JustMoney - Building an ecosystem for the next generation of decentralized applications to power Web3

Thank you very much! :muscle:t2:


Cheers, thank you!:muscle:t2:


Thanks for your support!


Nice statistics showing the project’s progress so far. With all the developments you guys have achieved so far, I have a burning question that am hoping will be addressed. What are the team’s marketing strategies? It’s a great achievement that you have an exceptional number of holders with minimal marketing and I believe it’s about time people get to know this gem that is doing some remarkable work on Tron


Very nice organic growth indeed :+1::+1:


Reading through many of the submissions, there seems to be a trend of the most commented, have links or ties back to the Justmoney platform/team. Shows the strength this project has.
Definitely are leaders of development on tron nowadays. Many projects trying to emulate them, but the proof is in the achievements met and exceeded. Cant wait for the next targets to be hit by the JustMoney team!


Hi @moneymoto, that is a very important question, thank you for that and I will answer it in two parts: what we have done so far and what will be done later in terms of marketing.

What we have done so far:

As we are a recent project, we haven’t started big marketing campaigns yet for several reasons. First of all we refused to buy hundreds of bots for our telegram group and to organise massive giveaways/airdrops as we think this might damage the project’s reputation more than anything. Besides, we consider that in regards to the marketing the timing is very important and starting big campaigns too early might affect the efficiency of the campaign.

Instead, we’ve always opted so far for strategies that have the best costs/efficiency ratio:

Focus on building quality products

From day one we have decided to build the best tools and products that we believe were needed by the community and other projects. This approach has definitely worked for us as our name has now travelled around the Tron community and beyond.
Article from Tronspark (Tron SR)
Article from Klever (Tron SR)

Focus on win-win situation

The coin eyes generator is a prime example in terms of marketing. Projects have a way to promote their token asking their community to edit their social medias profile pictures whilst also bringing new traffic to our website. When they do this some will be curious and start to learn about JustMoney by looking around the site which includes a link to our telegram group where they will find a very active community happy to help.
Wink tweet

An other example of win-win situation lays in the multiple listings we have conducted so far. Instead of heavily marketing our own token directly to consumers we have been targeting our marketing efforts to projects so they would list with us and use our products. Each project has its own community and they will automatically bring us users since they will market JustMoney to their communities. As we use 100% of our revenue to buyback and burn some $JM, each new listing brings value to our DEX and, therefore, to our token.

Partnerships development

We have also partnered within other areas of the crypto community, for instance TokenGoodies, an energy marketplace that is using our widget on its website. More partnerships to come soon.
TokenGoodies Energy marketplace


So far, we have participated in 2 AMA’s, one on Nole VIP group (written AMA), and one on Zenith group (voice AMA).

What will be done later:

As stated at the beginning, timing is a crucial factor in order to maximise the costs/efficiency ratio of a marketing campaign.

During Tron and Bittorrent Grand Hackathon 2022, we are going to build and launch our EVM-EVM; EVM-TVM bridges. $JM token will be issued on several blockchains. As we have filed application forms to list our DEX on CMC and CG a few weeks ago, we expect a succession of great news to arrive one after the other. This will then present us with the ideal opportunity to set a big marketing campaign in motion.

We are currently researching different ways to market our token and our exchange to provide us with maximum exposure to the crypto community:

We are already in contact with a community on Tron that organises AMAs and we gathering a list of BSC KOL’s. We will use the traditional channels (telegram, twitter, press release, medium), we are also in contact with a youtuber,…

If someone has other efficient ideas to promote our project, don’t hesitate to dm me on twitter @Fabs_LTSA, or telegram @Fabs_TRX


I just saw the roadmap updates :blush: I’m thrilled about how JustMoney team is advancing every day. Definitely, JustMoney is the WEB3 leader on the TRON ecosystem. Keep it up guys


Best Dex on tron. Great community and team


exciting updated roadmap!
maybe one day JustMoney will become official swap for BTTC who knows :wink:


Justmoney is one of the top projects on Tron currently. The upcoming cross-chain functionality is a game changer to help other projects in the Tron ecosystem gain wider visibility. Strong buy.


this reply deserves to be a single post :wink:


Best exchange for different blockchain projects​:star_struck::star_struck:


You are right. Too many are trying to copy pasta JustMoney team ideas. This team is very innovative and very hardworking. They always deliver what they promise. Personnaly, I have no doubts in my mind that JustMoney will become the number one project on Tron. :medal_sports:


Nice to see this much activity here :slight_smile:


Thank you everybody for those nice comments :pray:t2: Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you have any :+1:t2:


Hi @JustMoney I’m looking for good partners for our project GockeFi have a look and lets discuss some partnership ideas I have some good ones.


Very smooth to use the exchange and the community is helpful especially @fabsltsa :+1:


Thanks a lot for those kind words :pray:t2:


Sure, you can dm me on Telegram @Fabs_trx or on twitter @Fabs_ltsa