apparently. It’s all about this.

I really like you guys, what you do and how you do it, but the arrogance you showed when the unthinkable was maybe happening during the last days of voting, was really disturbing. Finishing 2nd was not acceptable for you. This is wrong.

We don’t have a bot army or fake accounts we can wake up on demand, but I’m getting tired of saying this over and over. We have investors that are ready to help when there is something to do to help the project, same as you. 90% of our users are web 1.0, friends that were brought to crypto by us in 2021 and did not even know what a wallet was, let alone a blockchain. They are not active on TG and they come to the forum when there is something to do (i.e. vote). USTX ecosystem is mainly about passive income they don’t need to be active daily. I can agree that this is not the most interacting community ever, but it’s not against the rules to just vote. Apparently unwritten rules are different from the official ones.

Wow, arrogance?

You are saying that some projects have more power but do you actually understand that you are talking about yourself. Maybe some Tron OGs could also tell here there truth how it has been with you. You have been the one who has been actually having the power to decide who wins and who doesn’t.

I never cared if we would be 2nd or even the last one if it’s a honest game. But when some people are cheating all over again and I am getting DMs from people saying “hahahah look how Luke pushed chicken swap down”. How does that make this contest? It fuck’s it up. Then it just becomes a contest who can cheat better.

And I do no care how it was done tecnically. We all know those are not your community of USTX.

You think we also or some other project couldn’t now get even 1000 votes if we want so? Just hire some clickfarm and it’s done.

I only care about honesty, and everyone who knows me, knows that.

Those people who know how you have been arranging last minute votes on previous seasons can voice it out here if they wish to do so but I won’t waste more of my time with this thing. The justice was served and I hope TronDAO will continue looking at these votes similar way or changing some rules so there would not be any project who can fuck up the game for everyone else.


I think you are victim of too much imagination, you or the people DMing you. I really have no interest in Chickenswap, any interest. Meaning I don’t care, I just did not vote for them, is that a crime? Also you need to explain how could anyone push down a project.

Anyone can see the project I supported in S6, I posted here like many other.users did. Both your project got my vote and many others. Everything has been done openly. Someone is seeing spy plots everywhere, but usually reality is much simpler.

Pushing project down in positions is easy, just vote all projects below that one.

Well tronDAO did deep analysis and checked also IPs and many other things as they said so no reason for me to try to say anything more here. Those who know, knows.

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@admin.hackathon you are 1000% real. I am very happy reading this. Thank you so much. Guys @Youngyuppie @Chukseucharia @manfred_jr Admin has cleared the air. We won’t tolerate political parties voting here.

Let’s all help and get the well deserved projects funds that continue to build and raise Tron/Bttc banner high. Thank you once again.

We love you all, we stand for truth and fair game.


:eyes::eyes::eyes: hmmmmm Time will tell.

Community is power. I just hope that this rule will be spell out in future hackathons. No engagement, no votings. I have tried so many times to make out reasons on why people will be more interested in voting than help in shaping the future of those projects they are voting for. If you can’t test their projects and give feedbacks, how then are you helping the team/project becoming better. Thank you @admin.hackathon for the work you’ve done so far :clap:

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